The National Defense Authorization Act is the Greatest
Threat to Civil Liberties Americans Face
By E.D. Kain
If Obama does one thing for the remainder of his
presidency let it be a veto of the National
Defense Authorization Act – a law recently passed by the Senate which would place domestic terror
investigations and interrogations into the hands of the military and which
would open the door for trial-free, indefinite detention of anyone, including
American citizens, so long as the government calls them terrorists.
There are still changes swirling around the Senate, but this looks like the
basic shape of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. Someone the government says is “a member of, or part
of, al-Qaida or an associated force” can be held in military custody “without
trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use
of Military Force.” Those hostilities are currently scheduled toend the Wednesday after never. The move would shut down criminal trials for terror
An amendment that would limit military detentions to people captured
overseas failed on Thursday
afternoon. The
Senate soundly defeated a measure to strip out all the detention provisions on Tuesday.
So despite the Sixth Amendment’s
guarantee of a right to trial, the Senate bill would let the government lock up any citizen it swears is
a terrorist, without the burden of proving its case to an independent judge,
and for the lifespan of an amorphous war that conceivably will never end. And
because the Senate is using the bill that authorizes funding for the military
as its vehicle for this dramatic constitutional claim, it’s pretty likely to
I seriously don’t care if you’re a liberal or a
conservative or a libertarian or a Zen anarchist. So long as you aren’t Carl
Levin or John McCain, the bill’s architects, you can join the Civil Liberties
Caucus. Spencer writes:
Weirder still, the bill’s chief architect, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), tried
to persuade skeptics that the bill wasn’t so bad. His pitch? “The requirement
to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to
citizens of the United States,” he said on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill
would just letthe government detain a citizen
in military custody, not force it to do
that. Reassured yet?
Civil libertarians aren’t. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said it “denigrates the very
foundations of this country.” Sen. Rand
Paul (R-Ky.) added, “it puts every single
American citizen at risk.”
This is what I mean: Give me Rand Paul and Al Franken
any day of the week over the Levins and McCains of the Senate. We need more
elected officials with the sensibility of Ron Wyden or Al Franken* on the left,
or Rand Paul on the right. Right and left are such shoddy, ad hoc descriptors these days anyways.
What’s truly at stake when we start talking about Big
Government and such is far more dangerous and preposterous than high marginal
tax rates.
We’re talking about the stripping away of our most
basic freedoms. We’re talking about a potential state that can call me a
terrorist for writing this blog post and then lock me up and throw away the
What’s the line from Batman? The night is always darkest just before the dawn.
I like to think that’s true, because times seem awfully dark these days.
* Update: Actually, Franken voted for the
NDAA so never mind.
He’s also sponsoring the PROTECT IP Act which would clamp down on free speech
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