By severing the dollar's convertibility to gold in 1971, the president ushered in a decade of inflation and economic stagnation.
In the past, Nixon had expressed
economic views that tended toward "conservative" platitudes about
free enterprise and free markets. But the president loved histrionic gestures
that grabbed the public's attention. He and Connally were determined to present
a comprehensive package of dramatic measures to deal with the nation's huge
balance of payments deficit, its anemic economic growth, and inflation.
Dramatic indeed: They decided to
break up the postwar Bretton Woods monetary system, to devalue the dollar, to
raise tariffs, and to impose the first peacetime wage and price controls in American
history. And they were going to do it on the weekend—heralding this astonishing
news with a Nixon speech before the markets opened on Monday.
The cast of characters gathered at
Camp David was impressive. It included future Treasury Secretary George Shultz,
then director of the Office of Management and Budget, and future Federal
Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, then undersecretary for monetary affairs at
Treasury. At the meeting that afternoon Nixon reminded everyone of the
importance of secrecy. They were forbidden even to tell their wives where they
were. Then Nixon let Connally take over the meeting.
The most dramatic Connally
initiative was to "close the gold window," whereby foreign nations
had been able to exchange U.S. dollars for U.S. gold—an exchange guaranteed
under the monetary system set up under American leadership at Bretton Woods,
N.H., in July 1944. Recently the markets had panicked. Great Britain had tried
to redeem $3 billion for American gold. So large were the official dollar debts
in the hands of foreign authorities that America's gold stock would be
insufficient to meet the swelling official demand for American gold at the
convertibility price of $35 per ounce.
On Thursday, Connally had rushed to
Washington from a Texas vacation. He and Nixon hurriedly decided to act
unilaterally, not only to suspend convertibility of the dollar to gold, but
also to impose wage and price controls. Nixon's speechwriter William Safire
attended the conference in order to prepare the president's speech to the
nation. In his book "Before the Fall," Safire recalled being told on
the way to Camp David that closing the gold window was a possibility. Despite
the many international ramifications of what the administration would do, no
officials from the State Department or the National Security Council were
invited to Camp David.
The president had little patience or
understanding of the disputes among his economic team members. He found
wearisome the mumbo-jumbo from Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur Burns. But the
president had determined he would have a unified economic team and a unified
economic policy, no matter what the consequences. So the White House dutifully
leaked stories designed to undermine and humiliate Burns, as Connally waited in
the wings with his "New Economic Policy."
At Camp David, Connally argued:
"It's clear that we have to move in the international field, to close the
gold window, not change the price of gold, and encourage the dollar to
float." Burns timidly objected but was easily flattered by the president.
By the evening of Aug. 15, Burns was on board with terminating the last vestige
of dollar convertibility to gold, depreciating the dollar on the foreign
exchanges, imposing higher tariffs, and ultimately ordering price and wage
Nixon and Safire put together a
speech to be televised Sunday night. It had taken only a few hours during that
August 1971 weekend for Nixon to decide to sever the nation's last tenuous link
to the historic American gold standard, a monetary standard that had been the
constitutional bedrock (Article I, Sections 8 and 10) of the American dollar
and of America's economic prosperity for much of the previous two centuries.
At least one Camp David participant,
Paul Volcker, regretted what transpired that weekend. The "Nixon
Shock" was followed by a decade of one of the worst inflations of American
history and the most stagnant economy since the Great Depression. The
price of gold rose to $800 from $35.
The purchasing power of a dollar
saved in 1971 under Nixon has today fallen to 18 pennies (see the nearby
graph). Nixon's new economic policy sowed chaos for a decade. The nation and
the world reaped the whirlwind.
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