The Intransigence of Ludwig von Mises
by Jacques Rueff Mises
Ludwig von Mises is a rara avis in this 20th century
of ours, for he considers reason a valid and efficacious instrument even in the
study of questions that concern economics. According to him, "any given
social order was thought out and designed before it could be realized … any
existing state of social affairs is the product of ideologies previously
thought out … action is always directed by ideas."[2]
The very title of his great book, Human Action, is in
and of itself both an affirmation and a denial. It indicates what, for its
author, constitutes the real economic problem, which is raised by the behavior
of men with respect to the things they desire — the things called wealth. And
it shows that the real economic problem is completely encompassed within the
study of such behavior; that it does not consist only in an analysis "of
objective processes taking place quite independently of human will."[3]
Mises considers social organization to be dependent
upon and in conformity with the very ideas that inspire it. It is merely a
system of ways and means for attaining certain ends. He is convinced that the
vast majority of people concur on the ends. Hence the economic problem is only
that of choosing the means by which men can achieve, effectively and at the
lowest cost, the results desired.
This problem constitutes an object of science and is
open to only two kinds of solution — those which are effective, and those which
are not. Reason — and only reason — enables us to choose between them.
"Man has only one tool to fight error: reason."[4]
It is the task of the economist to tell the politician
which system he must set up in order to give men what they want, and not the
very opposite.
Such an attitude on the part of Mises sets him apart
from other economists. Most of his colleagues take the social structure as a
fact that cannot be changed in any respect by the will of men. The Marxists
explain it as a revelation of history. The non-Marxists look upon it as the
inevitable product of a technical evolution which has given rise to a
capitalism of large units, and to monopolies, cartels, and trusts. Marxists and
non-Marxists alike ascribe to our modern economies a rigidity which makes them
almost completely immune to the price mechanism.
For both groups any doctrine basing the establishment
and maintenance of economic equilibria on price movements is false, fruitless,
and outdated. According to them, it is the task of the economist to discover
the proper processes that guarantee economic order without resorting to
spontaneous regulation. The sum total of these processes constitutes the new
science of economics, which is required by the actual state of the world in
which we live.
It is true — nor does Mises deny it — that our
contemporary economy is more rigid than that which existed before employers'
associations and labor unions had regimented a large part of the forces of
The essential thing, however, is that the present
inelasticity of our societies is far more the result of their institutional
character than it is of the nature of the techniques applied.
It is institutions established by men and wanted by
them that immobilize prices, salaries, and rates of interest. It is the same
institutions that lend their protection, without which the oligopolies or
monopolies in their quasi-totality could never exist.
If, then, such institutions are wanted by men, it is
because the economists have failed to convince them that these institutions are
leading and must lead to results diametrically opposed to the ones desired and
expected to be attained.
In actual fact, the characteristic rigidity of most
contemporary economies, and particularly of several economies, has been made
possible only by the silence of the economists. Had they but shed a revealing
light on the social consequences that such rigidity could not fail to bring
about, and on the privations and sufferings which it was bound to engender, the
rigidity could have been neither established nor maintained.
French legislation on rents, for example, has been
inspired by laudable social considerations. And yet, it has been a tremendous
source of unhappiness and disorder. Anybody of good faith and with the
slightest knowledge of the price mechanism could have foreseen these tragic
social effects. But no! The few warnings that did foretell the ill-fated
consequences have always been denied by the chorus of complacent men anxious
above all not to oppose the solutions wanted by public opinion and accepted by
It would be cruel to insist on learning the reasons
for the practically universal renunciation of thinking. Leibnitz already
indicated that "if geometry conflicted with our passions and interests as
much as morality does, we would no less question and violate its laws. And this
despite all the proofs offered by Euclid and Archimedes, which we would then
treat as flights of fancy and believe to be full of fallacies. And in that case
Joseph Scaliger, Hobbes, and others who attacked Euclid and Archimedes, would
not be so bereft of supporters as they now are.[5]
What this philosopher said of morality applies with
even more validity to political economy.
But though there may be but few minds in the field of
economics who have remained loyal to Euclid and Archimedes, Ludwig von Mises
undoubtedly is the most pronounced, the most efficient, and the most
determined. With an indefatigable enthusiasm, and with courage and faith
undaunted, he has never ceased to denounce the fallacious reasons and untruths
offered to justify most of our new institutions.
He has demonstrated — in the most literal sense of the
word — that those institutions, while claiming to contribute to man's
well-being, were the immediate sources of hardship and suffering and,
ultimately, the causes of conflicts, war, and enslavement.
No consideration whatever can divert him in the least
from the straight steep path where his cold reason guides him. In the
irrationalism of our era he has remained a person of pure reason.
Those who have heard him have often been astonished at
being led by the cogency of his reasoning to places whither they, in their
all-too-human timorousness, had never dared to go. His person and ideas have
always brought to my mind the story of Mr. Teste
In the following words, one of Mr. Teste's listeners
reports the sensations experienced while listening to him.
He shatters my mind with a word, and I feel like a
defective vase that the potter has discarded. He is as hard, sir, as an angel.
He is unaware of his own strength; he finds unexpected words that are all too
true, that overwhelm people, that awaken them in the midst of great folly
confronting them, all ensnared in being what they are, in the meshes of living,
in foolishness. We live in comfort, each in his own absurdity, like fish in
water, and we never become aware, except by chance, of how much stupidity is
contained in the life of a reasonable person.[6]
And the same listener goes on to say,
There is in him some appalling purity, detachment,
undeniable strength and light. Never have I observed such complete absence of
confusion and of doubt in an intelligence that is so deeply industrious. He is
awfully quiet! There can be ascribed to him no uneasiness of soul, no shadow in
his heart.[7]
If we compare the guile of economic irrationality with
the imperturbable intransigence of his lucid thinking, Ludwig von Mises has
safeguarded the foundations of a rational economic science, the value and
effectiveness of which have been demonstrated by his works. By his teachings he
has sown the seeds of a regeneration which will bear fruit as soon as men once
more begin to prefer theories that are true to theories that are pleasing.
When that day comes, all economists will recognize
that Ludwig von Mises merits their admiration and gratitude. For it is he who,
amidst the confusion of a science which tends to belie the reasons for its own
existence, has indefatigably affirmed the rights of reason, its supremacy over
matter, and its effectiveness in human action.
[2] Ludwig von Mises, Human Action. Yale University
Press, New Haven, 1949, p. 188.
[3] Stalin, Les problèmes économiques du socialisme en
U.S.S.R., Ed. Sociale, p. 4.
[4] Ludwig von Mises, Ibid., p. 187.
[5] Leibnitz, Nouveaux Essais, I.II.12.
[6] Paul Valéry, Monsieur Teste. NR.F., p. 86.
[7] Ibid., p. 104.
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