The Accelerator and Say's Law
by William H. Peterson
The acceleration doctrine holds that a temporary
increase in consumer demand sets in motion an accelerated "derived
demand" for capital goods. This action, according to adherents of the
doctrine, explains at least part of the causation of the business cycle. As
evidence supporting this theory, accelerationists point to boom-and-bust,
feast-and-famine conditions prevalent in capital-goods industries.
A typical illustration of the acceleration principle
follows. Assume a "normal" annual demand for a certain consumer good
at 500,000 units. Production is accomplished through 1,000 durable units of
capital goods; capacity of each capital unit: 500 consumer units per year; life
of each unit: 10 years. Then assume a 10 percent increase in
consumer demand. Thus:
Annual Consumer
Capital Goods
Demand ("derived") |
"normal year"
100 (replacements)
next yr. + 10%
200 (replacements plus new)
3rd yr.-new "nor."
100 (replacements)
Conclusion: 10 percent increase in consumer
demand led to 100 percent increase in capital demand in same year but to 50
percent decrease in capital demand in following year.
The argument against the acceleration doctrine simply
shows so many unreal assumptions and a vital non sequitur as to nullify any
validity in the doctrine whatsoever. An analysis of these objections follows.
1. Rigid
Specialization in Capital-Goods Industries
Accelerationists pose their doctrine on the basis of a
given capital-goods industry supplying equipment for a given consumer-goods
industry and no other. Thus a decrease in consumer demand or
even a falling-off in its rate of growth immediately cuts off part of the
capital-goods market, and the "famine" phase of the capital-goods
industry begins.
Yet where is the capital-goods industry so rigidly
specialized as to preclude its serving other markets, with or without some
conversion of its facilities? Are we to presume that businessmen under the
pressure of overhead and profit maximization will twiddle their thumbs waiting
for their consumer demand to "reaccelerate"? It is clear that
accelerationists deny or ignore convertibility of facilities and
substitutability of markets.
Within many capital-goods industries, trends of
diversification and complementarity are evident. Examples: A machine tool
manufacturer that has undertaken lines of construction and textile equipment; a
basic chemical producer that has engaged in the manufacture of home
clotheswasher and dishwasher detergents. These trends break down the
"industry" classifications, on which the accelerator is based.
2. No Unutilized
Capacity in the Consumer-Goods Industry
Holders of the acceleration doctrine assume the
consumer-goods industry is operating at the extensive margin of production and
no intensive possibilities for greater production exist.
But very few consumer-goods industries, typically,
operate at constant peak capacity. To do so is generally to operate beyond the
point of optimum efficiency as well as beyond the point of maximum profit. The
usual case then, other than during wartime, is that an industry operates with
some unutilized capacity, some "slack." Normally this unutilized
capacity is to be found among the marginal and submarginal producers, and it is
these producers which could and probably would absorb any increase in consumer
demand — without, of course, the purchase of new equipment.
Yet even the successful and efficient producer would
likely consider other means of absorbing higher consumer demand before
committing himself to more equipment and greater overhead. For example, he
could expand the existing labor force, resort to overtime, add one or two
additional shifts, subcontract work in overloaded departments, and so on. That
such alternatives are feasible without more equipment is evidenced by the
experience of even the most efficient firms in the utilization of their capital
equipment. Examples: A West Coast airplane manufacturer found his gear-cutting
equipment in use only 16 percent of the time; a New York newspaper plant
utilized its presses only 11 percent of the time. The concept of 100 percent
utilization of all capital equipment is not tenable.
3. Automaton
Role for Entrepreneurs
Accelerationists share the danger common to all holistic and macro approaches
to economic problems — namely, the submergence of individual and
entrepreneurial decisions (human action) to a constant factor within a pat
formula. Such treatment implies on the part of entrepreneurs irrationality or
sheer impulsiveness. Boulding described this situation thusly:
The picture of the firm on which much of our analysis
is built is crude in the extreme, and in spite of recent refinements there
remains a vast gap between the elegant curves of the economist and the daily
problems of a flesh-and-blood executive.[2]
Accelerationists argue that a temporary rise in
consumer demand automatically calls into being additional capital goods. If
this were true, it follows that entrepreneurs in capital-goods industries
witlessly expand their capacity and thereby commit themselves to greater
overhead without regard to future capital-goods demand.
True, entrepreneurs can and do err in gauging future
demand. But the concept of automatic response to any rise in demand, on the
order of the conditioned-reflex salivation of Pavlov's dogs, is not warranted.
Increased capacity is less of a calculated risk in response to increased
current demand than it is to anticipated future
demand. This anticipation, in turn, is likely to be based on market research,
price comparison, population studies, cost analysis, political stability, etc.,
rather than on impulse.
4. Static
It is not surprising that the accelerator perhaps reached
the zenith of its popularity when professional journals were replete with terms
like "secular stagnation" and "technological frontier."
(Nowadays the term is "automation." Apparently we have moved from the
one extreme of too little technology to the opposite extreme of too much.) Such
heavy-handed treatment of technology does not coincide with experience. Science
and invention do not hibernate during depressions. Du Pont introduced both
Nylon and Cellophane during the 1930s.
While the growth of technology is somewhat irregular,
there can be no question of its progression. Progression tends to
"accelerate" the obsolescence component of depreciation and thereby
crimps the acceleration model, which, ceteris paribus,
ignores the unpredictable dynamics of technology.[3]
5. Arbitrary
Time Periods
Accelerationists must use time as a frame of reference
for their doctrine. The most frequent time period used is a year. Such a time
period, however, implies an even spread of the increase (or the decrease) of
consumer demand in the time period. Thus a spasmodic strengthening and weakening
of demand within the time period could distort the artificial taxonomies of the
For example, a January–December period may carry one
peak demand, whereas a July–June period may yield two peak demands. An
accelerationist may read the first period as having an 8 percent increase and
the second as having a 10 percent increase, which, in the long run, may average
out to 9 percent or some other figure.
Moreover, within a time period, the accelerationist
assumes a fixed relationship between consumer goods and capital goods. Let
alone the problem of technological advances, were such a fixed relationship to
exist it would necessarily mean that the cycles of production for both sets of
goods were perfectly synchronized. This, however, is rarely the case. Consumer
goods generally have a short cycle; capital goods, a long cycle. Thus, current
capital-goods production may be based on orders originating in an earlier
"period." Two consecutive increases in consumer demand could
conceivably be followed by a decrease, which may well mean that the latest
order for capital goods would be cancelled. The flow of goods from the capital
pipeline is not irrevocable.
6. Implicit
Denial of Say's Law
Previous objections to the acceleration doctrine were
of the "other-things-are-not-equal" variety. In short, with so many
independent variables ceteris paribus would
not hold.
This objection — the implicit denial of Say's law of
markets — is more fundamental. If it is valid, it would strike at the heart of
the acceleration principle and reduce it to a non sequitur.
According to Say's law, the source of purchasing power
lies within production — i.e., supply creates its own demand — and therefore generalized overproduction or underconsumption is
not possible. Barring external distortions to the economy, such as war or
drought, Say's law is operative under two conditions — the flexibility of
prices and the neutrality of money. Thus it is not astonishing that a major
accelerationist like Keynes who shunned price flexibility and upheld inflation
should attempt a refutation of Say's law and resurrect the dead body of
underconsumption, rebaptized as the "consumption function" or
"the propensity to consume."
If it is true, as accelerationists claim, that a rise
in consumer demand will thereby create a demand for capital goods, then it must
be explained what causes the rise in consumer demand in the first place. Should
accelerationists concede that the rise is due to capital — or as Böhm-Bawerk
put it, "the technical superiority of roundabout production" — they
would then be forced to admit, logically, that they have put the cart before
the horse, that the growth of capital preceded the growth of demand.
Indeed, if demand could arise without prior production
to give it effectiveness, then we should witness the overnight
industrialization of India, where such astronomical "consumer demand"
exists as to induce the full flowering of the accelerator.
Say's law not only points to the fallacy of the
accelerator but to its corollary, "derived demand." There is a germ
of truth in "derived demand" — "primary" consumer demand
does affect "secondary" capital demand. But the consecutive sequence
should be reversed. The effect of consumer demand on capital is not demand for
capital per se. Capital is always in demand as long as time preference exists —
as long as capital yields the reward of interest. Rather, the effect of
"derived demand" will be, if strong enough, merely to change the form of capital goods, no more. If not otherwise
impeded, capital will always flow to the most urgent of the least satisfied
demands. The point is that capital accumulation — saving and investment — must
comebefore "derived demand." So-called
derived demand merely shifts already existing productive resources from present
applications to alternative but more rewarding applications.
Insofar as the acceleration explanation of the
business cycle is concerned, accelerationists view deceleration with equal
alarm to acceleration. The dilemma was stated by Samuelson:
It is easy to see that in the acceleration principle
we have a powerful factor for economic instability. We have all heard of
situations where people have to keep running in order to stand still. In the
economic world, matters may be worse still: the system may have to be kept
running at an ever faster pace just in order to stand still.[4]
To maintain such an argument, Samuelson and other
accelerationists must discount the fact that a cut in consumer demand in one
line releases consumer demand for other lines. Thus, the change in the
composition of consumer demand releases factors engaged in certain suspended
lines of capital-goods production for new lines of endeavor. That this would
cause frictional unemployment of factors is not denied, but frictional
unemployment is far less of a problem than generalized unemployment. The notion
of ever-accelerating consumer demand to achieve stability within its related
capital-goods industry thus loses sight of the interchangeability of factors.
The essence of capitalism, as in life, is change.
While some industries may be in decline, others will be in ascendancy. Capital
is not eternally fixed; it can be liquidated and "recirculated." Nor
does capital idly wait for consumer demand to "reaccelerate."
Disinvestment and reinvestment, business mortality and business birth, industry
expansion and industry contraction constantly adjust the supply and form of
capital to the demand for consumer goods. Samuelson overlooks the dynamics of
capital in his essentially static, timeless acceleration thesis.
Say's law places production as the controlling factor
over consumption. The accelerator reverses this order. Thus accelerationist
Keynes sought to accelerate consumer demand by having the unemployed uselessly
dig holes or build pyramids, the important thing being to put "purchasing
power" in the hands of spenders. Productionless "purchasing
power," according to Say's law, is a contradiction in terms; it is nothing
but inflation. In short, the false premise of "derived demand" in the
acceleration principle has led to other false premises.
Four findings spring from this article. One, the
accelerator is groundless as a tool of economic analysis. Two, Say's law has
yet to meet an effective refutation. Three, acceptance of the acceleration
doctrine leads to false conclusions in other areas of economics. And four,
accelerationists must look elsewhere for an answer to the business cycle.
While there is evidence that capital-goods industries
do suffer wide extremes of business activity during the course of the business
cycle, it is also true that consumer-goods industries undergo much the same
cycle, even if their amplitudes are smaller. That there is correlation between
the two phenomena is not denied. But correlation is not causation. This is the
heart of the error in the accelerator.
[1] See, e.g., J.M. Clark, "Business Acceleration and the Law of Demand," JPE, March 1917, pp. 217–235; T.N. Carver, Principles of National Economy, 1921, pp. 436–440; J.M. Keynes, General Theory, 1935; and R.F. Harrod, Trade Cycle, 1936.
[2] K.E. Boulding, "The Theory of the Firm in the Last Ten Years," AER, December 1942, p. 801.
[3] Cf. J.R. Hicks, The Theory of Wages, 1932, pp. 112–135. Even though it is incidental to his distribution theory, Hicks formulates a theory of invention which could profit the accelerationists.
[4] P.A. Samuelson, Economics, 2nd ed., 1951, p. 391.
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