Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Food stamp nation

Food Stamp Millionaires

by Ralph Alter
If you have any uncertainty regarding the responsibility for the nearly bankrupt status of the state of Michigan and its cultural and philosophical epicenter, Detroit, take a gander at the state's food stamp program. Sarah Jones at politicususa provides a self-pitying screed suggesting that Michigan governor Snyder is responsible for the fact that some college professors are on food stamps. She provides as an example, Dr. Mike Evans and Kenlea Pebbles, married Central Michigan University professors with two children. The Evans-Pebbles earn a salary of "under $40,000 a year."
Due to the Evans-Pebbles family's poor choice of vocation and inadequate family planning:
Their two children...qualify for reduced price school lunches, MI Child health insurance, and other tax-subsidized services.
One might think that a person capable of earning a doctorate might be able to support himself and his family without leaning on the taxpayers to carry part of his load. Not in Michigan. Just imagine the retirement benefits accruing to this family a decade or so from now.
But you don't have to be a struggling college professor, slaving over student papers 20 hours a week to provide for the kids to get Michigan food stamp freebies. No, the porous safety net established by the liberal hacks that have brought Michigan to the sorry state it's in today doesn't even keep the really big fish from slipping through.
Leroy Fick of Bay County admitted he still swipes his electronic (food stamp) card a year after winning a ($2 million) jackpot on "Make Me Rich," (Michigan's TV lottery show.)
Fick says the Department of Human Services told him he could continue to use the card, which is paid with tax dollars.
One has to wonder at what income level a person no longer qualifies for food-stamp assistance in Michigan. Food stamp nation indeed.

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