Saturday, October 29, 2011

A bankrupt corporation

By The Dinocrat
Imagine a company that seems even worse than the firms of Wall Street. Among other things, the company:
Is a monopoly, yet somehow manages to lose trillions of dollars every year – Refuses to manage to a budget, most recently not even presenting one for over 2 years – Carries a large segment of employees who are paid to do nothing productive… – Has massive unfunded pension liabilities on the books – Borrows profligately and has record amounts of debt – Often acts contrary to the best interests of its shareholders and its board of directors – Uses the shareholder’s money for projects with which they disagree… – Provides salaries, benefits and job security that are far beyond those of their own shareholders – Follows dubious accounting rules that do not meet American GAAP… – Can set its own rules, and ignore them if they so choose – Can force us to buy their products and services… – Can confiscate private property for its own use or turn it over to others that it favors… – Has a CEO that makes roughly 10 times that of the average employee… – if you include the cost of the other bennies -– fully paid health care, private security for the CEO and his family, company cars and private jets -– it is more like 100 times… – the CEO is guaranteed that salary for the rest of their life
Bonus fun: the CEO of the company “warned his recession-battered supporters that if he loses the 2012 election it could herald a new, painful era of self-reliance in America.” Can’t happen soon enough.

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