In the past, I have
called the euro zone a “roach motel”. But
as usual, I’ve been outdone in the metaphor design department by the Italians:
Guilio Tremonti, the Italian Finance Minister, last week compared Germany and
its small-minded Chancellor Angela Merkel to a first-class passenger on the Titanic. The underlying message is the same: You can be
sailing in coach or you can be in the 1st class compartment. But when the ship
hits the iceberg, everybody goes down together — Germans, Italians, Greeks,
Irish and French alike. All euro zone members have an institutional wide
problem of not being able to fund deficits, given that the countries of the
euro zone have all acceded to impose gold standard conditions
on themselves by forfeiting their fiscal freedom.
To repeat: this is not a problem confined to the periphery. The sovereign risk problem applies to the central core countries, such as Germany and
France, as it does to the
Mediterranean “profligates”. Once a run on the currency starts and moves into
the banking sector, then none of the governments will be able to do anything
other than to oversee financial and economic collapse while the fiddlers in
Brussels and Frankfurt try to spin some line about “special circumstances” or
something without admitting the whole system they imposed on the area is the cause
of this crisis.
The risk for the fiscal authorities of any member country is that the ‘dismal arithmetic’ of the budget constraint leaves few palatable alternatives. If the yield on government securities demanded by markets exceeds a country’s nominal income growth, then interest expense on the outstanding debt must become a relatively larger burden (Jordan, 1997: 3).
In a country like the United States, this should never cause financial stress; the U.S. government can always meet any dollar-denominated commitment as it comes due. But markets clearly recognize that things work differently in the Eurozone, where governments are no longer able to ‘print money.’ As a result, the bonds issued by member governments now resemble those issued by state and local governments in the United States (or bonds issued by provinces in Canada or Australia), where yields often differ by a sizable amount.
The European Monetary Union has hitherto only survived
because whenever push comes to shove, the ECB has stepped in as the “missing”
fiscal agent and has kept the bond markets at bay. It continues to “write the
check” whenever the markets seek to shut down the individual markets on the
grounds of looming insolvency.
But Finance Minister Tremonti is right: the underlying
logic of the monetary system will continue to ensure these on-going crises will
spread across the union. Each successive “resolution” is merely a place-holding
operation. The EU bosses are just buying time and kicking the can down the
road. Ultimately, to survive the system has to add a unified fiscal authority
and abandon the fiscal rules embodied in the Stability and Growth Pact or
accept the experiment has failed and dissolve the union. The constant stop-gap
measures being introduced on a seemingly ad hoc basis are leading toward a very
unpleasant dissolution, the end result for which could be Europe’s “Lehman”
event. Meanwhile, the iceberg is approaching rapidly.
Europe’s brokered marriage is in deep trouble. The
partners have not grown together. For a long time, countries such as Greece and
Portugal benefited from the illusion of economic convergence through the lower
interest rates and stable currency that the euro brought with it. When the
European economy was growing, the markets indulged the fantasy that there was
little to choose between Greek and German debt. But that has now changed — and
Greece has to pay a significant premium on its borrowing, as does Portugal and
now Spain and Italy.
It is also now obvious that countries such as Greece,
Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal are struggling to compete with the much more
productive German economy. In a currency union they cannot devalue their way
out of trouble. The only alternative solution on offer is a long and painful
period of austerity to reduce their costs through cuts in wages and living
standards, the so-called “internal devaluation” — in reality, a one-off
coordinated reduction of wages and prices across the board. It is, as I have
argued before, more like an “infernal devaluation.” It amounts to a domestic
income deflation — as wages are crushed — in order to get the prices of
tradable goods down enough so the current account balance increases sufficiently
enough to carry the next wave of growth.
This lack of economic convergence has revealed the
lack of political convergence around a shared European identity. There is a
striking lack of sympathy for the Greeks or Italians from Germany. Berlin continues
to fiddle while Rome and Athens burn. The German position seems to be that the
weaker European economies are paying the price for not being as hard-working
and skilled as Germans — and must now shape up or ultimately leave the euro.
Any suggestion that German under-consumption and
export-addiction might have something to do with the crisis in the euro-area is
brushed aside. Some Greek politicians have responded to German pressure with
angry references to the Nazis’ brutal occupation of their country during the
Second World War. So much for European solidarity.
In this context, it is interesting to see that former
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl is now apparently speaking out against current Chancellor Merkel, who has proven herself to be a small-minded burger
who should not be entrusted with the leadership of a great nation like Germany.
Merkel, of course, claims to be safeguarding the
interests of German taxpayers. It is amusing to hear the Germans talk about the
“cost” to them of staying in the euro zone as a result of “funding” so-called
“profligates” such as Greece or Italy. First of all, the “funding” comes from
the ECB which creates new net financial euro denominated assets at will, not
the Germans.
In fact, there has been zero cost to the Germans.
They’ve locked their export competitors into the European Monetary Union at
hopelessly uncompetitive exchange rates. German taxes haven’t gone up, they
haven’t had their generous social welfare provisions cut (which are much larger
than Greece’s, contrary to popular perception). At the same time, the periphery
countries have had their economies destroyed by enforced austerity, in exchange
for which they get ongoing ECB funding which (wait for it) helps them to buy
yet more German imports.
So the ECB keeps the game on the road to facilitate
the continued expansion of German exports to the rest of Europe (although that
strategy is, as Mr Tremonti amongst others, has started to notice, is becoming
a touch self-defeating), and the Germans pay nothing for this privilege. No
increased taxes, no austerity and no competitive threat to Berlin’s export base
so long as the PIIGS are locked into the euro straitjacket.
A further sad irony is that if Greece, Spain or the
other periphery nations genuinely succeeded in implementing a successful
“internal devaluation” a number of German businesses would relocate, or force
further downward pressure on German domestic wages.
Guilio Tremonti is right: Germany is in the first
class cabin of the Titanic. Another way of looking at it is that figures like
Chancellor Merkel are leading the PIIGS to slaughter in the abattoir, not
realizing that they are on the same conveyor belt. The tragedy ushered in by
the current crisis is entering into its critical phase, and the small
mindedness of the policy response could well spell the death of not just a
currency but also a vision for a unified Europe. The essential problem is that
the EU was founded as a political venture but quickly grew into a (promising)
economic venture. The irony is that the lack of a true political union — which
would have permitted a unified fiscal policy — is precisely what will kill the
whole idea.
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