Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nanny state for all

Gardener ordered to remove plants or face fines
Hannah Russell

By David Hurley

A resident has been ordered by Frankston City Council to tear out plants from a nature strip in front of her home.

Hannah Russell has tended the plants on the nature strip in Seaford Grove, Seaford, for the past 12 years.

Ms Russell, 60, said she had asked the council at the time for permission to brighten up the nature strip and was given an enthusiastic thumbs up.

So she was shocked to receive a letter from the council last month saying she could face a daily $200 fine if she did not remove the plants within 14 days.

Ms Russell has responded by tidying up her front garden and the nature strip, but is refusing to destroy her garden.

"I believe it is a thing of great beauty and it would be a waste to have to destroy it," she said.

"The council has made out it is an eyesore, but it is anything but. It has been a real labour of love."

The council said in its letter to Ms Russell it had no record of her asking for permission to "beautify" the nature strip.

Despite the threat of fines, Frankston chief executive George Modrich said on Friday council had no interest in issuing a fine.

"A standard 'notice to comply' was issued, however, at this stage, council has no interest in fining Ms Russell, as evidenced by the fact that no fine has been issued well beyond July 5," Mr Modrich said.

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