Where have all the leaders gone? So much has happened
in 2011, but there is precious little evidence of world events being guided by
a few great men and women. From the social revolution in Egypt's Tahrir Square
to the impact of the Tea Party on American politics, and on to the Occupy
movement, loose-knit, largely leaderless networks are exercising great
influence on social and political affairs.
Networks draw their strength in two ways: from the
information technologies that connect everybody to everybody else, and from the
power of the narratives that draw supporters in and keep them in, sometimes
even in the face of brutal repression such as practiced by Bashar al-Assad's
regime in Syria. Aside from civil society uprisings, this is true of terrorist
networks as well. The very best example is al Qaeda, which has survived the
death of Osama bin Laden and is right now surging fighters into Iraq -- where
they are already making mischief and will declare victory in the wake of the
departure of U.S. forces.
The kind of "people power" now being
exercised, which is the big story of the past year, is opening a whole new
chapter in human history -- an epic that was supposed to have reached its end
with the ultimate triumph of democracy and free market capitalism, according to
leading scholar and sometime policymaker Francis Fukuyama. When he first
advanced his notion about the "end of
history" in 1989,
world events seemed to be confirming his insight. The Soviet Union was
unraveling, soon to dissolve. Freedom was advancing nearly everywhere. Fukuyama
knew there would still be occasional unrest but saw no competing ideas
emerging. We would live in an age of mop-up operations, such as the 2003
invasion of Iraq -- for which he had initially plumped -- and this year's war
to overthrow Libya's Muammar al-Qaddafi. As Fukuyama noted in his famous
essay, "the
victory of liberalism has occurred primarily in the realm of ideas or
consciousness and is as yet incomplete in the real or material world."
Fukuyama is only the latest in a long line of wise
people who thought things were "over." From humankind's historical
beginnings, a very lively interest in endings has always been apparent. The
unknown author of the epic of Gilgamesh, a ruler of ancient Uruk (modern Iraq),
was the first to focus on the mortality of the individual. He explored
questions that were picked up on later by Aristotle, Lucretius, and Aurelius --
about the meaning of existence and what happens after death -- and that have
continued to puzzle the thoughtful up into our time. Others have looked at
"the end" from a wider, world-encompassing perspective -- most dramatically
depicted in the "revelations" envisioned by Christian Apocalyptic
literature. The Mayans, too, thought very much about endings. Their
"long-count" calendar is famously set to terminate on Dec. 21, 2012.
The larger sweep of world events has often been
incorporated into these "endist" views as well. Genghis Khan's Mongol
hordes, the "Tatars," were so named by Christians who believed that
these all-conquering riders had come from the nether world, Tartarus, to
announce the looming end of times. Tolstoy's character from War and
Peace, Pierre
Bezukhov, spent a lot of time and effort attaching numerical values to
Napoleon's name -- to see whether the Corsican had the "number of the
Beast" (666). Hitler also had his turn in the dock as a candidate
anti-Christ. All of them proved false, however, and the end never quite came.
Many have expressed doubts about the latest "end
of history" thesis, and even Fukuyama has mused that, even if some kind of
inflection point has been reached, history could well continue on in some new
vein. In this he might be right. For it is possible -- indeed, more appropriate
-- to look at world events from a point of view that considers
"endings" as not so final.
Instead there are historical turnings after which what
was recedes and what is and will persist flourishes -- a world less driven by
the apocalyptic, one more attuned to the epochal. It could be argued that the
Bible takes this view: The Flood in Genesis ushers in not the end but a new
beginning; the Second Coming in Revelation features travail, but also a
1,000-year era of peace. Even J.R.R. Tolkien's saga of Middle-earth sees
"the end" as a new beginning -- as does the Mayan long-count
So it may be now. But just what is ending? And what is
beginning? In terms of world affairs, I see that a great turning has occurred:
A process that began in the 16th century reached its climax at the end of the
millennium. There was a protracted struggle during this period between empires
and the nation-states that rose up, fought against, and eventually defeated
Before the start of the long wars between empires and
nations -- i.e., for all of recorded history from Sargon of Akkad to Philip II
of Spain -- all great events were driven by empires that fed on the territory,
resources, and labor of others. Persian, Greek, Roman, Moorish, Ottoman,
Mongol, Mughal -- with few exceptions, these and other empires were the
arbiters of events. But in the 1500s, a sense of nationalism began to emerge in
some places, most notably
in Western Europe, where English and Dutch resistance to Spanish dominion was most pronounced. These struggles gave birth to some early nation-states that proved much stronger than the ancient and medieval city-states that were all eventually bowled over by empires.
in Western Europe, where English and Dutch resistance to Spanish dominion was most pronounced. These struggles gave birth to some early nation-states that proved much stronger than the ancient and medieval city-states that were all eventually bowled over by empires.
From the outset, empire and nation fought each other
unremittingly. As the great social scientist Charles Tilly observed in The Formation of National
States in Western Europe, "War made the state, and the state
made war." Even small states often sought to fill the void left by
declining empires with imperial aggrandizement of their own. For example, the
Portuguese and Dutch built seaborne empires in the 16th and 17th centuries,
with holdings across the world's Southern Hemisphere hewn from the edges of
indigenous imperia. For centuries this was the pattern, sometimes unfolding
gradually -- as in the case of Britain, whose gains were primarily in America
in the 17th century, South Asia in the 18th, and Africa in the 19th -- but
occasionally playing out far more quickly, as with the rise of the Germans in
the 1860s and their bloody fall in 1945.
By 1900 the outcome of the continuing conflict between
empires and nations was still in doubt. V.I. Lenin, a true predecessor to
Fukuyama in that he predicted the self-destructive end of empires, noted at the
time that most of the world's land mass was still ruled by empires. He foresaw,
however, that amid their struggles with nations, empires would eventually turn
upon each other. And so they did. World War I consisted of a horrifying series
of sledgehammer blows inflicted by empire against empire. What was left of
world imperium went at it again a generation later, the survivors bankrupt and
in ruins by the end of World War II. Even the grim Soviet successors to the
czars could hold on for just another four decades. By 2000, recalculation of
Lenin's "imperial control" figures would yield only a few
rounding-error-sized holdings remaining.
So the end that Fukuyama perceived may have really
been instead a great "bend of history," with the fighting between
empires and nations finally, decisively resolved in the latter's favor. There
are no more empires, lest one is willing to see the United States in this role
-- just a few Americans on the far left and right characterize the country as
such, though some others around the world are more inclined to view America
this way. In the place of fallen empires there are new nations everywhere,
South Sudan being just the latest in a decades-long line. Perhaps the best
measure of the triumph of the nation-state is the roster of the United Nations,
which formed with just over 50 members at the end of World War II and has
almost 200 today. And the idea of nationhood as a focus of loyalty and
organizing principle remains attractive, including to those to whom this
designation is being denied -- Kurds, Palestinians, Pashtuns, and others.
Yet, if this notion of a "bend" rather than
an end to history is right, something must fill the void created by the fallen
empires. It seems to me that networks -- the aforementioned loosely knit social
aggregations of both civil and "uncivil" society actors -- are
striving to do just this. Over the past decade and more, networks have sprouted
all over the world. In their finer moments they have achieved much good,
helping to rein in the excesses of nations by, for example, encouraging the
curtailment of nuclear weapons testing and fostering the spread of an
international ban on anti-personnel land mines.
The noblest of these types of networks have most
recently been on display from Tunisia to Syria, essentially leaderless social
movements that have either toppled or imperiled tyrants even though the latter
have had the big battalions on their side. The darker side of the network
phenomenon is best exemplified by al Qaeda, which began a great war between
nations and networks over a decade ago. Despite suffering a series of reverses,
al Qaeda remains on its feet and fighting. Beyond the world of terrorism,
criminal networks are growing in strength as well, often tearing at the fabric
of nations, as they have done in Mexico in recent years -- and have been doing
in various parts of Africa for even longer.
How the new pattern will unfold is still unclear, but
just as the first nation-states were often tempted to become empires, there may
be a pattern in which nations and networks somehow seek to fuse rather than
fight. Iran, in its relations with Hezbollah, provides perhaps the best example
of a nation embracing and nurturing a network. So much so that, in parsing the
2006 Lebanon war between Israel and Hezbollah, most of the world -- and most
Israelis -- counted it as a win for the network. China, too, has shown a skill
and a proclivity for involving itself with networks, whether of hackers,
high-sea pirates, or operatives who flow along the many tendrils of the Asian
triads' criminal enterprises. The attraction may be mutual, as nations may feel
more empowered with networks in their arsenals and networks may be far more
vibrant and resilient when backed by a nation. All this sets the stage for a
world that may have 10 al Qaedas operating 10 years from now -- many of them in
dark alliances with nations -- a sure sign that the Cold War–era arms race has
given way to a new "organizational race" to build or align with
Clearly, a turning has occurred. With empires gone and
the field seemingly left to nations, networks of all sorts have emerged to take
up a new challenge, to usher in a new age. Virtually all networks have been
"born fighting," like the first wave of modern nation-states some 500
years ago. If the last "bend of history" is any indicator, this
latest turning speaks to a continued epoch of conflict.
This time, however, the way of war will be different.
For centuries, nations competed effectively by imitating the great forces of
empires on land and sea -- and later in the air. Today, networks fight in
fundamentally different ways, from waging "battles of the story" in
places like Tahrir Square -- whose echoes can be seen in "Occupy"
events -- to conducting terrorist and insurgent campaigns in dozens of places
around the world. The challenge will be for nations to learn to emulate, where
appropriate, the successful tactics of the networks -- and to become adept at
countering them as well.
Whenever U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about
"bending the arc of history," it is with reference to the search for
justice. But other story arcs are out there, and the biggest and most important
of them has to do with the rise of networks and their looming impact on war,
peace, and statecraft. If we fail to grasp this, we will find ourselves on the
path of perpetual conflict, almost by default. Even if we do take the rise of
networks seriously, there is likely to be quite a bit of conflict ahead. But
there will be more hope for peace and progress as well. For where the world
never really had sufficient room for both empires and nations to thrive, there
is abundant space for nations and networks. Indeed, the great potential is that
each can make the other better.
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