Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How the government robs you blind

You Call It Inflation, I Call It TheftManufacturing, 3D Printing and What China Knows About the Emerging American Century

by Bill Flax
On my daughter’s birthday, she received a crisp new $5 bill, which she promptly deposited in her piggy-bank. Never foregoing an opportunity to expound on free market principles, I warned about her susceptibility to a subtle means of theft even more devious than a burglar breaking in at night against whom you might get a clear shot.
Usually, when she asks why it’s, “Because I told you so!” But for inflation, because Washington wills it, that explanation hardly suffices. And as often as economic prognosticators prescribe currency debasement as some miraculous panacea, her question is a good one. Why do we suffer inflation?
I searched online for “benefits of inflation.”
Inflation Spurs Growth – The theory goes something like this: Since savers realize the value of their money will erode, they spend more quickly thus stimulating the economy. If we believe tomorrow brings higher prices, we buy today. Basically, we spend before the monetary authorities steal our money’s value. Hmm.
The proponents of consumption-based stimuli overlook the essentiality of saving. While burying your money in the ground wastes its talents, most save via bank accounts or through the purchase of capital assets. Thus saving makes investment capital available for new businesses hiring new workers and creating new products that sustain and beautify life. The accumulation of capital drives growth.
Inflation discourages saving. Inflation buries capital into the ground as people flee toward real estate as a protective hedge. Inflation stymies growth.
Inflation Decreases Debt Burdens – If we borrow say, $14 trillion and then cheapen our debt through dollar devaluation, the repaid lenders can’t buy as much thanks to diluted dollars being returned to them.  Inflation essentially harms savers for the benefit of borrowers. Every dollar borrowed requires a dollar saved. The economy gains nothing by such mischief.
Generally, borrowers aren’t responsible for this debauchery so it’s not fair to label it theft. In government’s case, dilapidated debts at least rise to the level of fraud. Why does Washington willfully reward the profligate by cheating the prudent? Ah yes, because they exude profligacy.
Inflation Increases Asset Values – As the dollar falls, the price of our assets raises commensurately. Stocks, real estate, etc. surge. That sounds wonderful, but their value increases against what? Since the prices for everything else rise too all we’ve secured is a nominal gain for tax collectors to confiscate. We derive no real benefit.

A stock that cost $20 thirty years ago would need to fetch over $50 today just to match the CPI, understated as it remains.  If it now costs $40, you pay the IRS on the $20 nominal gain even as your stock actually lost value.  Washington thus rewards itself for its own reckless monetary policy. The more they inflate, the more they take.
A similar phenomenon nails your wages. As your salary increases, you pay more taxes even as you can afford less. A two percent raise increases your tax bill two percent, but if prices also rise only the IRS derives any benefit.
Inflation Offsets Unemployment – The Philips Curve, the illusion that increasing inflation decreases unemployment, remains a staple of macroeconomics even as few still publicly acknowledge its role. Bernanke, Geithner et al remain smitten by the Philips Curve.
To succeed, this essentially entails deceiving workers. Since the price of labor, your wage, is less elastic than many other costs, businesses can raise prices quicker than can employees increase their salary demands. As businesses raise prices to cope with inflation, the cost of labor proportionally lowers. Thus, in Keynesian theory, more workers can be hired as inflation dilutes your pay.
Remember this when you hear some self-proclaimed friend of the working man imploring that we accept inflation as a means to expand employment. They peddle pay cuts for workers in real terms versus free marketers who promote wealth generating growth. Growth affords higher living standards for all. Inflation silently erodes living standards.
Inflation Promotes Exports – While few non-economists still accept the Philips Curve, the crowd espousing inflation as a facilitator of exports proves more enduring. Exporters love dollar debasement.
In theory, if the dollar falls then anything priced in dollars becomes cheaper for someone holding say, euros. But the dollar and the euro are merely measuring sticks. The underlying transaction involves trading our goods. Currency is a tool; a ticket of exchange. Currency simplifies trading relative to bartering. You may not want my output, but you definitely want my dollar so that you can acquire what you do want.
For illustrative purposes only, ignoring taxes, regulatory burdens, and transportation costs or differing local tastes, if the dollar equals the euro and it takes a dollar to buy a dozen eggs then it too will take a euro to buy those eggs.  Purchasing price parity.
But as the dollar plummets, a euro is now worth more. Thus it takes more dollars to buy eggs, but it still takes but one euro. Domestic eggs didn’t become cheaper in euros. This isn’t some mysterious or complicated economic theory or even subject to debate. It’s elementary school mathematics: the transitive property. If A equals B and B equals C then A too must equal C. Making A not equal B doesn’t change the value of C.
Markets are not perfect and as well as the arbitragers perform, timing differences remain. Gutting the dollar never makes eggs cheaper in euros other than timing discrepancies, which can make or break producers. Firms whose inputs are denominated in one currency and their outputs in another frequently get jilted.
As the dust settles, things must balance, but if you bought a dozen eggs yesterday in dollars to sell them tomorrow in Euros, the dollar’s lack of certainty promotes intrigue. Inflation wobbles the scale hindering international commerce.
When parties trade of their own volition, by mutual consent and to mutual advantage, both expect to gain and both should, assuming an honest scale. When Washington deliberately engineers a false balance, the likelihood that someone gets harmed rises dramatically. Cheating your trading partners can win the day, but isn’t a successful long term strategy.
Like the Philips Curve, promoting exports by debasing the currency effectively pokes the pendulum. The inflation driven exhilaration proves fleeting as the pendulum swings back like a wrecking ball. Some latch onto the pendulum as it soars higher, but others get whacked as it returns.
Inflation is deceitful and ineffective. It swindles savers, fleeces lenders, pumps taxes higher and triggers malinvestment. It doesn’t reduce unemployment; it whittles away your wage. Nor does inflation promote exports, but it does make international trade more frightening.
If inflation succeeded, it would be merely dishonest. But as history proves, it never works. Neither Bush, nor Obama’s weak dollar policies did anything to alleviate the overblown “trade deficit” and much to undermine growth. There is no evidence that inflation fosters exports or employment.
As Washington plunders the value of our property and expropriates the product of our labor, inflation reduces us to servitude. Debasement is a despicable ploy the government uses to rob you blind. Period.
So what do I tell my children?

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