Endless folly of innovation policy
William Watson
Reading yet another report on Canada’s lagging productivity growth, you begin to suspect our problem is we’ve got too many people studying productivity and not enough actually going out there and being productive.
This latest report, by the federal Science, Technology and Innovation Council, is probably the most beautiful productivity report ever produced in Canada, and I don’t say that merely because one of the council’s members is my day-job boss, Heather Munroe-Blum of McGill University. It’s got killer graphics.
It opens with a spectacular two-page spread of someone’s brain synapses, followed by about 60 pages of equally stunning colour charts and tables depicting various indicators of innovation and how Canada is doing at them. There are “business innovation indicators” (where we’re generally not so good, especially on the productivity side), “knowledge development and transfer indicators” (we do pretty well in the production of scientific and academic articles) and “talent indicators” (we have among the world’s best statistics for academic achievement and graduation from post-secondary education).
In sum, it’s all very impressive. The only problem is that it tells essentially the same story that has been told time and again in this country since both the Economic Council of Canada and the Science Council of Canada, both now defunct, started studying productivity and innovation in the 1960s. The graphs and charts were in simple black and white back then, the fonts weren’t as stylish and there weren’t quite as many indicators tracked so consistently by international agencies, but the message was essentially the same: We graduate lots of people from post-secondary education; our students’ test scores are internationally competitive; we spend a lot on research and development by universities and government; we have among the most generous tax subsidies for business R&D — and yet, despite all that, our businesses don’t spend as much on R&D as businesses in other countries do and our productivity is middle-of-the-pack, at best, and seldom as good as in our natural comparator, the United States.
The late, unlamented Science Council concluded that what was needed was nationalist socialism or maybe socialist nationalism. Our basic problem was too many branch plants. Canadian subsidiaries neglected R&D because their corporate bosses in New York, London and Paris decreed that those glamourous high-pay jobs would be done at headquarters, not in the far reaches of their corporate empires. (Multinationals evidently were different then. Now they’re criticized for sending any and all jobs “offshore.”) The federal government therefore needed to succour an independent, Canadian-owned business sector. Given the scale of intervention that would have been required, it wasn’t on even for the interventionist 1970s, but we did muck around with various federal holding companies and industrial strategies, with no apparent effect on productivity or growth.
Today’s Science, Innovation and Technology Council is nowhere near so bold. In fact, it doesn’t really offer firm policy suggestions, other than essentially pointless exhortations that the private sector do more to boost our R&D statistics, partly by undertaking more collaboration with universities. Pointless because, though the new behavioural economics suggests humans respond to a multiplicity of motivations, you’ve got to think that primary among them for business are the economic incentives they face. If businesses aren’t doing “enough R&D,” it must be because — for some reason or other, and possibly many different reasons, depending on the industry and the context — the incentives aren’t there. (Whether greater collaboration with business would be good for the universities is a question the council doesn’t address.)
Though it avoids the grossest folly of its institutional forebear, the Science, Innovation and Technology Council nevertheless hints at useful changes in policy direction. It notes we are number one in the OECD for providing indirect (i.e., tax) incentives for business R&D, but we are much further down the list for direct assistance to business. That raises the question: Who sets the research priorities? The minister of finance, the minister of industry? In a country like ours, you can be sure the priorities would be as regionally balanced as the stylish sidebars adorning the council’s report that tell the story of individual Canadian research successes — except, of course, for a tilt toward Muskoka.
There is also the subtle instrumentalist bias, hardly surprising in a report by scientists and entrepreneurs, who are accustomed to problem-solving in the lab and the marketplace, that with sufficient study we will eventually understand the process of innovation and so will be able to push and pull the right policy buttons and levers and see our productivity and innovation problems finally disappear.
But societies are much more, as you might say, complex and non-linear than even the most complex and non-linear lab or business problem. And innovation can take many routes and may require different approaches in the next decade than it did in the last. Attempts to manage this process would, as Adam Smith wrote, “nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.”
My own hunch is that you get successful innovation when obsessive people can make lots of money doing it and be celebrated for their success. We’re still some ways from that in Canada. Most of the often very bright undergraduates I talk to don’t tell me their plans for their lives, but most that do tell want to work for NGOs and save the world. Good for them! Good for the NGOs and the world! But not so good, I suspect, for Canadian innovation and productivity.
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