Saturday, May 14, 2011

...“anyone who don’t like it…should go back to Europe,”

Fear of an Erudite White

It’s hard to find things to hate about Jared Taylor, and that’s what his enemies seem to hate about him the most.
In a culture where “the racist”—who is always white—has been the most crudely stereotyped stock villain over the past generation, Taylor stubbornly (yet politely) breaks the mold. You can tell he’s a different breed merely by the way he pronounces the word “white”—rather than an illiterate cracker drawl that sounds like “waht,” he ever-so-properly aspirates the “wh” so that it sounds instead like “hwite.”
He’s one erudite white. And they hate that. The foot soldiers of egalitarian thought control would rather that all “racists” range from mildly to severely retarded. But to their preciously inviolable little narrative’s detriment, Taylor is a trilingual Yale grad who has written two books, edited several anthologies, and published the monthly newsletter American Renaissance for two decades. What confounds, perplexes, and infuriates his antagonists is that he’s obviously not stupid, yet he stubbornly refuses to see the world as they do.
Bereft of solid arguments against him, they rely on the crutch of false accusations. He’s been consistently mislabeled a “white supremacist,” an odd moniker for someone who once said, “I think Asians are objectively superior to whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society.”
He gets hammered for being a “fascist,” although he insists he favors unhindered freedom of association, which is a less coercive system than what exists even in modern America, not to mention Nazi Germany (although everyone always has to mention Nazi Germany in these sort of discussions, anyway).

And though he’s always painted as a “hatemonger,” I’ve never seen him huff and puff with genocidal glee at a specific racial demographic’s literal death as that fat little hamster Tim Wise has. In fact, I’ve only witnessed hatred being directed at Jared Taylor. At a scheduled 2007 debate in Halifax, a crew of violent agitators wearing masks—you know, just like the Klan!—forcibly ejected Taylor from the room before the debate started. Anti-racist busybodies were able to shut down the last two American Renaissance conferences merely by engaging in such compassionately humanitarian tactics as phoning in death threats to the hotels where they were to be held. They even show up to hassle him when he holds press conferences about being hassled.
This is not the behavior of intellectuals, but of religious fanatics. Their hysterically censorious actions are not those of people who feel they’ve won the debate, but of those who fear that if their god were held up to the harsh light of logical scrutiny, it might shrivel up and die.
White Identity is Jared Taylor’s first full-length solo opus since 1992’s Paved With Good Intentions and is written in the same dispassionately lean, brick-by brick, Wall of Facts style. He presents his case like a District Attorney, minus the moralistic grandstanding and cheap appeals to emotion.
Taylor notes that by today’s definition of what it has supposedly always meant to be an American, every US president up to JFK would be deemed a virulently hateful white supremacist merely for expressing the sort of group instincts that remain uncontested—even loudly encouraged—among nonwhites to this day. He says American society’s downward slide was greatly enabled by the 1944 publication of Gunnar Myrdal’s landmark sociological tome An American Dilemma, which posited that white racism was the primary (if not sole) cause of black poverty. Nearly ten years later came Gordon Allport’s The Nature of Prejudice, which proposed the idea of “contact theory”—that racial and ethnic tension were caused by a lack of contact among divergent racial groups rather than, say, unwanted, coerced, and persistent contact in cramped quarters while competing for dwindling resources. Armed with the untested and unproved hypotheses that white racism was alone to blame for black underachievement and that lack of contact rather than direct contact led to racial tension, social theorists and their political bedfellows set about to radically transform American demographics.
In one passage Taylor trots out an Orwellian litany of American politicians mouthing nigglingly slight variations on the platitude that “Diversity is our greatest strength,” yet his open challenge for anyone to explain what benefits diversity has brought us beyond a wider selection of restaurants remains unanswered. He presents a devastating case that forced integration has been a titanic failure as well as a direct cause of cultural Balkanization and national decline. In neighborhoods, churches, prisons, and school cafeterias—everywhere that they aren’t forced by law to mingle—the seemingly intractable natural tendency is for ethnic groups to self-segregate.
Taylor cites the work of Finnish researcher Tatu Vanhanen, who posits that ethnically homogenous societies are far less conflict-prone than “diverse” ones, as well as Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, who, against his better wishes, concluded after massive research that individuals in “diverse” societies tend to be less happy, trusting, and far more alienated than those in societies founded on ethnic kinship.
Taylor spends several pages documenting a growing, and almost entirely unreported, violent race war between blacks and Mexicans in California mainly because it resoundingly subverts the fiction that ethnic tension would cease to exist if white racism—or even white people—were removed from the equation.
Taylor argues that the stubborn persistence of ethnocentrism and a tendency to favor those who look like us are the result of deep-rooted natural tribal instincts rather than artificial racist indoctrination. He cites studies where infants favor photos of people who most resemble themselves and where adults, despite decades of exposure to anti-racist propaganda and their own deeply cherished egalitarian beliefs, tend to do the same thing. Blood is apparently not only thicker than water; it’s thicker than everything.
As if the unprecedented social experiment of pouring several dissimilar schools of fish into the same aquarium and pretending they won’t fight over food and territory wasn’t foolhardy enough, Taylor sees special danger in the severely unequal application of cultural taboos regarding racial pride. In the game of Ethnic Musical Chairs, whites are the only group that wound up falling on the floor without a seat:
White racism is commonly alleged to be the great obstacle to harmonious race relations in the United States, but whites are the only group that actually subscribes to the goal of eliminating race consciousness and that actively polices its members for signs of such consciousness….The only occasion on which it is acceptable for whites to speak collectively as whites is to apologize….Some whites have gone well beyond color-blindness and see their race as uniquely guilty and without moral standing….At what point would it be legitimate for whites to act in their own group interests? When they become a minority? When they are no more than 30 percent of the population? Ten percent?...Eventually, whites will come to understand that to dismantle and even demonize white racial consciousness while other races cultivate racial consciousness is a fatal form of unilateral disarmament.
As with his earlier Paved With Good Intentions, Taylor relentlessly documents sickening heaps of hateful and genocidal anti-white rhetoric that in many cases not only goes unpunished but is instead rewarded by politicians. After openly encouraging the rape of white women and the wholesale slitting of white throats, Amiri Baraka was appointed New Jersey’s poet laureate. In the same year that Chicano activist Mario Obledo boasted that California was becoming a Hispanic state and that “anyone who don’t like it…should go back to Europe,” President Bill Clinton awarded him the Medal of Freedom.
The mainstream media is likewise criminally complicit in maintaining such dangerously unsustainable double standards, perhaps most profoundly when it comes to interracial violence. If white youth anywhere in America were doing anything along the lines of “polar bear hunting,” you’d never hear the end of it. But as it stands, you’ve probably never heard of polar bear hunting.
Such howling double standards breed like viruses when dealing with ideology-driven social engineers who somehow see no logical errors in insisting that “race” doesn’t exist but that “racism” exists anywhere where white people aren’t constantly apologizing.
For the time being, the majority of American whites have been terrified into silence by a single word that is wielded like a taser against any Caucasian American who refuses to submit to the program. The word “racist” is used exclusively against whites to immobilize any stirrings of group consciousness. It is swung like a hammer at the skull of any white person who still has the nerve to say they aren’t profoundly ashamed of their own skin.
But if current trends continue and whites slip into despised-minority status as they most certainly will, the game will change. When one’s life choices winnow down between being murdered by an angry dark mob and being called a racist, the word “racist” won’t seem so bad at all. A tipping point will come where group consciousness will seem far less loathsome than group extinction.
The recent rash of hysterical “anti-fascist” reactions against Jared Taylor are emotional rather than logical. So rather than debate him—I’ve yet to see anyone try to engage him in rational discourse whom he didn’t wind up decimating—the order of the day is to dub him a “racist,” silence him, and declare victory.
Good luck with all that while it lasts. Ironically, such cowardly rhetorical tactics and triumphalist ethnic taunting will awaken a sleeping giant. Sooner rather than later, the egalitarian left’s unapologetic bullies will be forced to deal with the big white monster they’ve helped create.

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