Stupid Arguments Against Gold
By George
Persons familiar with my writings on
monetary reform know that, far from being anyone's idea of a gold bug, and
despite my conviction that those monies work best that governments govern
least, I've always shied away from arguing that we ought to re-establish a gold
standard. Instead, I've favored reforms aimed at preserving our existing fiat
standard while eliminating the role of bureaucrats, and increasing that of
competitive market forces, in regulating that standard.
I respect nonetheless those who, having
given serious thought to the matter, conclude that gold remains our best hope.
Alas, such people make up but a small fraction of self-described gold bugs. My
standard reaction to finding myself within earshot of any of the rest is to
look for a more remote and unoccupied bar stool.
But there's one thing that's guaranteed to
bring out the gold bug in me, and that is ill-informed arguments against the
gold standard. No, make that stupid arguments, because the ones I have in
mind aren't merely ill-informed. They
are ill-informed in a way that suggests that the persons who make them don't
even think about
what they're saying.
An example of the sorts of arguments I
have in mind is this opinion piece [1] from
yesterday's New York Times, in which
Eduardo Porter responds to recent pro-gold testimonials of various Republican
presidential candidates and conservative talking heads. Such persons aren't
exactly heavyweights when it comes to making good arguments for returning to
gold. Yet in trying to show just what lightweights they really are, Mr. Porter
mainly succeeds in revealing his own featherweight grasp of monetary economics
and history.
For his opening salvo Mr. Porter turns to R.A. Radford's famous article [2] on
the employment of cigarettes as money in German P.O.W. camps, noting how,
according to Radford, the prices of other goods sometimes fluctuated
dramatically in response to new cigarette deliveries or to cigarettes' gradual
disappearance in the absence of such. This experience, we are assured, proves
that a gold standard is a dumb idea since gold, "as money,...share's
tobacco's basic drawback" of being a commodity.
This would be an unanswerable argument
against the gold standard were it not for two minor issues: first, gold isn't
tobacco; second, P.O.W. camps aren't ordinary economies. Those who plead for a
return to gold have a right to be understood to be extolling the merits of a gold standard rather than those of a
tobacco standard or a cowrie shell standard or some other commodity standard;
and the instability exhibited by any standard in a P.O.W. camp might not supply
an accurate indication of the same standard's likely performance in a more usual
economic setting. I would bet, for example, that the real price of cigarettes
was subject to more violent changes within the confines of Stalag Luft III than
in the surrounding German economy; and after the war the real price of a pack
of cigarettes net of taxes, in the U.S. at least, was more-or-less constant
until the early '80s, when it started to rise gradually. (It is now about twice
what it was then). Finally, there isn't even any good reason for supposing that
cigarettes were a poor monetary medium for P.O.W. camps, given the available
options. Indeed, having often assigned Radford's article myself in teaching
monetary economics, I have always understood its lesson to be, not that
cigarettes make crummy money, but that markets are remarkably clever when it
comes to expediting exchange. The logical implication of Mr. Porter's argument,
on the other hand, seems to be that by relying on the market the P.O.W.s blew
it: it would have been wiser, according to his point of view, for them to have
invited their captors to supply, in exchange for some of their precious
Red-Cross parcel contents, fiat money especially designed for their use, and
backed by a solemn promise to manage the stuff scientifically, so as to best
provide for the prisoners' macroeconomic well-being.
And gold itself? Is its supply in fact
subject to the sort of shocks to which P.O.W. camps' cigarette endowments were
exposed? Though Mr. Porter seems to assume so, he offers no proof. Had he
bothered to inquire into actual facts he might have learned that by far the
most notorious of all precious metal "supply shocks"--the one
following Spain's conquest of the New World--led to the sixfold increase in
European prices that has since come to be known as the great European "Price Revolution." [3] Q.E.D.
for Mr. Porter? Well, not quite, because that sixfold increase occurred over an
interval of over 150 years, which translates into a continuous rate of
inflation of just 1.1 percent--a rate that
would have Ben Bernanke and many other modern central bankers squawking about
being on the brink of a deflationary crisis.
And what about that other famous gold
supply shock started by a lucky discovery at Sutter's Mill? Well, have a look
if you will at a chart showing the progress of the
U.S. CPI since 1800 [4] or
so, and see if you can pick out the rise in prices this discovery caused.
Unless you happen to be on drugs, you can't, because it isn't there: there are price jumps, sure enough--in or around
1812, 1862, and 1918--but they all mark moments when the U.S. temporarily abandoned the gold standard, which is to say
moments when it embraced the sort of paper standard Mr. Porter thinks so
obviously superior to gold. (During WWI, although the U.S. didn't suspend the
gold standard outright, it limited gold exports.) Wars are exceptional, of
course. But then what about the CPI lift-off after 1971, when the dollar's last
link to gold was severed once and for all? Is the CPI a Republican plot?
If not, are we not entitled to wonder why
Mr. Porter, in assuring us that "the Fed can print dollars at will to meet
the growing demand for money as the economy grows," does not seem to realize
that it can, and often does, "print" too many dollars? Are we not
entitled to wonder why, in making a case against gold and in favor of paper
money, he supplies us with an almost perfectly irrelevant story about
tobacco-plus-paper inflation, without so much as hinting at the many far more
serious inflations fueled by paper alone? Is "Zimbabwean" inflation
to him nothing other than a bogeyman invented by some right-wing talking head?
Perhaps Mr. Porter was so absorbed by his vision of P.O.W.s struggling to carry
on despite occasional cigarette windfalls that he managed to overlook the
damage irredeemable paper monies have done at one time or another to the entire
populations of Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, North Korea, Nicaragua, Peru, the
Philippines, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Zaire--to offer but a very
incomplete list.
But why harp on inflation? After all, fiat
money at least has the virtue of hardly ever being in short supply, so that
economies need not fear being unable to grow for want of it. In contrast under
a gold standard, Mr. Porter assures us, "the economy couldn't grow faster
than the supply of gold." Evidently Mr. Porter here overlooks another
relevant episode in economic history. This episode is known as "the 19th
It's hardly surprising under the
circumstances that Mr. Porter should share the very widespread opinion that the
gold standard was to blame for the United States Great Depression. Yet even by his
own telling it wasn't the gold standard as such, but the particular rules by
which the Fed administered that standard, that led to the Fed's failure to
prevent the post-1930 collapse of the U.S. money stock. In fact the Federal
Reserve's requirement of a 40 (not 60) percent gold cover for its outstanding
notes was not a necessary part of the gold standard but a regulation based on
naive ca. 1840 British Currency-School [5] thinking.
(In Scotland's free-banking based gold standard, in contrast, banks managed
quite well with specie reserve ratios that varied little from one or two
The stipulated gold minimum was, moreover,
something that the Fed itself had statutory authority to lower, had it
considered doing so worthwhile. In fact, it didn't, because (as Dick Timberlake [6] points
out) the Fed never ran up against the 40 percent limit during the crucial,
early years of the depression: in August 1931 the Fed's gold holdings of $3.5
billion were over twice what it needed to meet that
requirement; and even at the time of the Bank Holiday in March 1933, despite
having endured a run on gold triggered by fear of an impending devaluation, the
Fed was sitting on more that $1 billion in excess gold reserves. What the Fed
was short of wasn't gold but what clueless Fed officials, subscribing to the
bogus "real-bills doctrine," considered good private securities,
which until 1932 were the only assets eligible for backing its notes other than
gold. If Mr. Porter knew his Friedman and Schwartz, he'd know that those
authors, among several others, conclude on the basis of such facts that the
gold standard was not the cause of the Fed's failure to combat the Great
Depression. Since Christina Romer [7] is
among the authors in question, I trust that Mr. Porter will not be tempted to
declare that they must all be Republicans.
While the general thrust of Mr. Porter's
essay is that one has to be daft to say nice things about the gold standard, he
is generous enough to allow that this might not be the only reason for Ron
Paul's defense of gold. After all, Porter informs us, "much of his
[Paul's] wealth is tied up in gold-mining stocks." Consequently, Porter
reasons, Paul "would certainly benefit if even more American's caught the
gold bug." But would he? Have a look at any plot [8] of the real price of gold [9],
and ask yourself whether, if you had "much of your wealth" in
gold mining, you would be pleading for a return to the gold standard, or
pulling hard for a continuation of the fiat-money status
quo. Besides not making sense, and being nasty, Porter's argumentum
ad hominem is
profoundly silly. Would he have us conclude that Paul is pro-life only because
he's a pediatrician an obstetrician, or that, since he
favors drug legalization, he must be long on marijuana, coca, and poppies?
What I find most obnoxious about Mr.
Porter's arguments isn't that they are arguments against reviving the gold
standard (for I recognize good arguments for not attempting such) or even that
they are bad arguments. It is that they are both bad and smug;
indeed they are bad because they are smug. Starting from the
premise that only idiots can favor a gold standard, Mr. Porter imagines that no
great effort is required to prove that such a standard is deeply flawed. He
then cobbles up his proof, by plucking up a fistful of old anti-gold canards
from the murky bottom of, by recalling an old article describing
inflation that wasn't the fault of some central bank, and by simply asserting
his own a priori beliefs. After all, he reasons, why
bother to use a tower or ram or even a ladder to assail something that mere wind ought to topple? In fine, Mr. Porter
falls victim to the tempting but evidently mistaken assumption
that he surely knows more about money than the average right-wing nut.
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