Greece’s Risk of Default Increases to 98% as European
Debt Crisis Deepens
By Abigail
Moses - Sep 12, 2011, Bloomberg
Greece’s chance of default in
the next five years has soared to 98 percent as Prime Minister George
Papandreou fails
to reassure international investors that his country can survive the
euro-region crisis.
It now costs a record $5.8
million upfront and $100,000 annually to insure $10 million of Greek debt for
five years using credit-default swaps, up from $5.5 million in advance Sept. 9,
according to CMA.
Papandreou’s promises to
adhere to deficit targets that are conditions of the European Union and
International Monetary Fund’s bailout were undermined by data showing Greece’s
budget gap widened 22 percent in the first eight months of the year. The
nation’s two-year note yield climbed toward 70 percent, while its stock market
has plummeted by a third in the past seven weeks.
The default probability for Greece is based on a standard pricing model that
assumes investors would recover 40 percent of the bonds’ face value were Greece
to fail to meet its obligations.
The nation’s government now
expects the economy to shrink more than 5 percent this year, more than the 3.8
percent forecast by the European Commission, as austerity measures deepen a
three-year recession. The euro slipped to its lowest level against the yen
since 2001 amid concern about the future of the 17-bloc region.
The risk of contagion beyond
Greece pushed sovereign credit-default swap prices to record highs across the
euro region. European bank debt risk also rose to the highest ever amid
speculation French lenders will be downgraded because of their holdings of
Greek bonds.
The Markit iTraxx SovX Western
Europe Index of credit- default swaps on 15 governments soared 18 basis points
to a record 354. The Markit iTraxx Financial Index linked to senior debt of 25
banks and insurers increased 14 basis points to 314 and the subordinated index
jumped 15 to 550, both the highest ever, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.
“The contagion impact of a
default will be severe, because next in the firing line will be Italy, Spain and it will take in the whole of the European
banking sector too,” Suki
a strategist at Societe Generale SA in London, wrote in a note. “This trio are
already under intense pressure, but it will get much worse.”
Credit-default swaps on
Portugal, Italy and France surged to records, according to CMA, which is
owned by CME Group Inc. and compiles prices quoted by dealers in the privately
negotiated market. Portugal jumped 79 basis points to 1,213, Italy rose 40
basis points to 503 and France was up 11 at 189.
The euro weakened as much as 2
percent to 103.90 yen, the lowest level since June 2001. The common currency
dropped 0.4 percent to $1.3600.
The ASE Index of Greek stocks
fell 4.4 percent to 847.48, from 1,286 on July 22. Greece’s two-year note
yields jumped more than 12 percentage points to a euro-era record 69.551
percent, after climbing 9.8 percentage points last week.
Chancellor Angela
government is debating how to support German banks should Greece fail to meet
budget-cutting terms of its rescue package, three coalition officials said
Sept. 9. Credit-default swaps on BNP Paribas SA, Societe Generale SA and Credit
Agricole SA,
France’s largest banks, surged to all-time highs on bets they’ll have their
ratings cut by Moody’s Investors Service this week.
Swaps on SocGen were 53 basis
points higher at 443, Credit Agricole increased 41 to 331 and BNP Paribas rose
31 basis points to 306, according to CMA.
Moody’s placed the three
banks’ ratings on review in June to examine “the potential for inconsistency
between the impact of a possible Greek default or restructuring and current
rating levels,” the rating company said at the time. Downgrades are likely as
the review period concludes, said the people with knowledge of the matter, who
declined to be identified because the information is confidential.
The cost of insuring corporate
debt rose to the highest levels in 2 1/2 years, according to JPMorgan. The
Markit iTraxx Europe Index of 125 companies with investment-grade ratings was
up 6.5 basis points at 198.5 after rising to as high as 204.
Contracts on the Markit iTraxx
Crossover Index of 40 companies with mostly high-yield credit ratings climbed
22.5 basis points to 797.5 after earlier touching 811.5, the highest since May
2009. An increase signals worsening perceptions of credit
A basis point on a
credit-default swap protecting 10 million euros ($13.7 million) of debt from
default for five years is equivalent to 1,000 euros a year. Swaps pay the buyer
face value in exchange for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent
should a borrower fail to adhere to its debt agreements.
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