Lincoln and Roosevelt
by John V. Denson
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., a
well-known American "court historian," has written the definitive
defenses for both Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt regarding their
reprehensible behavior in causing their respective unnecessary American wars.
He clearly documents the unconstitutional behavior of both and offers great
praise for the same. He attempts to justify the actions of both presidents on
grounds that they were acting during a "crisis" pertaining to the
"survival of the American government," and that their
unconstitutional actions were thereby made "necessary." Schlesinger
has stated that "Next to the Civil War, World War II was the greatest
crisis in American history."[1] His defense of these two
"great" presidents is as follows:
Roosevelt in 1941, like
Lincoln in 1861, did what he did under what appeared to be apopular demand and a public necessity. Both presidents took their actions in
light of day and to the accompaniment of uninhibited political debate.
They did what they thought they had to do to save the republic.
They threw themselves in the end on the justice of the country and the
rectitude of their motives. Whatever Lincoln and Roosevelt felt compelled to do
under the pressure of crisis did not corrupt their essential commitment to
constitutional ways and democratic processes.[2]
Schlesinger, however,
recognizes the terrible precedents that were created by these presidents'
violations of the clear constitutional restrictions on their office:
Yet the danger persists that power asserted during authentic emergencies may create precedents for transcendent executive power during emergencies that exist only in the hallucinations of the Oval Office and that remain invisible to most of the nation. The perennial question is: How to distinguish real crises threatening the life of the republic from bad dreams conjured up by paranoid presidents spurred on by paranoid advisers? Necessity as Milton said, is always "the tyrant's plea."[3]
Let us add to John Milton's
statement a more specific warning by William Pitt in his speech to the House of
Commons on November 18, 1783: "Necessity is the plea for every
infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants."[4]
Finally, it is instructive to
compare the circumstances for Lincoln at Fort Sumter with those for Roosevelt
at Pearl Harbor. In neither case was there an actual "surprise"
attack by the enemy. In fact, there was an extended period of time, many months
prior to the "first shot," in which both Lincoln and Roosevelt had
ample opportunity to attempt to negotiate with the alleged "enemy,"
who was desperately trying to reach a peaceful settlement.
In both cases, the presidents
refused to negotiate in good faith. Lincoln sent completely false and
conflicting statements to the Confederates and to Congress — even refused to
talk with the Confederate commissioners. Roosevelt also refused to talk with
Japanese Prime Minister Konoye, a refusal that brought down the moderate,
peace-seeking Konoye government and caused the rise of the militant Tojo
regime. Both Lincoln and Roosevelt repeatedly lied to the American people and
to Congress about what they were doing while they were secretly provoking the "enemy"
to fire the first shot in their respective wars. Both intentionally subjected
their respective armed forces to being bait to get the enemy to fire the first
Also, a comparison of circumstances clearly shows that both Lincoln and Roosevelt had ample opportunity to present their arguments and the question of war to Congress as the Constitution clearly required them to do. In fact, Congress in both cases was desperately trying to find out what the presidents were doing, and in both cases the presidents were hiding evidence from them. In Lincoln's case, Congress probably would not have declared war for either the real reasons Lincoln went to war or for those he used only for propaganda. Similarly, Roosevelt could have presented the question of war to Congress and attempted to persuade Congress and the American people that we needed to join Soviet Russia and Great Britain to fight tyranny in Germany.
This might have been
embarrassing to the Roosevelt administration in light of the fact that Congress
may not have wanted to declare war and join with Soviet Russia, which was
already one of the greatest tyrannies the world had ever known, while Germany
was Russia's main enemy. A majority in Congress surely were aware of the
dangers of Communism, while Roosevelt never seemed to grasp the total evil of
Stalin or Communism. Roosevelt gave Stalin everything he wanted throughout the
war and referred to this mass murderer as "Uncle Joe." The wartime
conferences at Teheran and Yalta clearly demonstrated Roosevelt's complete and
secret capitulation to Communism in Russia and China.[5]
Before World War II started in
Europe in 1939, it was widely known that Stalin had already murdered more than
ten million innocent, unarmed people, three million of whom were Russian
peasants he killed between 1928 and 1935. Communism believed that private
property was the main source of evil in the world, and therefore he took the
privately owned land from these self-sufficient people.[6]
Also, in the period from 1936
through 1938, Stalin murdered millions more during his reign of terror after
the "show trials," purging from the Communist Party those he thought
were disloyal.[7] Hitler, on the other
hand, before 1939, and primarily from June to July 1934, had murdered fewer
than one hundred in his purge of the Storm Troopers.[8] This is not to defend
Hitler, or to deny that he was evil, but a comparison of these two murderers
and tyrants (as Stalin and Hitler were known in the period from 1939 to 1941),
shows that Roosevelt could hardly have asked Congress to declare war and to
join with Stalin and Communism yet still argue that he was fighting a noble war
against tyranny.
Private Enterprise Compared
with Free Enterprise
Another interesting comparison
of the situations affecting the decisions of Lincoln and Roosevelt is that
economic interests of an elite few played a major role in the decisions of both
presidents to instigate a war. It is doubtful that either Lincoln or Roosevelt
would have wanted to disclose the influence of these economic interests to the
public in a congressional hearing where the question of war was to be decided
upon. The study of the history of wars indicates that economic factors have
always played a major role in starting wars, but rarely are these economic
factors disclosed to the public as the reasons.
Many businessmen and bankers
believe in private enterprise but do not
believe in freeenterprise. In Lincoln's case,
the private-enterprise capitalists wanted Lincoln to have a war in order to
prevent the South from establishing a free-trade zone with a low tariff. They
wanted Lincoln to protect their special interests by keeping the tariff high,
while still forcing the South to remain in the Union to pay the tax.
These types of people want a
partnership between private enterprise and the government, which is the essence
of fascism and the cause of many wars. In the case of Roosevelt, he was greatly
influenced, even controlled at times, by the Anglo-American establishment,
which was composed of prominent businessmen and bankers who owned or
represented large economic interests, both domestically and globally. They also
wanted a partnership with government to protect their private businesses and
economic interests, especially from formidable industrial and commercial
competitors like Germany and Japan. Today the economic establishment in America
is much larger than just the Morgan and Rockefeller interests but is just as
active in trying to influence government, especially the foreign policy —
primarily through the president to further their economic interests.
Ludwig von Mises made a clear
distinction between private enterprise and free enterprise. Mises wanted a
complete separation of the economy from the government, just like separation of
church and state, which meant no regulation or control by the government but
also no partnership with or help from the government, either economically or
militarily. In the free-enterprise system, if any business or any bank wants to
transact business globally, it must do so at its own risk and without the help
of the government.
There would be no foreign aid,
especially no aid to prop up dictators in order for them to do business with
any particular economic interests. There would be no war in order to create a
devastated area like Bosnia or Yugoslavia that needs to be rebuilt by American
businesses who have the political influence to get these foreign contracts.
Mises thought that separation of the economy from the government was necessary
in order to produce peace rather than war.
A major contribution of Mises
and the Austrian School of economics is to show that government intervention
and regulation of the economy is the actual cause of the boom-and-bust cycles,
while a free market is very stable and self-correcting in a short period of
time. Furthermore, Mises showed that coercive monopolies are created by
government and not by the free market. Therefore, the economy does not need
government regulation or control to stabilize it and will function better by
being completely separated.
Mises's other recommendation,
seen in the following statement, is to reduce the size and power of the central
government in general in order to protect individual liberty:
Durable peace is only possible under perfect capitalism, hitherto never and nowhere completely tried or achieved. In such a Jeffersonian world of unhampered market economy the scope of government activities is limited to the protection of the lives, health and property of individuals against violence or fraudulent aggression.[9]
Mises goes on to state that:
All the oratory of the advocates of government omnipotence cannot annul the fact that there is but one system that makes for durable peace: a free market economy. Government control leads to economic nationalism and thus results in conflict.[10]
This complete separation of
the economy and the government is what Mises meant by "perfect
capitalism," which promotes peace and prosperity rather than war and
Foreign Influence — The
Anglo-American Establishment
In Roosevelt's case, a foreign
government clearly influenced and literally worked secretly and directly with
him to cause the US to enter World War II in complete violation of President
Washington's warning in his "Farewell Address" against allowing the
influence of foreign governments to control American policy. This is still a
major problem today with America's foreign policy. American political leaders
have not only ignored President Washington's warning about the dangerous
influence of foreign powers, but they have also ignored his excellent advice
that we should avoid permanent entangling alliances, such as the United Nations
and NATO. Washington advised us to have as little political connection with other governments as
possible, while having trade relationships
with all and without preferential status. Mises and
President Washington are not advocating isolationism; they are advocating
global trade with all nations.
President Washington warned
emphatically against getting involved in the quarrels of Europe. Under
President Clinton, the US readopted the Wilsonian foreign policy of crusading
throughout the world as its policeman by disguising imperialism with the term
"humanitarianism," a policy that involves American armed forces in
matters which have no relationship to real American interests or the defense of
the American people and their homeland. Many members of Congress are now
calling for the draft again in order to have enough soldiers to be the world's
Charles Beard, the famous
historian, warned that we would lose our freedom if we adopted a policy of
"perpetual war for perpetual peace,"[11] and it was one of our
Founders, James Madison, who warned that, "No nation could preserve its
freedom in the midst of continual warfare."[12]War necessarily concentrates
political power into the hands of a few — especially the president — and
diminishes the liberty of all.
Reclaiming the Dream of Our
If Americans are to reclaim
the dream of our Founders and have peace and prosperity instead of war and
welfare, we must understand the ideas and institutions that promote those
conditions. Americans must appreciate and adopt the free-enterprise system and
reject the private-enterprise system. Since the beginning of the 20th century,
we have been on a collision course with disaster by following political leaders
who got elected and maintained their power through the war and welfare system
of politics.
Americans will never reclaim
the dream of their Founders if presidents like Lincoln and Roosevelt are held
up as examples of "great" presidents. We must impeach those
presidents who ignore that the Constitution grants the war-making power exclusively
to Congress, and certainly impeach those who mislead Congress into a
declaration of war with false information.
Americans need to oppose and
destroy the "imperial presidency" because of what it has already done
and will do to our country and to our individual freedom. The first step toward
that goal is to recognize Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt for what they really
were: American Caesars.
John V. Denson is a practicing
attorney in Alabama and an adjunct scholar at the Mises Institute. He is the
editor of two books, The Costs of War and Reassessing the
Presidency. See John V. Denson's article archives.
This article is excerpted from
John V. Denson's A Century of War chapter 5, "Lincoln
and Roosevelt: American Caesars" (2006).
[1] Arthur M. Schlesinger,
Jr., The Imperial Presidency (Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
1973), p. 116.
[2] Arthur M. Schlesinger,
Jr., "War and the Constitution: Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D.
Roosevelt," inLincoln, the War President: The Gettysburg
Lectures, Gabor S. Boritt, ed. (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1992), p. 174; emphasis added.
[3] Ibid., p. 176; emphasis
[4] John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, Emily Morrison Beck, ed., 14th ed.
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1968), p. 496.
[5] George N. Crocker, Roosevelt's Road to Russia (Chicago: Henry
Regnery, 1959); and for an explanation of Roosevelt's delivery of China to the
communists, see Anthony Kubek, How the Far East Was Lost:
American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 1941–1949 (Chicago:
Henry Regnery, 1963); see also Perlmutter,FDR and Stalin.
[6] R.J. Rummel, Death by Government (New Brunswick, N.J.:
Transaction Publishers, 1995), p. 10; see also Robert Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the
Terror-Famine (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986).
[7] Rummel, Death by Government, p. 10; see generally Robert
Conquest, The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the
Thirties (New York: Macmillan, 1968).
[8] Rummel, Death by Government, pp. 111–22.
[9] Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War (New
Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1969), p. 284; emphasis added.
[10] Ibid., p. 286.
[11] Harry Elmer Barnes, ed., Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, p. viii.
[12] James Madison,
"Political Observations," Letters and Other Writings of
James Madison (1795)(Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1865), vol. 4,
pp. 491–92; also see further quotations from Madison in John V. Denson,
"War and American Freedom," in The Costs of War: America's
Pyrrhic Victories, John V. Denson, ed. (New
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1999), pp. 6–11.
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