Obama’s Middle East Is in Tatters
By Martin Peretz
It is not actually his region.
Still, with the arrogance that is so characteristic of his behavior in matters
he knows little about (which is a lot of matters), he entered the region as if
in a triumphal march. But it wasn’t the power and sway of America that he was
representing in Turkey and in Egypt. For the fact is that he has not much
respect for these representations of the United States. In the mind of
President Obama, in fact, these are what have wreaked havoc with our country’s
standing in the world. So what—or, rather, who—does he exemplify in his
contacts with foreign countries and their leaders? His exultancy gives the answer
away. It is he himself, lui-mème. Alas, he is a president disconnected from his
nation, without enthusiasts for his style, without loyalists to his policies,
without a true friend unless that’s what you can call his top aide de
camp,Valerie Jarrett, which probably you can. Obama is lucky, but it’s the only
luck he has, that there are nutsy Republican enemies who aspire to his job.
Maybe Rick Perry can save him from … well, yes, himself. I wouldn’t take bets
on that, though.
Obama’s first personal excursions
into the Middle East as president were to Turkey and Egypt. Recep Tayyip
Erdogan welcomed his visit. Indeed, the president’s journey set the framework
for the Ottomanization of modern Turkey’s foreign policy. The 1923 Treaty of
Lausanne formally abrogated the empire’s previous rights in North Africa, these
being the rights it had lost in the First World War. From then on, the country
was content to make trouble only for the Kurds across its borders and for
Greece. A member of NATO, with more than 600,000 troops under arms (omitting
more than half a million reservists and paramilitary), it certainly played a
role in deflecting Soviet ambitions in the Mediterranean. Now, with the Russian
threat (temporarily?) deferred, the military still faces minor annoyance from
Georgia, Armenia, Iraq. But since Obama communed with Erdogan—by all accounts,
it was love at first sight—the prime minister has been taking on new projects.
Only in the last days has he made what can reasonably be called a conqueror’s
march through Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia, evoking the old empire’s rule in North
Africa not so long ago.
After all, let’s face it: Egypt is
simply spent. Erdogan can seduce it with a speech or two. Yet it does have
up-to-date military equipment. But, if it were tempted by war with Israel,
Jerusalem would not give it the respectful pity that it gave Cairo’s Third Army
38 years ago. The Egyptian military has lost control of the Sinai to the
Bedouins, even though Israel has already permitted thousands of Egyptian regulars,
contravening specific prohibitions of the bilateral 1979 peace treaty, to
re-enter the peninsula with heavy military equipment. For far into the future,
I would assume. So what about the construction of Egypt in political, judicial,
and economic terms? I’d give you heavy odds that in a decade or even two the
political system will still be as undemocratic and corrupt as it has been since
the comic and corpulent King Farouk reigned. By the way, it was the CIA’s
Middle East head spook who initiated the coup that dispatched the monarch and
his family to Italy and then to Monaco where he joined other deposed royals in
the sedentary life. After Farouk came the reign of the colonels, a model
favored by Allen Dulles whose wisdom spooked the region ever since. The courts
will be fair when hell freezes over which, given global warning, is not at all
likely. And the economy? My, my: With the desertification of the land, the high
birth rate, and the functional illiteracy of most of the population, do not
believe that anything will change quickly or, for that matter, anything much
will change at all.
Were it not for Libyan oil, no
country would have been tempted to intervene on “the shores of Tripoli” again.
Even with its oil and with NATO intervention, the outcome of the civil war will
not be as clear as folks like me had hoped or as decisive as the huge claque of
always optimistic Arabisants have already concluded. Tout va bien. (Speaking of
other Arabisants—without Arabic, incidentally—I wonder what my sort-of Harvard
colleagues Stephen Walt and Joseph Nye now have to say about their notable
protege Saif al-Qaddafi. Indeed, Walt has written against targeted killing by
the alliance in Libya, doubtless making a pitch to save Saif’s ass. Yet the
Kennedy School professor doesn’t seem nearly as interested in the random
killings of Jews by Palestinians and other Arabs.) Under Qaddafi, Libya set its
sights southward, trying to become a major force in sub-Saharan Africa. African
leaders took the country’s petrodollars and gave Qaddafi the preposterous
titles he required for his self-respect. He did become a comrade of Robert
Mugabe and other gangster politicians, and even Nelson Mandela, yes, the
sainted Nelson Mandela, has stood by him through thick and thin. But this augurs
nothing special for the future of Libya. On the other hand, Erdogan’s stage
show in Tripoli does put Turkey at the top of the list to dominate the crazy
tyrant’s family business in oil.
All of this is in no way real big
potatoes for Erdogan. But he surely required a build-up by someone at the top
to pull off even this relatively modest adventure. That top guy was Barack
Obama. And I suspect that the president is not surprised by the malevolently
cranky despot’s success in l’Afrique du nord. The real query is whether Obama
is at all startled by Erdogan’s seriously consequential mischief against
Israel. I am not reporting. But I can well imagine the president of the U.S.
and the prime minister of Turkey having a good chat about the troubles the
Netanyahu government brings to the area where Islam is the dominant mode of
thought, the dominant way of life, and the dominant religion. If such a
conversation took place it was surely at Obama’s initiative. He was the one
whose conscience burned for the question of Palestine.
As it happens, Erdogan had never
shown much empathy for the trials of his Palestinian fellow-faithful. The
contrary is true. The posture of his country for decades was that it and Israel
would through their dominance on the military scene pacify the neighborhood.
Israel considered Turkey a buffer against Muslim millenarianism. To Turkey,
Israel was a vital trade partner, a technocratic mentor, an ace in the hole
against Islamic fanaticism which surged all around it, most significantly in
Iraq and Iran. But Erdogan had raised the passions of Turkey’s own ummah in his
movement’s political conflict with both of his enemies, civil society and the
military. Trying to use religious extremism also made him captive of its fanatics.
The instrument of this mobilization
was mounting a campaign against the Jewish state. There were gradual lead-ups
to the confrontation between the Israeli military and a noxious combo of the
Free Gaza Movement (a Hamas affiliate) and the International Foundation for
Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief. But the IHH, shorthand for
this flatulently named and militantly hostile agit-prop group, had no other
object than to get the IDF to fire on its flotilla. As it happens, even an
independent UN investigation found this spring that Israel’s intercession was
entirely legal, if a bit too eager. Still, Erdogan has clutched on to the cause
and he won’t let it go. He gave a hardline speech to the Arab League in support
of the Palestinian campaign to get the UN to recognize and give credentials to
the phantom state. Ankara is now fully enlisted in the PA’s effort to
substitute an insubstantial resolution sanctioning a “state” for a real
transaction setting one up with the intricate and, indeed, cumbersome
provisions that alone might end a century-old war.
Now, even the Obama administration
is hostile to this effort. Some of the team, especially Dennis Ross and our
ambassador in Israel, Daniel Shapiro, have followed this saga for decades. It
realizes that this is not the first time that the Palestinians have declared
statehood. In fact, 124 of the 193 governments represented at the United
Nations already have recognized the State of Palestine. Presumably, the
Palestinian Authority has dispatched ambassadors to some of these countries,
although I don’t know with what activities they fill their time. No doubt,
also, a good number of these recognizing states send their ambassadors to
wherever the State of Palestine really is. Which actually is nowhere. Or maybe
Ramallah where it would be quite an adventure for a young diplomat to serve.
Jeffrey Goldberg has just published a piece in Bloomberg Businessweek arguing
that “Palestine May Win a Vote, But Won’t Be a State.” That’s the way I see it
I wish there would be a Palestinian
state, not because there is actually a real Palestinian people. I’m not
persuaded of that. And, of course, I don’t think that there is a Nigerian
people which is why, when younger, I was an active supporter of Biafra, the
would-be Ibo state, squashed by an indifferent world in behalf of the
territorial integrity of, yes, Nigeria which is breaking apart before our eyes,
in part because of the machinations of Muslim extremism. The world will some
day have to come to grips with the fact that most governments are not really
representative of their peoples. The whole notion of a country’s UN membership
being a certificate of legitimacy is morally corrupt. UN membership is an
admission ticket to the expensive blandishments of New York.
So I want a Palestine because I want
Israelis not to have to burden themselves with an internal population that has
neither the coherence of a nation nor a tradition of democratic norms.
President Obama is enamored of the current Palestinian narrative, as false as
it is self-pitying. This is a simple narrative and an over-simple projection
into the future. It assumes that a 1949 map of the cease-fire lines—yes, of
course, with appropriate but tiny land exchanges—will assure the peace. I do
not think it assures anything except that Israel would be deflected from the
art and science of building an ever freer society, a chore—if you’ll forgive
me—it has shown some talents in doing. I do not know Obama’s head. Maybe nobody
does. But his fervent and fervid clamoring for a simple Israeli route to an
independent Palestine misled no people so much as the Palestinians. When he
retreated from his formulae, which the PA assumed he could impose on Israel,
they were already on an independence high. His somber entreaties could not
bring them back to any semblance of reality.
This conundrum of a non-negotiated
state for the Palestinians appeals to the ardent déclarateurs. It ignores the
fact that free and responsible politics has never been a habit in the Arab
world. Read me right: never. There is nothing in Palestinian history to have
made the Arabs of Palestine an exception to this stubborn commonplace now being
played out again in virtually every country in the region. A commitment is
never a commitment. A border is never a border. A peace is never long-lasting.
Turkey has now added its serious mischief to the scenario. Erdogan himself will
now unravel Cairo’s peace with Jerusalem, as Erdogan has already locked the PA
into phantom international politics.
Poor Barack Obama. His adoring view
of Erdogan has stimulated the Turkish regime to be a force not for stability in
Cairo or reason in Ramallah. What’s more, Obama’s Palestinian initiatives have
all collapsed. But the most striking collapse of his Arab politics has been in
Syria where he posited that there were sensible and dependable men with whom
Israel could make peace. Of course, that would entail giving up the Golan
Heights (which are not the Great Plains) to Dr. Assad. The administration
courted the family tyranny and its epigones. Responsible, reasonable, reserved.
Two smart-assed Jewish boys were dispatched to play computer games with the
Damascus elite. They were also enthused by the possibilities. I know that none
of these people pulled the triggers on any of the thousands who are now dead.
They just encouraged the clan to think they will get away with murder forever.
The fact that Obama so thoroughly
misunderstands the Middle East, so thoroughly also misunderstands militant
Islam, has blotted out for both the Arabs and the Israelis the bona fides of
the official American intermediaries. It is not simply that some of them are
biased, a bit to Israel, a much larger cohort to the victim mentality of the
Palestinians and to the oil deposits of other Arabs. It is that this
administration has been stupid about the whole region and entranced with the
Palestinian narrative which is, to be utterly brash but candid, nearly wholly
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