By R. Samuelson
Comments from members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) now seem
misguided. The first 2006 meeting was the last for retiring Fed Chairman Alan
Greenspan. Janet Yellen -- then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco and now Fed vice chair -- said "the situation you're handing off
to your successor is a lot like a tennis racket with a gigantic sweet
spot." Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner -- then head of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York -- called Greenspan "terrific" and suggested
his already exalted reputation might grow even more. There was no sense of a
gathering crisis.
All true, but it begs the central question: why? The FOMC members weren't
stupid, lazy or uninformed. They could draw on a massive staff of economists
for analysis. And yet, they were clueless.
It wasn't that they didn't see the housing boom or recognize that it was
ending. At 2006's first meeting, a senior Fed economist noted "that we are
reaching an inflection point in the housing boom. The bigger question now is
whether we will experience (a) gradual cooling ... or a more pronounced
At that same meeting, Fed Governor Susan Bies warned that mortgage lending standards had become dangerously lax. She explained that monthly payments were skyrocketing on mortgages with adjustable interest rates. She worried that many borrowers couldn't make the higher payments. The flagging housing boom concerned many Fed officials.
But they -- and most private economists -- didn't draw the proper
conclusions. Hardly anyone asked whether lax mortgage lending would trigger a
broad financial crisis, because America had not experienced a broad financial
crisis since the Great Depression. A true financial crisis differs from falling
stock prices, which are common. A financial crisis involves the failure of
banks or other institutions, panic in many markets and a pervasive loss of
wealth and confidence.
Such a crisis was not within the personal experience of members of the FOMC
-- or anyone. Nor was it part of mainstream economic thinking. Because it
hadn't happened in decades, it was assumed that it couldn't happen. There had
been previous real estate busts. From 1964 to 1966, new housing starts fell 24
percent; from 1972 to 1975, 51 percent; from 1979 to 1982, 39 percent; from
1988 to 1991, 32 percent. Declining home construction had fed economic
slowdowns or recessions. So the natural question seemed: Would this happen now?
The answer seemed "no." The overall economy was strong. This is the
most obvious reason for an oblivious FOMC.
But it is not the main reason, which remains widely unrecognized. Since the
1960s, the thrust of economic policy-making has been to smooth business cycles.
Democracies crave prolonged prosperity, and economists have posed as
technocrats with the tools to cure the boom-and-bust cycles of pre-World War II
capitalism. It turns out that they exaggerated what they knew and could do.
There's a paradox to economic policy. The more it succeeds at prolonging
short-term prosperity, the more it inspires long-run destabilizing behavior by
businesses, banks, consumers, investors and government. If they think basic
stability is assured, they will assume greater risks -- loosen credit
standards, borrow more, engage in more speculation, relax wage and price behavior
-- that ultimately make the economy less stable. Long booms threaten deep
Since World War II, this has happened twice. In the 1960s, the so-called
"new economics" promised that, by manipulating the budget and
interest rates, it could stifle business cycles. The ensuing boom spanned the
1960s; the bust extended to the early 1980s and included inflation of 13
percent, four recessions and peak monthly unemployment of 10.8 percent. The
latest episode was the so-called Great Moderation, largely paralleling
Greenspan's Fed tenure (1987-2006), when there were only two mild recessions
(1990-91 and 2001). We are now in the bust.
The Fed slept mainly because it overlooked the possibility of boom-bust. It
didn't recognize that its success at sustaining prosperity -- for which
Greenspan was lionized -- might sow the seeds of a larger failure. It bought
into an overblown notion of economic "progress."
The Great Moderation begat the Great Recession. One implication is that an
economy less stable in the short run becomes more stable in the long run by
reminding everyone of risk and uncertainty. Sacrificing long booms may muffle
subsequent busts. But this notion appeals to neither economists nor
politicians. Ironically, the central lesson of the financial crisis is
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