The Great Society’s War on Poverty
by Robert Higgs
For the most part President Lyndon B. Johnson was
simply lucky in regard to economic stability and growth during his term in
office, although he does deserve credit for pushing John F. Kennedy’s stalled
tax-cut proposal to quick enactment in February 1964. The economy was already
growing and the rate of unemployment declining when LBJ took office in November
1963, and macroeconomic conditions continued to improve throughout his
presidency, although the rate of inflation began to edge up after 1965, reaching
almost 5 percent during his final year in office. Between 1963 and 1968 real
gross domestic product increased 29 percent, or 5.2 percent per year on
average. Unemployment declined from 5.7 percent in November 1963, when LBJ
became president, to 3.4 percent in January 1969, when he left office.
This macroeconomic success owed nothing to
policymakers’ fine tuning, because neither the administration nor Congress made
such delicate adjustments of fiscal policy as conditions changed. In truth, the
U.S. government was institutionally incapable of fine tuning fiscal policy,
however much it appealed to Keynesian economists drawing diagrams on
Whatever its sources, this remarkable macroeconomic
performance deserves the lion’s share of the credit for the reduction in
measured poverty that occurred during the Great Society years. Of course the
administration did propose, gain enactment of, and implement a plethora of
bills aimed at reducing poverty in one way or another. Indeed, for many
observers, the Great Society is virtually synonymous with the War on Poverty.
Major events included enactment of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 (often viewed as an antipoverty measure because blacks had
relatively low average income), the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, the Food
Stamp Act of 1964, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and the
Social Security Amendments of 1965 (creating Medicare and Medicaid), as well as
establishment of the Office of Economic Opportunity (to oversee programs such
as VISTA, Job Corps, Community Action Program, and Head Start), hundreds of
Community Action Agencies, and many other bureaus ostensibly promoting poor
people’s health, education, job training, and welfare.
Nearly all these antipoverty measures, if successful
at all, had only a small effect on the national poverty rate, which fell from
19.5 percent in 1963 to 12.8 percent in 1968. Many of the antipoverty programs
had scant funding and received news coverage out of proportion to the amount of
money they spent. Most of the programs were ineffectual, spending taxpayer
money with little or nothing to show for their display of good intentions.
“[T]hose who most directly benefited,” says historian Allen J. Matusow, “were
the middle-class doctors, teachers, social workers, builders, and bankers who
provided federally subsidized goods and services of sometimes suspect value.”
Poverty researcher Michael D. Tanner recently
remarked, apropos of the War on Poverty and its programmatic legacies:
Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient. Instead, government programs have torn at the social fabric of the country and been a significant factor in increasing out-of-wedlock births with all of their attendant problems. They have weakened the work ethic and contributed to rising crime rates. Most tragically of all, the pathologies they engender have been passed on from parent to child, from generation to generation.
The Great Society at least did not bring economic
growth to a halt, and therefore did not preclude a continuation of the
long-term reduction in the proportion of Americans living in poverty. As for
the War on Poverty in particular, however, no such benign evaluation is
justified. Matusow, by no means a conservative ideologue, concludes that “the
War on Poverty was destined to be one of the great failures of
twentieth-century liberalism.”
Like most of the other Great Society programs, the War
on Poverty rested on the presumption that technocrats possessed the knowledge
and capacity to identify what needed to be done, design appropriate remedial
measures, and implement those measures successfully through the use of
government’s coercive power and taxpayers’ money. The technocrats did not give
much weight—indeed, they generally gave no weight whatsoever—to the possibility
of what later came to be known in Public Choice theory as “government failure.”
According to LBJ’s biographer, Paul Conkin, Johnson
“never easily conceded that any except purely private problems did not lend
themselves to a political answer. That is, government could directly or
indirectly alleviate any distress.” White House aide Joseph Califano later
confessed, “We did not recognize that government could not do it all.” Yet to
describe the War on Poverty as merely hubristic would be too kind to its
All too many of the programs fell short of even this
species of defectiveness, amounting to little more than garden-variety efforts
to turn taxpayer money into purely personal and political swag for the insiders
who designed, operated, and exploited the programs. For example, the Community
Action Program, unforgettably lampooned by Tom Wolfe in his 1970 book
Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers, combined ample components of white middle-class
guilt, minority shakedowns, and money thrown around basically to appease the
menacing claimants who, having been invited to snatch it, resorted to whatever
form of intimidation would get it for them quickest. “The money,” Conkin
concludes, “often seemed to dwindle away, funding little more than the wages of
[Community Action Agency] employees.”
More generally, as historian John A. Andrew notes,
“Through ‘iron triangles’ and the use of clientele capture, the very objects of
Great Society reforms [including the War on Poverty] all too often seized
control of the process to block significant change and enhance their own
Level-headed analysts could scarcely have been shocked
by this outcome. As Adam Smith long ago remarked, although the “man of
system”—preeminent examples of which played leading roles in initiating the War
on Poverty—treats the members of society as if they were pieces on a
chessboard, the people have a motive power of their own. In the mid-1960s those
whom the social and economic planners undertook to help in various ways refused
to sit still while the technocrats treated them as lab rats. Instead they often
reacted by resisting, diverting, or seizing control of the “top-down” schemes
the government imposed on them, causing what analysts in retroactive
assessments call program failures.
One man’s failed experiment, however, was often
another man’s fulfilled political ambition or bulked-up bank account. Across
the country, for example, local politicians diverted federal money intended to
fund the War on Poverty into support for prosaic, local political priorities. Although
many writers now speak of this much-ballyhooed crusade as a failure, it was a
rousing success for many of its movers and shakers.
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