Beware Malthusians posing as
Don’t be fooled by the fashionable new crowd of Malthus-bashing greens: they’re as misanthropic as old-style population scaremongers.
By Brendan O’Neill
Well, that is what it looks like
through a casual glance – that a fiery debate is taking place between followers
of the Reverend Thomas Malthus on one side and hip questioners of the
Malthusian thesis on the other. But this is deceptive. Dig a little deeper, and
you’ll see that what’s really unfolding in the countdown to the Day of Seven
Billion is a clash of alternative Malthusianisms, an unseemly spat between two
sides that are as miserabilist as each other and which both cleave to the
notion that humanity’s problems are demographic in nature rather than social.
Of course, with yawn-inducing
predictability, the old guard of the population scaremongering lobby is out in
force in the run-up to 31 October, the day when the UN predicts that humanity
will number seven billion. Those rather fusty adherents to the Malthusian
outlook – as first posited by Thomas Malthus in his Essay on the Principle of
Population (1798) – may have adopted PC-sounding lingo in recent years, using
phrases like ‘climate change’ in place of ‘apocalypse’, but they’re still
motored by a misanthropic view of speedily breeding human beings as the authors
of society’s downfall. Population Matters (PM), formerly the Optimum Population
Trust, is marking 31 October by sticking ads all over the London Underground –
‘in an environment that itself highlights the problem of overpopulation: the
overcrowded transport system’.
PM’s belief that overcrowding on the
Tube is a result of overpopulation gives a brilliant insight into the
narrow-minded, ahistoric thinking of old-world Malthusians. They seem incapable
of understanding that squeezed conditions on rush-hour trains are actually down
to a failure of infrastructure, a failure to expand and innovate, rather a
result of Londoners having too many babies or immigrants coming over here and
stealing all our seats. And so it is above ground, too, where global problems
like poverty and hunger are a product, not of too many black babies demanding
grub we don’t have, but of a social failure to develop all human societies and
liberate all human beings from need.
The problem with Malthusian thinking
is that it misunderstands social problems as demographic ones. It reinterprets
social limits as natural limits, repackaging problems of social development as
problems of nature’s shrinking bounty. Malthus fans make the dunderheaded error
of imagining that human population is a scary variable, always going up, while
everything else, including the amount of natural resources and the level of
human ingenuity, remains constant. This profoundly anti-social outlook means
they constantly fret about there being too many mouths to feed, when even just
a cursory glance at our history will show that we have continually come up with
ingenious ways to get more and more from nature in order to feed and clothe
more and more people.
But the new Malthusian-bashers
aren’t much better. In fact, if anything they’re worse, since they pose as
progressives who want to protect Africans and Asians from the hectoring of
white population scaremongers yet at the same time they promote the central
tenets of the Malthusian outlook. Their rallying cry is effectively, ‘Ignore
the right-wing Malthus-loving lobby – the problem today is not overpopulation
over there but overconsumption over here’. How blissful is their ignorance –
they seem oblivious to the fact that their fashionable fretting about fat
whiteys hoovering up scarce resources is every bit as Malthusian as that guy in
tweed who worries about Nigerians popping out too many ankle-biters.
So at the Guardian, Lynsey Hanley
lays into old-style Malthusians, criticising their ‘moral crusade’ against the
poor and the foreign. Yet she then argues that the real crisis facing the world
today is overconsumption, calling on Western governments to implore people to
‘reduce their consumption’, especially of ‘petrol, meat, imported fruit and
other adoptive “necessities”’. (Yeah, who needs meat?) Revealing that she isn’t
on principle opposed to population control, she says that ‘for there to be any
significant impact on the environment, [population] decline would have to take
place in countries that already consume a far more than sustainable share of
the world’s resources’.
This echoes other post-Malthus
Malthusians, who likewise imagine that bigging up the ‘real’ problem of
overconsumption distinguishes them from those saddos obsessed with human
numbers in the Third World. So in his book Peoplequake, Fred Pearce is scathing
about Malthus and his modern-day disciples, because ‘rising consumption is now
a much bigger cause of our growing impact on the planet [than population]’.
Yet this panic about humanity’s
overuse of allegedly scarce resources is entirely in tune with the Malthusian
mindset. Trendy thinkers keen to disassociate themselves from the chequered
history of Malthusianism may have jettisoned explicit talk about ‘too many
babies’, but their concern about ‘too few resources’ is just a different way of
saying the same thing: that nature’s bounty is under threat and thus we must be
careful how we approach it. Right from its origins in the 1790s through to its
rebirth as a green idea in the 1970s, Malthusianism has been fuelled by this
very notion of ‘overconsumption’. The original Malthusian idea of ‘too many
people’ was based on a concern that these people would deplete resources, which
were apparently naturally limited, thus giving rise to scarcity and
destitution. Fred Pearce might say that overconsumption has led to a situation
where we have ‘overshot the planet’s carrying capacity’, where Malthus was far
less PC and claimed that poor people having too many babies threatened to
unleash famine, but behind their very divergent lingo the idea promoted by
these two thinkers is the same: that mankind’s lifestyles and aspirations
should be straitjacketed by so-called natural limits.
The Malthus-haters demanding that we
focus on consumption rather than population are rehabilitating the underlying
theme of Malthusianism and of the broader conservative, traditionalist,
environmentalist outlook of the past 200 years: the notion that the problems
facing mankind are natural rather than social. And when you take that view,
when you accept the fundamental premise of Malthusianism, your ‘solution’ will
always be to shrink human horizons, whether by hectoring African women to stop
having babies or mocking American men for eating too much meat, rather than to
expand human society. It is this across-the-board naturalisation of social
problems, this repackaging of today’s dearth of social imagination as a crisis
of natural limits, which must be shot down as we give three cheers for the
seven billionth human being. And that is what spiked intends to do.
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