Security IS a Pyramid Scheme

Mark Perry
the Social Security system a Ponzi scheme? Texas Governor Rick Perry says Yes,
and calls it a "monstrous lie for younger people." Cato
Institute's Michael Tanner says Perry was being too
kind, and writes: "As with Ponzi’s
scheme, when the number of new contributors dries up, it will become impossible
to continue to pay the promised benefits." Boston Globe columnist Jeff
Jacoby says that's not the point,
and points out that "Ponzi schemes are intended to defraud; Social
Security was designed to be a social safety net for the old."
debate will continue, but the facts in the graph above are crystal clear: the
number of active workers per Social Security recipient is declining, and will
continue to decline, and the Social Security system is clearly
unsustainable. Whether Social Security technically meets the technical
definition of being a Ponzi scheme is less important than the fact that the
current system has become a Pyramid scheme as the population ages.
We will eventually run out of money from active workers, and money from the
"trust fund," to pay for the unfunded liabilities due to Social
Security recipients.
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