Why We Should Thank the Chinese Currency Manipulators
Yes, China manipulates its currency, but it’s a form of generous foreign aid to Americans
By Mark J. Perry
At a recent event hosted by The Aspen Institute,"Is U.S. Trade Policy Helping or Hurting Manufacturing?" and
featuring former U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab and former principal
economic adviser to Vice President Joseph Biden Jared Bernstein, there was a
lively debate on a number of issues relating to trade and manufacturing. While
there were differences of opinion on most topics, there was a strong consensus
(including among the attendees) on one topic: China is a currency manipulator.
Here is a summary of that consensus, as I understand it:
1. China manipulates its currency by keeping the yuan
undervalued and the dollar overvalued.
2. That currency manipulation gives China an economic
advantage that harms the United States.
3. The United States and other countries should
individually or collectively take steps to persuade or force China to stop its
4. Solutions to China’s currency manipulation range
from direct legislation, like the bill passed recently in the Senate that will
impose stiff tariffs on Chinese goods if the Treasury finds evidence of
currency manipulation, to other forms of indirect pressure on China to persuade
it to stop manipulating its currency.
Let me break from that consensus about China’s
currency policy and present an alternative position:
In the best of all possible worlds for the United
States, China would use its labor and capital to manufacture consumer products
like clothing, footwear, furniture, electronics, and appliances and send $300
billion worth of these products to U.S. consumers for free every year as a gift
or a form of foreign aid to the American people. In addition, the Chinese would
produce and send to America another $100 billion worth of raw materials, parts,
industrial supplies, inputs, and natural resources at no charge, as a gift to
American manufacturers every year. (Note: That’s roughly the amount of goods we
will purchase from China this year.)
Can there really be any argument that such an
arrangement, where America would receive $400 billion worth of free goods every
year from China, would be to the unquestionable economic advantage of the
United States? Unfortunately, that extreme Chinese generosity is not realistic,
so here's a possible second-best outcome:
Instead of sending us $400 billion worth of goods
annually for free, China offers an attractive alternative. It agrees to send us
$500 billion worth of consumer and industrial goods every year, but agrees to
sell us those manufactured goods at a substantial 20 percent discount for only
$400 billion. In that case, the amount of foreign aid will be less than the
$400 billion in the first example, but will still be significant—a $100 billion
gift every year from the Chinese people to the American people.
How will China generate this $100 billion in annual
foreign aid to the United States? One way is to keep its currency undervalued
to bring about the 20 percent discount on its products coming to America.
Which then raises the question: If China is willing to
undervalue its currency, and in the process provide approximately $100 billion
of foreign aid annually to American consumers and businesses, what’s the
problem? Why should we complain?
And that is my main point: that the
"manipulation" of China's currency is actually to the distinct
advantage of millions of American consumers (especially low-income Americans)
and U.S. businesses buying products made in China. Those two groups certainly
aren't complaining about low-priced Chinese products, and in fact would be made
worse off if China were forced to revalue its currency and in the process make
its products more expensive for Americans.
So if neither American consumers nor U.S.
import-buying businesses would benefit from a stronger yuan and a reduction in
China's "foreign aid" to America, who would really benefit? The same
group that always benefits from protectionist, mercantilist trade policies:
domestic producers who compete against foreign rivals in China and elsewhere.
We know from economic theory and empirical evidence
that protectionist tariffs produce benefits for domestic producers, but also
higher costs for domestic consumers. Unfortunately, the costs to consumers from
protectionism are greater than the benefits to producers, resulting in a net
economic loss for the country and a reduction in its standard of living.
Likewise, forcing China to appreciate its currency
would be equivalent to a protectionist tariff on Chinese goods and would make
American consumers, import-buying companies, and the country as a whole worse
So when you hear discussion of China’s currency
manipulation, keep the following in mind:
1. China's currency manipulation is a form of foreign
aid, and to the direct advantage of millions of U.S. consumers, especially
low-income groups, and to the direct advantage of thousands of American
companies buying inputs from China.
2. Forcing China to revalue its currency would benefit
some American manufacturers competing with China, but would significantly harm
those American consumers and businesses currently buying undervalued imports.
On net, there would be more harm to American consumers than benefits to
American manufacturers, which would reduce our overall standard of living.
3. Like other forms of mercantilism and protectionism,
forcing or pressuring China to appreciate its currency would favor certain
domestic producers over millions of consumers and import-buying companies, but
would make the United States worse off, not better off.
4. Finally, instead of complaining, we should be
thankful for China's foreign aid to Americans through an undervalued yuan,
overvalued dollar, and undervalued goods that collectively save American
consumers and companies billions of dollars every year.
Bottom Line: If you wouldn't object to China sending
products to the United States for free, then on what basis would you object to
currency “manipulation” that allows you to purchase undervalued Chinese imports
at a huge discount and great bargain?
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