Real Luddites
David Harsanyi
you noticed that any person who exhibits any skepticism about global warming
alarmism will, sooner or later, be called a Luddite?
so on and so forth.
Luddites, as you all know, were a 19th-century social movement that protested,
often by violent means, the encroachment of the Industrial Revolution on their
lives, fearing that it would leave them without their jobs and destroy their
Luddites weren’t challenging the veracity of some scientific theory; they just
weren’t crazy about the options progress offered them.
global warming skeptics — call them anti-science if you like — are not
Luddites. Luddites have an irrational fear of development in a seemingly
chaotic world. This is capitalism. Today’s Luddite fears that we have too much
energy, too many people, too many choices, too much bad food, too many cheap
knickknacks. Today’s Luddite believes that the free movement of money and
economic productivity are immoral and that if your slice is too big, someone
else’s slice has to be too small.
example, Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. recently claimed that the iPad was
“responsible for eliminating thousands of jobs,” you know, just like the
modern-day automated loom. What, he wonders, will happen to “all the jobs
associated with paper?” Surely, a remark as deeply juvenile as that one matches
anything offered by those wild-eyed skeptics.
take President Barack Obama, who earlier this year — and not for the first time
— claimed that “structural issues with our economy” have nothing to do with
politicians. The problem, in his opinion, is that “a lot of businesses have
learned to become much more efficient,” making the workforce smaller. “You see
it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM. You don’t go to a bank teller, or
you go to the airport and you’re using a kiosk instead of checking in at the
aren’t structural issues; they are productivity issues. And rather than kill
jobs, efficiency drives output and growth and improves performance and the
quality of goods and services — along with our lives. Perhaps if this
administration weren’t busy trying to create morally pleasing but temporary and
unsustainable jobs through bailouts, subsidies and “stimulus,” we could all hit
that ATM more often.
Luddite also adamantly opposes a mythical institution called Wall Street, a
place where a few players act illegally, some act recklessly and some team with
government to undermine healthy competition. But the vast majority of companies
create new technologies, services and products that make modern life possible.
If they don’t, they fail.
at least they used to.
on the streets of Manhattan can demonize big oil, big food and big pharma all
day long. They can decry profit as if Satan himself invented the notion. Yet
when the multinational firm GlaxoSmithKline announces, as it did last week,
that it has come up with the first effective vaccine for malaria, you can bet
that it would never have happened in the system they propose. And if the
vaccine is successful, the company will have done more good for the world than
a million marches about the evils of capitalism could ever hope to produce.
irks Robinson, Matthews and others like them is not that people do not accept
“science,” but that they won’t accept the statist solutions tied to that
science. Moreover, a Luddite opposes capitalism. A skeptic only asks questions.
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