How Germany Phased Out Nuclear Power, Only to
Get Mugged by Reality
By Aaron Wiener
At the root of Germany’s current energy struggle is its nuclear power
politics. Reports tend to cite Japan’s Fukushima disaster as the starting point
of the country’s nuclear turmoil, but really the story begins a lot earlier, in
Chernobyl, Ukraine. The Chernobyl plant’s 1986 nuclear meltdown in Germany’s
backyard galvanized the anti-nuclear movement and led the country’s center-left
parties to commit to phasing out nuclear power—a pledge they fulfilled when the
Nuclear Exit Law went into effect in 2002 and mandated the end of nuclear power
in Germany within 20 years.
When Angela Merkel’s
administration changed course last year and moved to extend the operating life
of the country’s nuclear plants, tens of thousands of environmental advocates flocked to Berlin from all over the country (and even from abroad) to
protest the reversal. With opinion polls showing
that Germans opposed the nuclear extension by nearly a two-to-one margin and
Merkel’s political rivals promising to overturn her new policy, the German
nuclear industry seemed to be hanging on by a thread.
Then came Fukushima. The German government really only needed the slightest
excuse to nix its plans for a nuclear future; instead, it was given a tsunami.
Four days after the earthquake struck Japan, and before the implications of the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown were fully understood, the government shut
down eight of the country’s 17 nuclear reactors. Two weeks later, the Merkel
administration announced that the remainder of Germany’s nuclear power would be
phased out by 2022.
Environmentalists suddenly had a much more resounding victory over nuclear
power than they’d thought possible a month earlier. They cheered the news—for a
time, at least. But over the next six months, it became increasingly clear that
the fidgety administration, worried by declining poll numbers, had failed to
think through the consequences of its abrupt U-turn. Last year, Germany was a
net exporter of electricity, drawing from a diverse range of energy sources led
by coal, but with substantial contributions from low-emissions nuclear (23
percent of the total mix) and renewable energy sources (17 percent). With half
of the country’s nuclear plants suddenly yanked from the grid in March,
however, Germany became a net importer of electricity almost overnight.
Germany’s environmental activists had hoped that shutting down nuclear
plants would clear the way for the development of renewable energy sources. The
Merkel government has laid out a set of ambitious targets to that effect, but
not the proper mix of incentives and infrastructure to ensure that renewables
make up for the current energy shortfall. Indeed, Laszlo Varro, the head of the
gas, coal, and power markets division at the International Energy Agency, told
me the end of nuclear power ultimately won’t have a discernible impact on
renewable generation. That’s because the main obstacle to renewable development
isn’t competition from nuclear power, but the challenge of transmission—how to
bring electricity from offshore wind farms in northern Germany to the factories
in the south. The nuclear phaseout, Varro argues, will only exacerbate this
challenge by removing nuclear plants from southern Germany and increasing the
north-south energy imbalance.
The energy shortage that’s hit Germany since the nuclear shutdowns is
indeed taking place mainly in the country’s industry-heavy south, says Konrad
Kleinknecht, the former climate commissioner of the German Physical Society,
the world’s largest organization of physicists, and it will require more fossil
fuel power generation as a result. “Where are we supposed to get the rest of
our energy in the next ten years?” Kleinknecht asks. “If nuclear power plants
are taken off the grid, we’ll need to build around 30 coal and gas plants,
mostly in the south.”
Varro estimates that the nuclear phaseout in Germany has caused a 25-million-ton
annual increase in carbon dioxide emissions. The culprit, in large part, is the
new coal power that has come online to meet the shortfall. “In the past couple
of months,” Varro says, “coal-fired power generation was up in Germany because
they shut down the old nuclear power plants from one day to the next, and you
can’t build renewable power from one day to the next.”
Meanwhile, the biggest financial winner from Germany’s nuclear moratorium,
Varro says, is nuclear power outside Germany. Since March, Germany has imported
considerably more electricity from neighboring countries like France that rely
on nuclear power sources. It’s also turned to power from coal-fired plants in
Poland and the Czech Republic.
None of this means that Germany has necessarily fallen off course in
meeting its ambitious renewable energy targets (the 2050 goal involves many
factors, and it’s too soon to judge the ongoing progress with any certainty).
But the country’s chances of meeting its emissions goals will almost certainly
suffer. That’s because replacing low-emissions nuclear power with wind or solar
doesn’t actually reduce emissions—and replacing it with coal and gas only
worsens the situation. “Reaching the carbon dioxide emissions target will be
more difficult and more expensive after the moratorium,” Varro predicts.
This is no doubt a source of dismay among the very environmental activists
who pushed for, and succeeded in bringing about, the nuclear phaseout. But it’s
not the only reason for disappointment. Indeed, anti-nuclear activists employed
another main arguments for the end of nuclear power in Germany: safety concerns
in the event of a meltdown or attack. On that count, however, the phaseout has
also proved problematic.
It’s true that the risk of a meltdown within Germany is diminished as the
country’s nuclear plants are decommissioned. But now German electricity
consumers are suddenly providing more business to nuclear power plants in
neighboring countries that are, in some cases, not as well regulated as their
German counterparts. Instead of producing nuclear power itself, for instance,
Germany is importing power from plants like the accident-prone one in the
Czech city of Temelin, just over 60 miles from the German border.
To be sure, as a laboratory for an energy experiment of this magnitude,
Germany does have some advantages. It’s a highly industrialized country with a
substantial investment in renewable energy sources and a history of beating
expectations. And to some environmentalists who believe strongly in the need to
eliminate nuclear power, the experiment has been a worthwhile, if perhaps
a bit hasty, effort toward a necessary end. But many energy experts are more
skeptical. In a survey this month of experts in 21 countries by the London-based World Energy Council,
none of the respondents said they expected Germany to meet all of its stated
energy goals, and more than three-quarters predicted a weakening of the Germany
economy over the coming decade as a result of the nuclear phaseout. “It’s
really a catastrophe,” Kleinknecht told me.
Earlier this month in Bonn, German Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen heaped praises on the
German energy project. The country’s energy policy, he said, “could serve as an
interesting example to other countries.” Röttgen is right that the world’s
environmentalists have their eyes on Germany. It’s just that the example the
country is setting might not be the one he intended.
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