Roots of Terror
by James Ostrowski
Can the laboratory of communism also
shed light on the viability of a related political philosophy, which also relies
on centralized governmental coercion to achieve its goals: modern liberalism?
The communists did all at once what stealthy left-liberals apparently intend to
do piece by piece while we sleep. We just lived through a century in which
liberals enacted several recommendations of the Communist Manifesto and
transformed a night-watchman state into a welfare/warfare state with a
continual flow of "progressive" legislation and various
"Democrat wars" and crusades with the result that no one in my law
school class in 1983 could identify, in response to Professor Henry Mark
Holzer's query, any aspect of life that was not in some way regulated or
controlled by the state. Seventeen years later, are they through?
If you think I exaggerate, consider
that liberals and communists share five critical premises: egalitarianism,
utopianism (the use of impossible "ideals" as a guide to policy), the
efficacy of force in accomplishing positive goals, hostility to civil society
(nonstate institutions, e.g., Boy Scouts, private schools), and the
individual's inability to govern himself.
In light of the recent attempted
coup d'élection, I am tempted to add a sixth similarity — willingness to win
political fights at all costs. Further evidence of some basic affinity between
communism and modern liberalism is the latter's frequent coverups and apologies
for the former. Finally, communists and liberals share a tendency to expressly support
"mass democracy" while they in practice concentrate power in
secretive elite bodies such as politburos and appellate courts.
The Black Book
In that spirit of fascination with
the enemy, I recently read The Black Book of Communism, a clinical and relentless
dissection of the crimes of communism in the 20th century — defined by
"the natural laws of humanity" — written by several ex–fellow
travelers led by Stephane Courtois.
One wonders, after reading this
book, whether political power actually grows out of the depraved minds of
solipsistic, megalomaniacs like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. It seems that if you
hypnotize yourself into discarding all known ethics and morality, and are
willing to use any and all ruthless means to achieve power, then you can have
it. A Bolshevik newspaper wrote in 1919, "Our morality has no precedent …
everything is permitted … Let blood flow like water." And it did.
The Rap Sheet
When Khrushchev said, "We will
bury you," he meant it. Communists buried 85 million people in the 20th
century, give or take the number of people who live in New York State. What is
really interesting, however, is not the sheer number of victims. After all, as
Stalin said, "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a
statistic." And what a statistician Stalin proved to be.
Communists were not merely satisfied
with manufacturing ghosts; they wanted to teach their class enemies a lesson or
two first. It is not clear what that lesson was since, according to Marxist
doctrine, capitalists' capitalist ideas are strictly determined by their
relationship to "the means of production." I suppose the answer to
that quibble is that the communists' hatred of the bourgeoisie was also a
class-determined fact beyond their control. There was no time for arcane
debates, however; there was only politically incorrect flesh to be fried,
Leaving aside being forced to read
all three volumes of Das Kapital, the communists' means of torture included
partial asphyxiation, burning with red hot irons, confinement in tiny cells
without plumbing, systematic rape and forced prostitution of "bourgeois
women," mock execution, beatings, near starvation, being forced to eat the
flesh of recently executed family members, forced marches, electric shocks,
kneeling on broken glass, being manacled in tight handcuffs, hanging by the
wrists or thumbs, and prolonged sleep deprivation leading to madness.
Cannibalism, while not strictly speaking a form of torture, was also a common
occurrence in communist countries due to their felonious collectivization of agriculture
and resulting famine. The things communists did to priests and seminarians were
so despicable that I cannot bear to describe them.
When communists were not destroying
individual persons, they were busy destroying individual personality. They made
heavy use of concentration camps and transported prisoners there in cattle
trucks (sound familiar?). Prisoners were deprived of all privacy and were
forced to confess their innermost thoughts. Spies were everywhere. No one could
be trusted. There was only the "brutish imposition of a heavy-handed
ideology" and the "permanent saturation with the message of
orthodoxy." The result was an "abdication of the personality."
To rationalize their mass murder and
torture, the communists first used the technique usually associated with the
National Socialists — rhetorically dehumanizing their enemies. The communists
exhorted their thugs to "shoot them like dogs," and referred to the
bourgeoisie as "vultures," "pygmies," "foxes,"
"lice," "insects," and "pigs."
Thus, communism meant mass murder;
mass famine; mass torture, physical and psychological; dehumanization; and
widespread cannibalism. With that kind of record, we can say about the death of
communism what Pol Pot's troops said to those about to experience death by
communism: "Losing you is not a loss, and keeping you is no specific
gain." Lenin said, "The cruelty of our lives, imposed by
circumstances, will be understood and pardoned." Not!
There Was Good Stuff Too
Don't get me wrong. Not all was bad
under communism. There were elements of life under the dictatorship of the
proletariat that would appeal to today's liberals and conservatives.
Left-liberals, who on economic issues favor a dictatorship of the majority,
would have been happy with socialized medicine, communal day care, and the
total abolition of private firearms. Lenin, in a cautiously worded policy
analysis, recommended "immediate execution for anyone caught in possession
of a firearm." He understood that "gun control" means the
control that an armed citizenry has over a tyrannical government. The
Bolsheviks systematically disarmed the peasants before systematically starving
millions of them to death. Peasant pitchforks proved no match for Bolshevik
machine guns.
Liberals also would have been ecstatic
over the enshrinement of their moronic slogan "People over Profits"
by the communists. There was not a capitalist profit to be made in communist
countries, other than a few rubles for waiting in line to buy toilet paper for
a comrade. Communists knew, perhaps instinctively, that all human action, not
just capitalist action, is profit-seeking behavior. That is, all human action
aims at achieving satisfaction from the attainment of goals more highly valued
than the resources expended to attain them. Thus, the only way to stop people
from putting "profits over people," was to murder them en masse.
However, since the communist thugs' murderous behavior was itself profit
seeking, they logically erred by neglecting to commit suicide.
A certain type of conservative would
have approved of the communist legal system. There were no lawyers to speak of,
except in graveyards: no criminal lawyers "getting people off"; no
"ambulance chasers"; and no namby-pamby civil-rights lawyers filing
suits over prison conditions. Habeas was a corpse. Communist prison reform
consisted of cleaning out the raw sewage from tiny prison cells at least one a
month. Knee-jerk lawyer-bashing conservatives would have loved it there — right
up until the moment when government agents broke down their doors in the middle
of the night, arrested them for some imaginary crime, locked them up, and
tortured them until they not only confessed to the imaginary crime but asked
for forgiveness and literally thanked the government for prosecuting them, minutes
before they were taken out, without appeal, put up against the nearest wall,
shot, and buried in an anonymous grave — while their families were sent a bill
for the bullets.
Under communism, "People were
not arrested because they were guilty; they were guilty because they were
arrested." Stalin eloquently expressed his own philosophy of criminal
procedure when he commented about a tiresome lackey recently executed,
"The old fellow couldn't prove his innocence." Instead of the right
to remain silent, interrogations lasted as long as 3,000 hours. Rule of thumb:
any country that kills people to use them as fertilizer probably has no
I Did Not Know That
I knew that the communists killed
millions. There were surprises in the book, however. In the winter of 1939–40,
many Polish Jews fled east to escape the advancing German army. They ran into
the heroic Red Army, which five years later would boast of liberating the Jews
from concentration camps. The Red Army greeted the fleeing Jews with bayonets and
machine-gun fire. Many Jews returned to the German sector. Ultimately, 400,000
Polish Jews who ended up in Soviet-controlled territory died during
deportation, brutal concentration camp life, and forced labor.
Ideas Have Consequences
The Black Book of Communism is a
brilliant description of the crimes of communism. Its concluding chapter,
written by Courtois, which attempts to explain "Why?" faces a more
difficult challenge. The "why?" will perhaps never be fully
understood. Courtois points to a number of factors, many of which are related
to the philosophical similarities between communists and left-liberals
previously discussed.
The inability of the individual to
govern himself without coercive direction from the state. Courtois locates the
genesis of Leninist terror in the French Revolution. Robespierre ruled by fear
and terror because the people "were not yet pure enough" to grasp the
wisdom of the revolution. All left-wing thought is premised on the individual's
inherent inability, intellectually and morally, to function without continual
direction from the state.
Elitism. Of course, if people are
incapable of successful living without external guidance, that implies the need
for a small elite, the "moral guardians of society" — Courtois's
words describing the Bolsheviks' self-image — to give them their marching orders.
Utopianism. This concept is critical
to understanding the crimes of communism. Utopians posit some imagined,
allegedly ideal state of affairs, which, not being grounded in human nature and
the human condition, cannot be achieved. Yet, it must be achieved, and since it
is the ultimate moral value, any and all means necessary to achieve this ideal
are sanctioned. As Courtois writes,
the real motivation for the terror … stemmed from … the utopian will to apply to society a doctrine totally out of step with reality. … In a desperate attempt to hold onto power, the Bolsheviks made terror an everyday part of their policies, seeking to remodel society in the image of their theory, and to silence those who, either through their actions or their very social, economic, or intellectual existence, pointed to the gaping holes in the theory. … Marxism-Leninism deified the system itself, so that categories and abstractions were far more important than any human reality.
Egalitarianism. The primary targets
of communism were persons of accomplishment: businessmen, successful farmers,
intellectuals, and priests. It was easy to harness the natural envy of the
masses toward their betters, particularly when this age-old envy was dressed up
in utopian and moralistic terms.
The efficacy of force. Naturally, at
the heart of Leninism was a fervent belief in the use of force and violence.
Society can be improved by killing, starving, torturing and generalized terror.
Trotsky said it best: "only force can be the deciding factor … Whoever
aims at the end cannot reject the means."
Violence begets violence. Courtois
deems it significant that communism first emerged from the wreckage of World
War I. The war "to make the world safe for democracy" made it safe
for a murderous communist dictatorship in Russia. The senseless violence of the
war habituated the Russian people to the senseless violence of Leninism and
Stalinism. Later communist regimes were nurtured in the womb of other senseless
wars. Courtois quotes Martin Malia:
crime begets crime, and violence violence, until the first crime in the chain, the original sin of the genus, is expiated through accumulated suffering… it was the blood of August 1914, acting like some curse of the Atreidae on the house of modern Europe, that generated the chain of international and social violence that has dominated the modern age.
None of these factors, however, can
fully explain why a human being would throw another human being into a blast
furnace. In the end, we are left with the words of Maksim Gorky: "What are
the roots of human cruelty? I have thought much about this and I still do not
understand it in the slightest."
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