Is There Room for Compromise with Socialism?
by Ludwig von Mises
If in the frame of a system of social cooperation only
some means of production are subject to public ownership while the rest are
controlled by private individuals, this does not make for a mixed system
combining socialism and private ownership. The system remains a market society,
provided the socialized sector does not become entirely separated from the
nonsocialized sector and lead a strictly autarkic existence. (In this latter
case there are two systems independently coexisting side by side — a capitalist
and a socialist.)
Publicly owned enterprises, operating within a system
in which there are privately owned enterprises and a market, and socialized
countries, exchanging goods and services with nonsocialist countries, are
integrated into a system of market economy. They are subject to the law of the
market and have the opportunity of resorting to economic calculation.
But it is different with the scheme of the market
economy. Here the dualism of the market and the government's power of coercion
and compulsion suggests various ideas. Is it really peremptory or expedient,
people ask, that the government keep itself out of the market? Should it not be
a task of government to interfere and to correct the operation of the market?
Is it necessary to put up with the alternative of capitalism or socialism? Are there not perhaps still other
realizable systems of social organization which are neither communism nor pure
and unhampered market economy?
Thus people have contrived a variety of third
solutions, of systems which, it is claimed, are as far from socialism as they
are from capitalism. Their authors allege that these systems are nonsocialist
because they aim to preserve private ownership of the means of production and
that they are not capitalistic because they eliminate the
"deficiencies" of the market economy.
For a scientific treatment of the problems involved,
which by necessity is neutral with regard to all value judgments and therefore
does not condemn any features of capitalism as faulty, detrimental, or unjust,
this emotional recommendation of interventionism is
of no avail. The task of economics is to analyze and to search for truth. It is
not called upon to praise or to disapprove from any standard of preconceived
postulates and prejudices. With regard to interventionism it has only one
question to ask and to answer: How does it work?
The Intervention
There are two patterns for the realization of
The first pattern (we may call it the Lenin or the
Russian pattern) is purely bureaucratic. All plants, shops, and farms are
formally nationalized (verstaatlicht); they are
departments of the government operated by civil servants. Every unit of the
apparatus of production stands in the same relation to the superior central
organization as does a post office to the office of the postmaster general.
The second pattern (we may call it the Hindenburg or
German pattern) nominally and seemingly preserves private ownership of the
means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary markets, prices,
wages, and interest rates. There are, however, no longer entrepreneurs, but
only shop managers (Betriebsführer in the
terminology of the Nazi legislation).
These shop managers are seemingly instrumental in the
conduct of the enterprises entrusted to them; they buy and sell, hire and
discharge workers and remunerate their services, contract debts and pay
interest and amortization. But in all their activities they are bound to obey
unconditionally the orders issued by the government's supreme office of
production management.
This office (the Reichswirtschaftsministerium in
Nazi Germany) tells the shop managers what and how to produce, at what prices
and from whom to buy, at what prices and to whom to sell. It assigns every
worker to his job and fixes his wages. It decrees to whom and on what terms the
capitalists must entrust their funds. Market exchange is merely a sham. All the
wages, prices, and interest rates are fixed by the government; they are wages,
prices, and interest rates in appearance only; in fact they are merely
quantitative terms in the government's orders determining each citizen's job,
income, consumption, and standard of living.
The government directs all production activities. The
shop managers are subject to the government, not to the consumers' demand and
the market's price structure. This is socialism under the outward guise of the
terminology of capitalism. Some labels of the capitalistic market economy are
retained, but they signify something entirely different from what they mean in
the market economy.
It is necessary to point out this fact in order to
prevent a confusion of socialism and interventionism. The system of
interventionism or of the hampered market economy differs from the German
pattern of socialism by the very fact that it is still a market economy. The
authority interferes with the operation of the market economy, but does not
want to eliminate the market altogether. It wants production and consumption to
develop along lines different from those prescribed by an unhampered market,
and it wants to achieve its aim by injecting into the working of the market
orders, commands, and prohibitions for whose enforcement the police power and
its apparatus of violent compulsion and coercion stand ready.
But these are isolated acts
of intervention. It is not the aim of the government to combine them into an
integrated system which determines all prices, wages, and interest rates and
thus places full control of production and consumption into the hands of the
The system of the hampered market economy or
interventionism aims at preserving the dualism of the distinct spheres of
government activities on the one hand and economic freedom under the market
system on the other hand. What characterizes it as such is the fact that the
government does not limit its activities to the preservation of private
ownership of the means of production and its protection against violent
encroachments. The government interferes with the operation of business by
means of orders and prohibitions.
The intervention is a decree issued, directly or
indirectly, by the authority in charge of the administrative apparatus of
coercion and compulsion which forces the entrepreneurs and capitalists to
employ some of the factors of production in a way different from what they
would have resorted to if they were only obeying the dictates of the market. Such
a decree can be either an order to do something or an order not to do
It is not required that the decree be issued directly
by the established and generally recognized authority itself. It may happen
that some other agencies arrogate to themselves the power to issue such orders
or prohibitions and to enforce them by an apparatus of violent coercion and
oppression of their own. If the recognized government tolerates such procedures
or even supports them by the employment of its governmental police apparatus,
matters stand as if the government itself had acted. If the government is
opposed to other agencies' violent action, but does not succeed in suppressing
it by means of its own armed forces, although it would like to suppress it,
anarchy results.
It is important to remember that government
interference always means either violent action or the threat of such action.
Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of policemen,
gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential feature of
government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and
imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking
ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.
This article is excerpted from Human Action (1949). An MP3 audio file of this article, narrated by Jeff Riggenbach,
is available for download.
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