societies are unfit for survival
‘My own wish,” said
Christopher Hitchens, the God Is Not Great author who died
last week, is “to write an anti-Christmas column that becomes fiercer every
Hitchens believed that the Judeo-Christian religion
cannot be credited with imbuing in people desirable values, asserting: “If all
the official stories of monotheism, from Moses to Mormonism, were to be utterly
and finally discredited, we would be exactly where we are now.” In dismissing
“Thou Shalt Not Steal,” one of the Ten Commandments from God that Moses is said
to have brought down from Mount Sinai, Hitchens asserted: “We don’t know of any
society that has a commandment saying it’s OK to steal or a social custom that
allows it.”
In fact, stealing is and has been lawful in many,
perhaps most societies throughout time. The Spartans of ancient Greece
encouraged their youth to steal, to teach them how to be
surreptitious,resourceful, and agile. The crime — and Spartans punished it
harshly — came in stealing badly, and being caught. In other societies,
stealing from your own kind is considered immoral; stealing from others a
matter of choice. According to Gypsy Law: Romani Legal Traditions and
Culture, published by University of California Press, gypsies have no moral
objections to stealing “so long as one does not victimize another Gypsy, causes
no physical harm, and takes no more than is necessary to survive.”
Even the commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is and was
at odds with the values of numerous societies. The Druids killed innocents in
ritual slaughters, the Romans for entertainment. In many tribal or clan-based
societies, honour killings for sexual transgressions remain obligatory. In most
societies, the rules for killing distinguished between killing your own people
and killing those of other societies, to whom you owed no obligation.
Moral values are not universal. Those peculiar to
modern Western society, as summarized by the Ten Commandments, stem from the
notion that there is but one God, and that all humans are created in His image.
This entirely novel idea led to the widely accepted Western view that all human
life is sacred. The notion of God as the ultimate lawmaker also promoted
democracy — God’s Ten Commandments trumped those of any king or despot in
Christendom, curbing their power to rule by whim.
Hitchens’ main point, of course, is the stupidity of
religious belief, and the superiority of atheism. Where’s the proof? As a
believer in evolution and survival of the fittest, he should have found the
evidence to the opposite overwhelming. History has shown godless societies to
be unfit for survival. Time and again, they have been outcompeted by both
gods-fearing and God-fearing societies.
The term “atheist” comes from the ancient Greek,
meaning “godless” or “to deny the gods.” It described the various writers and
philosophers who doubted the existence of gods, or who doubted that the gods in
any way cared about or influenced humans. Godless societies are believed to
have existed throughout history although we know little about most of them,
presumably because they died out. We do know a little about some, like the
Lokayatikas of ancient India who advocated a “faithless” system, and who
dwindled out over centuries. Some Pygmy tribes that not only lacked gods but
superstitious rites did survive to modern times. But they haven’t thrived.
France’s brief experiment during the French Revolution
with state atheism — known as the Cult of Reason — ended badly, in the
desecration of churches and synagogues, persecution and a bloodbath at the
guillotine. In the last century, godless societies made their comeback in the
USSR, Red China, Cambodia and other communist countries. While many then saw
these forms of social organization as the way of the future, most communist
societies are dying or have died out, North Korea being the last great exemplar
of a godless country.
When God’s law is not observed, the law can become
whatever the ruler wants it to be: Ultimately there are no human rights, let
alone property rights, as totalitarianism reigns. When religion becomes
ascendant, so too does the rule of law. Here lies one of the most hopeful
trends in the world today — the rapid rise of religion in a land that until
recently was almost as soulless as North Korea: China. This still officially
atheistic country now has an estimated 300 million worshippers of all faiths,
with Christianity the fastest rising among them. Red Chinese Communism’s
replacement — today’s lawless cronyism — leaves the Chinese wanting for more.
Through growing religiosity, China has its best chance of reforming to a
democratic society that respects human dignity and the rule of law.
“God didn’t invent man; man invented God,” Hitchens
said. Perhaps that is true — we have no way of knowing. We do know, however,
that if man did invent God, it was a useful invention, and a wondrous gift to
God is great. Have yourself a Merry Christmas!
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