Great Britain Saves Itself by
Rejecting the EU
The French and Germans may howl with outrage, but David Cameron did the right thing in pulling up the drawbridge to a continent on the verge of collapse, says Niall Ferguson.
by Niall Ferguson

David Cameron’s refusal to back a Franco-German plan to revise the European Union treaty was the culmination of a consistent Conservative policy,
dating back to Margaret Thatcher and continued under John Major. That policy
has been to resist any steps taken in the name of European integration that
would in practice lead to Britain’s becoming a member of a federal Europe.
Cameron is not—despite the opprobrium that has been
heaped on his head by everyone from the French President Nicolas Sarkozy to the
shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander—a pathologically insular Little
Englander. Like Margaret Thatcher, he believes in the single European market.
Like John Major, he opposes British membership of the European monetary union. As over the Schengen Agreements on passport-free
travel, as over the euro, Britain has once again reserved its right to retain
sovereignty over key areas of policy.
Nor is this an exclusively Conservative policy
tradition. Gordon Brown, too, resisted the siren calls of the Europhiles in his
own party to take Britain into the EMU. I don’t think he did this out of high
principle, mind you. I suspect it was partly to spite Tony Blair, partly to
maximize the economic power he retained as chancellor of the Exchequer and
partly to please his friends in the City, many of whom were rather put off of
monetary union by the trauma of Britain’s brief membership of the Exchange Rate
Mechanism. Nevertheless, Brown’s preservation of the pound was his single
greatest achievement. Had he yielded, the British economy would now be
suffering a far more agonizing economic contraction, because we would have
lacked the monetary flexibility that was so successfully used by Sir Mervyn
King to mitigate the impact of the 2008-9 financial crisis.
So it is not that British policy has dramatically
changed. The real historical turn is the one now being taken by the 17 euro
zone members and the six non-euro states that have chosen to follow them. For
there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that what they have just agreed to do
is to create a federal fiscal union. Moreover, it is a fundamentally flawed
one. The only surprising thing is that so few other non-euro countries—Sweden,
maybe the Czechs and Hungarians—have joined Britain in expressing reservations.
I quite see why countries with the euro are prepared to give up their fiscal
independence to avert a currency collapse. But what on earth is in this for the
Nicolas Sarkozy, as usual, bad-mouthed the British
prime minister in the hope of maximizing his own personal glory at the expense
of la perfide Albion. “Very simply,” declared the French
president, “in order to accept the reform of the treaty at 27, David Cameron
asked for what we thought was unacceptable: a protocol to exonerate the U.K.
from financial-services regulation. We could not accept this as at least part
of the problems [Europe is facing] came from this sector.” This is claptrap of
the lowest order.
To see why, you need to read the “international
agreement” announced in the early hours of Friday. The stated aim of the
agreement—which would have been the aim of EU treaty revision had Cameron
rolled over—is to establish and enforce “a new fiscal compact and strengthened
economic policy coordination” in the euro area. The phrase “fiscal stability
union” is explicitly used. It is to be based on “common, ambitious rules” and
“a new legal framework.”
How will this work? The answer is that there will be a
“new fiscal rule”: “General government budgets shall be balanced or in surplus;
this principle shall be deemed respected if, as a rule, the annual structural
deficit does not exceed 0.5 percent of nominal GDP.” This balanced budget rule
is to be adopted in the national constitutions of euro zone members. But there
will also be an “automatic correction mechanism,” enforceable by the core EU
institutions—the commission, the council, and the court—if member states
violate their own constitutions.
Moreover, the document states that there will
henceforth be “a procedure … to ensure that all major economic policy reforms
planned by euro area Member States will be discussed and coordinated at the
level of the euro area” with regular euro zone summits to be held at least
twice a year. The French and Germans leaders have made it clear that they
envisage harmonizing labor law, taxation, and financial regulation on this
This, in sum, is the founding charter of the United
States of Europe. Notice two problems however. First, it is not clear how the
European Commission, Council, and Court can act in this way, policing a
23-member fiscal union that is not covered by any treaty. Second, the
balanced-budget rule is nuts. As it stands, it’s a recipe for excessive
rigidity in fiscal policy—unless you think the rest of the Brussels Agreement
implies a significant centralization of fiscal policy. Because you cannot have
a balanced budget rule for member states if you don’t also have a federal
government with flexible fiscal rules (as in the U.S.).
So where is the clause describing the new USE
Treasury, with the right to issue bonds as well as to transfer resources from
the more productive to the less productive member states? The answer is there
isn’t one because the German voter refuses to countenance such a thing. That
means one of two things. Either it’s going to be created by stealth—or this is
a federal union that will be dead on arrival. I think it’s supposed to be the
former, but I am not sure.
Remember, none of this would be happening if it wasn’t
for a disastrous crisis of the Eurocrats’ own making. Twelve years ago, I was
one of a small band of commentators who warned correctly that a monetary union
without some fiscal component would fall apart after about 10 years. Four years
ago, I was also one of a handful of people who pointed out that the German
banks were in worse shape than the American banks and needed urgent attention.
Europe’s leaders ignored these arguments. The result has been an entirely
predictable combination of fiscal crisis and banking collapse.
There is now a depression on the other side of the
English Channel, and it is the continent that is cutting itself off—from sane
economic policies.
In the past few months, incompetent leadership has
brought the euro-zone economy, and with it the world economy, to the edge of a
precipice strongly reminiscent of 1931. Then, as now, it proved impossible to
arrive at sane debt restructurings for overburdened sovereigns. Then, as now,
bank failures threatened to bring about a complete economic collapse. Then, as
now, an excessively rigid monetary system (then the gold standard, now the
euro) served to worsen the situation.
For some time it has been quite obvious that the only
way to save the monetary union is to avoid the mistakes of the 1930s. That
means, first, massive quantitative easing (bond purchases) by the European
Central Bank to bring down the interest rates (yields) currently being paid by
the Mediterranean governments; second, restructuring to reduce the absolute
debt burdens of these governments; third, the creation of a new fiscal
mechanism that transfers resources on a regular basis from the core to the
periphery; and finally the recapitalization of the ailing banks of the euro
The problem is that the Brussels Agreement only does
these things in the most half-hearted way. Aside from new borrowing, euro-area
governments have to repay more than €1.1 trillion euros of long- and short-term
debt in 2012, with about €519 billion of Italian, French, and German debt
maturing in the first half alone. Meanwhile, the European banks need, we are
now told, €115 billion of new capital—of which €13 billion is required by
German banks.
Yet the European Financial Stability Fund has been
capped at €500 billion, of which more than half has already been committed. The
International Monetary Fund is to be given (by whom?) just €200 billion to
recycle back (to whom?). And the ECB has committed itself to spend no more than
€20 billion a week on bond purchases in the secondary market.
It is all, quite simply, too little. And the result is
that the euro zone is about to repeat history. In the absence of sufficient
resources for the new federal model, the new rules about budgets (and bank
capital) are going to lead to pro-cyclical fiscal and monetary policies,
deepening rather than alleviating the economic contraction we are witnessing.
“Eurozone Deal Leaves Britain Isolated” trumpets the Financial
Times, for many years an ardent proponent of monetary union. But if
David Cameron can succeed in isolating Britain from the disaster that is
unfolding on the continent, he deserves only our praise. For once the old
joke—“Fog in the Channel: Continent Cut Off”—seems applicable. There is now a
Depression on the other side of the channel, and it is indeed the continent
that is cutting itself off—from sane economic policies.
Last month I warned that the disintegration of the
European Union was more likely than the death of the euro. You now see what I
meant. The course on which the continent has now embarked means not just the
creation of a federal Europe, but a chronically depressed federal Europe. The
Eurocrats have exchanged a Stability and Growth Pact—which was honored only in
the breach—for an Austerity and Contraction Pact they intend to stick to. The
United Kingdom has no option but to dissociate itself from this collective
suicide pact, even if it strongly increases the probability that we shall end
up outside the EU altogether.
Many more brickbats will rain down on David Cameron in
the days to come. But he has done the right thing. And he will swiftly be vindicated by
events on the cut-off continent.
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