Ludwig von Mises on
Economic Growth, Denial, and Truth in Europe
By John Chapman
When the great Austrian economist Ludwig von
Mises died in
New York on October 10, 1973, he was a broken man. Mises had devoted his
life to the cause of unrestricted laissez
faire — or as he called it, the unhampered market
economy. He understood better than any man who lived in the 20th century
what redistributive interventionism would generate: for the individual,
lower living standards that bred frustration and broken dreams. And, at a macro
level, slower growth, a breakdown in social cooperation due to
declining investment, and in the extreme, the unraveling of civilization
itself are the inevitable results of socialist policies.
As a captain in the field artillery of the Austro-Hungarian
army in the Carpathian Mountains during World War I, he had witnessed the
destruction of a century of peace and progress in Europe in a war that could
only have happened in collectivist madness. Then came the interwar
disintegration in Germany. Later, with the rise of Hitler, he felt
compelled to leave Vienna for the relative safety of Geneva in 1934, and
eventually hurried across France in a bus bound for Lisbon — his gateway to
America — just ahead of advancing German armies in 1940, having left behind and
lost everything.
For Mises the repeated denial of reality by the major
powers both throughout World War I and then about Germany during the interwar
period, were a depressing commentary on the inability of the
political class to act in ways that benefited the populace. But this was
not to be the worst of it: following the post-war rise of collectivism, in
1971 he was horrified to see the final and total decoupling of the world’s
currencies from gold, the first time in at least 2,700 years that the
yellow metal was not money anywhere in the world.
Mises knew — and predicted — that a regime of fiat
currencies everywhere in the world would not end well. He
asserted at the time that this would lead to an era of unprecedented
monetary instability, fiscal profligacy that guaranteed retrograde government
policies, depressions, and inevitably, social conflict. Without a sound
monetary system to facilitate trade and harmonious cooperation between
countries, peaceful and progressive economic order disintegrates.
And ultimately, Mises knew, this leads to the kind of catastrophe we lived
through in 2008, and whose reverberations will now long be felt, even as we may
yet live through it all again.
Mises’ heroic life and vision — and the depth of
despair he felt at the end over the Orwellian denial all round him alongside
retrograde policies — were recalled to us this week for two reasons: first, the
fairly unprecedented intervention by the Federal Reserve and other central banks’ easing to
support initiatives undertaken by the European Central Bank (ECB) to prop up
asset values and maintain interbank credit flows in the Eurozone.
And secondly, the calendar has turned inside one
month until the first votes are cast in the 2012 election for the U.S.
Presidency. This election, like those of 1896, 1932, and 1980 before it,
is dominated by the lingering effects of a recessionary downturn borne of
monetary instability. And like those others, it is an inflection point that will either ratify existing policies put into
place in the wake of the recession, or bring someone new in to change the
direction of policy (as an aside, in all three of those prior inflection point
elections, the candidate from the challenging party beat the incumbent or his
party; in 1896 the Republican challenger McKinley defended the incumbent
Democrat Cleveland’s monetary policy against radical change sought by William
Jennings Bryan, but in 1932 and 1980 the White House switched party hands and
policy regimes).
The United States thus has two very different futures
in store based on competing visions that will be discussed next year — one in
which government-run health care and 25% federal spending-to-GDP levels
are permanently cemented into America’s welfare state apparatus, or the
other in which much policy in recent years is dismantled and the U.S. economy
retreats back toward <20% spending-to-GDP.
Mises had long recognized the inescapability of such a
clash to the death of the competing ideologies – between socialism
and the market economy – that is now in store for us in 2012.
And as such, he would understand the primal importance of vigorous engagement
with the other side in the months prior to the vote. As he wrote in 1922,
Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping toward destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interest, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on the result. Whether he chooses or not, every man is drawn into the great historical struggle, the decisive battle into which our epoch has plunged us.
This sentiment resonates as one reviews the situation
in the Eurozone this week in the run-up to the meeting that may yield
greater fiscal coordination there in exchange for German acquiescence to a
quasi-bailout of periphery debtors. And indeed this is a great historical
struggle, though too many on both sides of the Atlantic seem not to realize
it. The wrangling over first Belgian, then more acutely Greek, and now
Italian, debt has consumed the better part of two years, with little
resolution alongside growing investor risk and pervasive gloom about the
Eurozone’s prospects. And here in the United States, concerns
about the Eurozone have taken on an outsized proportion, with wild stock market swings on every bought rumor and sold fact. As gloomy
as Mises was at his end, he nonetheless also never failed to think clearly.
And so the first thing to note is that indeed, Europe is likely headed into recession in 2012. Data on Eurozone manufacturing out this week
were stark in their universal trend in the last four months (>50 =
expansion; <50 signals contraction):
These data are alarming for their trend uniformity;
while the manufacturing sector is now down to roughly 20% of the total Eurozone
economy, like everywhere else in the world, it correlates very closely with
changes in GDP growth. Capital goods equipment production is tailing
off at an alarming 2% rate on a quarterly basis, partly due to rising rates in
Europe, but mainly due to perceived drop in primary demand. The Eurozone
PMI Index was in fact down to a 28-month low, and there were job layoffs in every country except
Austria and Germany. New orders have fallen for the fifth month in a row, and
at the steepest rate in 30 months, due to both the lack of demand in Europe and
for exports.
Many European governments are seeing the price of their bonds fall, undermining banks’ balance sheets. In response, banks, especially in the euro area, are selling assets and deleveraging. An erosion of confidence, lower asset prices and tighter credit conditions are further damaging the prospects for economic activity and will affect the ability of companies, households and governments to repay their debts. That, in turn, will weaken banks’ balance sheets further. This spiral is characteristic of a systemic crisis.
Tackling the symptoms
of the crisis without resolving the underlying causes, by measures such as
providing liquidity to banks or sovereigns offers only short-term relief.
Ultimately, governments will have to confront the underlying causes. … The
problems in the euro area are part of the wider imbalances in the world
economy. The end result of such imbalances is a refusal by the private sector
to continue financing deficits, as the ability of borrowers to repay is called
into question.
The crisis in the
euro area is one of solvency and not liquidity. And the interconnectedness of
major banks means that banking systems, and hence economies, around the world
are all affected. Only the governments directly involved can find a way out of
the crisis. …
Governor King is precisely correct. The problems in Europe, Mises would
say, stem from a lack of capital, which begets solvency — they are not problems
relating to temporary liquidity issues, in the main. Many
European banks are, collectively, more or less insolvent, as the case may be,
as the value of their sovereign holdings and other debt instruments has
fallen. What to do about this?
Mises never tired of explaining that most all economic
problems would be solved through market-led growth (viz., strong dollar, low tax
rates on capital and income, free trade, unleashed entrepreneurship via
regulatory relief). But
growth does not happen through Keynes’ usual exhortation to increase government
spending. Indeed, this is a solution in answer to the wrong
problem. For in fact more government spending is tantamount to less capital
accumulation, which alas IS the
answer to the Eurozone’s core problem right now.
And secondly, central bank coordination this week
leaves many investors cold with the prospect of a fairly broad round of
quantitative easing in coming months including the likely participation by the Federal Reserve. Mises would again protest the folly of general
fiat inflation. Swap lines from the Fed, guaranteed by good collateral,
are one thing, and may indeed be appropriate to solving short term liquidity
constraints in the Eurodollar market there.
But weak and vacillating global currencies have long
been the core problem and cause of this deep recession, particularly the
Federal Reserve, which fueled the 2008 crisis through years of ”QE”.
Denizens of the Eurozone are manifestly not being told the truth about the
state of their banks there, or the massive capital malinvestment that fiat monies
have caused. Nor were they adequately advised of the fiscal profligacy of
their socialist governments (which a fiat currency abets) – particularly in
cases like Greece that involved outright fraud.
So why all the coordinating moves this week and accompanying
market euphoria? Again, as Mises would say, this is merely a postponement
of the day of reckoning. With respect to sovereign debt issues, as George
Mason University’s Lawrence White puts it:
The Eurozone has a choice for dealing with its unrepayable sovereign debts: explicit partial defaults by a few governments’ bonds OR implicit partial defaults on all bonds by debauching the euro. The first sticks it to bondholders who voluntarily bought those bonds. The second sticks it to everyone who holds euros. So why does the second option seem to be more popular everywhere but Germany?
And Professor White, following Mises’ logic, might
well say something similar with respect to the banks themselves, many of whom
hold this debt: let them fail.
We have entered a strange new phase in the Eurozone
saga. Truly, Rome is burning while fiddlers are playing. Months of
wrangling have produced no fix to bank insolvency, and the manifest internal
contradictions of the welfare state model, wrought from decades of borrowing
tomorrow’s wealth to pay for today’s consumption, have, like proverbial
chickens, come home to roost. Facing the truth of the situation, that
failures and defaults are not only an option but vastly preferred over more
bail-outs and currency debauchery, is the first of those in the 12-step
program to follow.
The second step is for Europe’s business leaders to
step up and fight any monetary easing that does not involve liquidity
needs. Inflating away Greek debt, say, makes no sense even if the
alternative is a sovereign default. Eurozone business leaders, indeed,
now need to come forward as well and understand they are indeed in an “historical
struggle”, just as in the United States. The only way out for them is to
cast off the burdens of welfare state Keynesianism, and for the first
time in a long time, point Europe toward the unhampered market economy.
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