referendum: democracy is not a ‘distraction’
We cannot suspend democratic debate about Europe’s future while watching the political elites bungle the economic crisis.
by Mick

official line from the Lib-Con government and the Labour opposition this week,
as party leaders sought to marshal their MPs to vote against the parliamentary
motion calling for an EU referendum, was that to have a national debate about
the UK’s membership of the EU just now would not be in the national interest;
it would be ‘a distraction’ from coping with Europe’s desperate economic and
financial problems. As Cameron put in on the day of the vote, ‘it’s the wrong
time to have this debate’ because ‘we’re in the middle of dealing with a crisis
in the Eurozone’. A referendum now would be ‘rash’.
that front-bench consensus on its head. It is precisely because of the parlous
state of the Euro economy, and the paucity of solutions being offered by our
rulers, that now is exactly the right time to have a major public debate on the
future of the UK and Europe. The real ‘distraction’ that the Euro-elites fear
today is democracy.
was often true that the right-wing’s obsession with Europe through the 1990s
could be seen as a side-issue of internal Tory power-struggles and, yes, a
distraction from more important economic and political problems. Some of the
Conservative MPs who rebelled against Cameron and voted for a referendum on
Monday night may still be suffering from those old Little Englander delusions.
That does not alter the fact that a public debate about where Europe is heading
now – which a referendum campaign would surely facilitate – is needed far more
urgently than any private deal among the Euro-elites.
and his opponents/allies insist that a political conflict over the future of
the UK and Europe would get in the way of dealing with the economic and
financial crisis. That represents an accountant’s view of the world, where
democratic debate is seen as a sort of expensive, time-consuming sideshow while
the real decisions on what is necessary are taken by Those Who Know: the
experts and authorities operating behind closed doors.
in truth you cannot so easily separate the question of politics from the
economic crisis, as if having our democratic say is somehow at odds with their
need to fix the financial system. There is a clear two-way relationship at work
here, and we are getting screwed both ways.
the economic crisis is being exacerbated by the lack of democracy in the EU. As
noted here three weeks ago, if there is one thing that worries the Euro-elites
even more than their out-of-control finances these days, it is their
uncontrollable electorates. From the first, the isolated and unpopular
authorities across Europe have treated the financial crisis as a private
affair, to be sorted out by central bankers, International Monetary Fund
mandarins, EC bureaucrats and government officials at endless meetings and
summits without reference to the electorate.
has all this high-powered skulduggery achieved? Almost nothing. Europe’s
governments and its cliques of unelected officials have proved incapable of
doing anything of substance, making a rational decision or reaching an
agreement. So paralysed do they appear to be that the latest ‘crucial’ meeting
of finance ministers did not even happen. Top-level ‘make or break’ meetings
have been declared a failure before they even start, with nobody taking charge
and key issues dropping off the agenda.
absence of democratic life and political conflict around our isolated,
insulated, irrational rulers has made a bad economic situation far worse. It
means that they are under no external pressure from their constituencies to act
decisively. It means that there are no alternative strategies being demanded or
debated, no seriously awkward questions being asked about what they are (not)
doing and why. As a result they are able to bumble on towards the edge of the
precipice, assuring one another that all will be well if they can only hold
another summit or stick another few zeroes on the end of the fantasy bail-out
fund. The absence of democracy from the Euro-crisis threatens to plunge us all
into the gloom of a depression.
that is only half the problem. The second aspect is that the Euro-elites’
bungling attempts to fix their system are further exacerbating the crisis of
democratic politics. The consensus which now reaches almost all parts of the
European political class, including even our allegedly Euro-sceptic Tory
ministers, is that the financial crisis demands more fiscal integration across
the Eurozone – which will put greater power in the hands of the European
central bankers and EU accountants, none of whom ever have to dirty their hands
in the messy business of democratic politics.
international officials take effective control of under-pressure economies such
as Greece, the (unelected) president of the European Commission, José Manuel
Barroso, has already boasted that ‘We can now discuss member states’ budgetary
plans before national decisions are taken’, allowing the Euro-crats to bypass
parliaments and the public and impose their useless plans. The schemes for
creating new financial institutions and central powers now being discussed at
the Eurozone’s top table could emasculate European democracy further still. You
only need to see the outrage with which the Euro-elite greeted the Slovakian
parliament’s rejection of the latest Greek bailout plan (how dare these elected
representatives actually represent the will of their people!) to see which way
the wind of change is blowing.
result of all this is that, in the midst of the economic crisis, we need a
democratic debate about the future of Europe more than ever. Yet we are assured
by all the UK party leaders that anything as grubby as a referendum would be an
unwanted distraction from their noble efforts to solve the crisis. It is a
remarkable testimony to how far the capitalist economy has been de-politicised.
From the late nineteenth century through much of the twentieth century, issues
to do with how the economy should be organised, how society’s wealth should be
produced and distributed, were the great divisive questions of political life.
Now major economic matters have effectively been removed from the political
agenda to such an extent that the very idea of holding a vote in the EU is seen
as being somehow at odds with managing the economy.
is a pressing need for a public debate not just in the UK but across the EU. A
referendum is rarely an ideal vehicle for political change, and no doubt one
framed by Tory Euro-sceptics would be in danger of not posing the wider
questions we need to discuss. And spiked’s longstanding attitude of being ‘For
Europe, Against the EU’ means we do not fit easily into any of the traditional
the public campaign around a referendum, however it was couched, would at least
allow the possibility of forcing open a more democratic debate about the future
of Europe. Otherwise we in the UK are not due to be offered a say on anything
much until the General Election that Cameron and Clegg have generously
timetabled for 2015, when we can choose between all of the fools who united
against the ‘distraction’ of democracy this week. And who knows what sort of a
desperate mess the increasingly isolated, insulated, unaccountable Euro-elites
might have got us into by then?
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