Saturday, September 10, 2011

Disabling supermen

No fate is more horrible than falling prey to parasites
by Moonbat 
Our political system of bureaucratically micromanaged parasitism leaves most of us much poorer than we would be were this still a free country, but for some of us it has been working fine — Aaron Marjala, for example:
Aaron Marjala completed the 2010 Madison Ironman triathlon in 12 hours, 24 minutes. But according to the state of Wisconsin, he is not fit for duty.
“I can’t raise a ladder. There’s stuff I can’t do. I have minor limitations, but it doesn’t stop me from getting out and enjoying stuff like this,” said Marjala.Marjala has completed at least seven marathons and one triathlon — all after the state declared him to be “permanently disabled” from performing his duties as a North Shore firefighter.
Marjala achieved the prized status of “permanently disabled” by bumping his elbow on a counter at the firehouse. At the age of 28, he began collecting the free money he is “entitled” to for the rest of his life. He rakes in over $50,000 tax free, and receives nearly $20,000 worth of health insurance without paying a dime. He is not required to go through the hassle of annual medical checkups to confirm that he still suffers from the alleged numbness in his pinky that supposedly makes him worth so much to the rest of society.
In a single sickening story we see why some people will always vote for Democrats, why the government will never have enough money, and why our civilization is doomed if it doesn’t reverse course sharply.

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