The Green Death
By Dr Zero
Who is the worst killer in the long, ugly history of war and
extermination? Hitler? Stalin? Pol Pot? Not even close. A single book called
Silent Spring killed far more people than all those fiends put together.
The resulting explosion of mosquito-borne malaria in Africa has claimed
over sixty million lives. This was not a gradual process – a surge of infection
and death happened almost immediately. The use of DDT reduces the spread of
mosquito-borne malaria by fifty to eighty percent, so its discontinuation
quickly produced an explosion of crippling and fatal illness. The same
environmental movement which has been falsifying data, suppressing dissent, and
reading tea leaves to support the global-warming fraud has studiously ignored
this blood-drenched “hockey stick” for decades.
The motivation behind Silent Spring, the suppression of nuclear power,
the global-warming scam, and other outbreaks of environmentalist lunacy is the
worship of centralized power and authority. The author, Rachel Carson, didn’t
set out to kill sixty million people – she was a fanatical believer in the
newly formed religion of radical environmentalism, whose body count comes from
callousness, rather than blood thirst. The core belief of the environmental
religion is the fundamental uncleanliness of human beings. All forms of human
activity are bad for the environment… most especially including the activity of
large private corporations. Deaths in faraway Africa barely registered on the
radar screen of the growing Green movement, especially when measured against
the exhilarating triumph of getting a sinful pesticide banned, at substantial
cost to an evil corporation.
Those who were initiated into the higher mysteries of environmentalism
saw the reduction of the human population as a benefit, although they’re
generally more circumspect about saying so in public these days. As quoted by
Walter Williams, the founder of the Malthusian Club of Rome, Alexander King,
wrote in 1990: “My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guayana, within
two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT, in
hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population problem.” Another
charming quote comes from Dr. Charles Wurster, a leading opponent of DDT, who
said of malaria deaths: “People are the cause of all the problems. We have too
many of them. We need to get rid of some of them, and this is as good a way as
Like the high priests of global warming, Rachel Carson knew what she was
doing. She claimed DDT would actually destroy all life on Earth if its use
continued – the “silent spring” of the title is a literal description of the
epocalypse she forecast. She misused a quote from Albert Schweitzer about
atomic warfare, implying the late doctor agreed with her crusade against
pesticide by dedicating her book to him… when, in fact, Schweitzer viewed DDT
as a “ray of hope” against disease-carrying insects. Some of the scientists
attempting to debunk her hysteria went so far as to eat chunks of DDT to prove
it was harmless, but she and her allies simply ignored them, making these
skeptics the forerunners of today’s “global warming deniers” – absolutely
correct and utterly vilified. William Ruckleshaus disregarded nine thousand
pages of testimony when he imposed the DDT ban. Then as now, the science was
settled… beneath a mass of politics and ideology.
Another way Silent Spring forecast the global-warming fraud was its
insistence that readers ignore the simple evidence of reality around them. One
of the founding myths of modern environmentalism was Carson’s assertion that
bird eggs developed abnormally thin shells due to DDT exposure, leading the
chicks to be crushed before they could hatch. As detailed in this American
Spectator piece from 2005, no honest experimental attempt to produce this
phenomenon has ever succeeded – even when using concentrations of DDT a hundred
times greater than anything that could be encountered in nature. Carson claimed
thin egg shells were bringing the robin and bald eagle to the edge of
extinction… even as the bald eagle population doubled, and robins filled the
trees. Today, those eagles and robins shiver in a blanket of snow caused by
global warming.
The DDT ban isn’t the only example of environmental extremism coming
with a stack of body bags. Mandatory gas mileage standards cause about 2,000
deaths per year, by compelling automakers to produce lighter, more fragile
cars. The biofuel mania has led resources to be shifted away from growing food
crops, resulting in higher food prices and starvation. Worst of all, the
economic damage inflicted by the environmentalist religion directly correlates
to life-threatening reductions in the human standard of living. The recent
earthquake in Haiti is only the latest reminder that poverty kills, and
collectivist politics are the most formidable engine of poverty on Earth.
Environmental extremism is a breathless handmaiden for collectivism. It
pours a layer of smooth, creamy science over a relentless hunger for power.
Since the boogeymen of the Green movement threaten the very Earth itself with
imminent destruction, the environmentalist feels morally justified in suspending
democracy and seizing the liberty of others. Of course we can’t put these
matters to a vote! The dimwitted hicks in flyover country can’t understand
advanced biochemistry or climate science. They might vote the wrong way, and we
can’t risk the consequences! The phantom menaces of the Green movement can only
be battled by a mighty central State. Talk of representation, property rights,
and even free speech is madness when such a threat towers above the fragile
ecosphere, wheezing pollutants and coughing out a stream of dead birds and
drowned polar bears. You can see why the advocates of Big Government would
eagerly race across a field of sustainable, organic grass to sweep
environmentalists into their arms, and spin them around in the ozone-screened sunlight.
Green philosophy provides vital nourishment for the intellectual vanity
of leftists, who get to pat themselves on the back for saving the world through
the control-freak statism they longed to impose anyway. One of the reasons for
the slow demise of the climate-change nonsense is that it takes a long time to
let so much air out of so many egos. Calling “deniers” stupid and unpatriotic
was very fulfilling. Likewise, you’ll find modern college campuses teeming with
students – and teachers – who will fiercely insist that DDT thins egg shells
and causes cancer. Environmentalism is a primitive religion which thrives by
telling its faithful they’re too sophisticated for mere common sense.
The legacy of Silent Spring provides an object lesson in the importance
of bringing the global-warming con artists to trial. No one was ever forced to
answer for the misery inflicted by that book, or the damage it dealt to serious
science. Today Rachel Carson is still celebrated as a hero, the secular saint
who transformed superstition and hysteria into a Gospel for the modern
god-state. The tactics she deployed against DDT resurfaced a decade later, in
the Alar scare. It’s a strategy that offers great reward, and very little risk.
We need to increase the risk factor, and frighten the next generation of junk
scientists into being more careful with their research. If we don’t, the Church
of Global Warming will just reappear in a few years, wearing new vestments and
singing new hymms… but still offering the same communion of poverty, tyranny,
and death.
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