By Robert P. Murphy
Even if it managed to squeak through and survive—aided
by massive taxpayer infusions along the way—the euro’s vulnerability
underscores the folly of a political currency. More so than any other currency
in history, the euro has been a creation of technocrats working for modern
nation-states. That the euro may well be on its deathbed hardly a decade after
its birth demonstrates the futility of central planning. A durable monetary
system, free from recurring crises, can only emerge spontaneously from
voluntary exchanges in the marketplace.
The European Union and euro were officially created by
the Maastricht Treaty in 1993. In addition to the political and cultural
objectives, the EU and the single currency, which went into circulation in
2002, were significant steps in the effort to turn Europe into a unified
economic zone patterned after the United States.
Before the introduction of the euro, a large business
based in France that, say, had a factory paying workers in Italy and which
bought machine parts from Germany would be vulnerable to shifts in the exchange
rate between the franc, lira, and mark. But with a single currency the firm
could focus on its customers and product lines, rather than worrying about the
foreign-exchange market. This stability across the continent would (supposedly)
give European businesses the same advantages that U.S.-based firms enjoy, since
Americans in all 50 states use the dollar.
Because a currency’s ability to facilitate
transactions only increases as more people use it, at first we might expect
that the nations adopting the euro would want as many of their neighbors as
possible to join. Yet in reality there were formal rules (called the Maastricht
criteria, also the “convergence criteria”) that new applicants needed to
satisfy before adopting the euro. The rules set standards for countries’ inflation
rates, budget deficits, government debt, exchange rates, and long-term interest
At first glance it seems odd that the developers of a
new currency would want to restrict its usage. To repeat, the whole point of a
currency union is to reduce transaction costs among the individuals using it.
Thus it would seem that these benefits would only increase as the group grew.
Yet there are other factors at work, which the
designers of the euro understood (if only imperfectly). In particular the euro is
a fiat currency, meaning that the printing press could be used to
achieve political ends. This explains why governments already using the euro
are reluctant to admit relatively spendthrift governments into their club:
There is a danger that the more profligate members will hijack monetary policy
directly, or that they will require a monetary bailout (as we are seeing in
Benefits of a Commodity
Notice that these potential problems would be
nonexistent under a fully backed commodity standard. For example, suppose that
the creators of the euro, rather than reading the work of mainstream monetary
theorists such as Robert Mundell, instead had studied the proposals of Ludwig
von Mises in The Theory of Money and Credit. In this alternate
universe the authorities in Brussels would stand prepared to issue new paper
euros to any individual or institution (including governments and central
banks) that handed them a fixed weight of gold.
Under this Misesian scheme the monetary authorities would maintain 100 percent gold backing of the currency; there would be the required weight of actual gold sitting in the vaults in Brussels backing up every paper euro in existence. In this scenario the authorities in Brussels wouldn’t care about the creditworthiness or the spending habits of the institutions applying for new euros. So long as the applicants handed over the correct amount of physical gold, the authorities would be happy to print up the appropriate number of euros.
The reason for this nonchalance is that the various
users of the euro—if it were backed 100 percent by gold—couldn’t affect the
euro’s purchasing power because they couldn’t affect future “monetary policy”
regarding the currency. If the people in Region A used the euro, they wouldn’t
be affected by (say) a default on bond payments by some government in Region B
that also used the euro. The euros in existence, as well as the ones to be
issued in the future, would have a constant redemption rate in gold, regardless
of the fiscal solvency of a particular user of the euro.
In case the Misesian thought experiment is too
fanciful, we have a much more pedestrian (if imperfect) example: U.S. state
governments and their use of the dollar. If the California or Illinois state
governments default on the billions of dollars in outstanding bonds that they
have issued, no one is worried that this will lead to a collapse of the dollar
itself, or that the relatively frugal states (such as Idaho) will elect to
leave the “dollarzone” and adopt their own currency.
Thinking through the logic of the situation, it
becomes clear that the reason for the difference is that the Federal Reserve
(at least in the past) wouldn’t bail out insolvent state governments. To be
clear, the people in Idaho might be affected by a default on California state
bonds, but not because both areas used dollars as their currency.
However, if the Fed did start bailing
out insolvent state governments, then the various states in the “dollarzone”
might sit up and take notice. People in Idaho would realize they were paying
higher prices because the Fed was creating billions of new dollars out of thin
air to prop up the market for state bonds. In this environment a coalition of
frugal state governments might demand that their profligate peers adopt
austerity measures or else the frugal states would indeed abandon use of the
As this thought experiment illustrates, we can imagine
a situation analogous to the crisis in Europe right here in the United States.
All it would take is a Federal Reserve willing to issue extra dollars because
member governments ran irresponsible fiscal deficits. We don’t currently
link state government finances and the fate of the dollar because the Fed thus
far hasn’t altered its policies based on state spending. Under a fully backed
commodity standard, this independence of monetary and fiscal policies would be
more absolute and would have prevented a crisis like the one now unfolding in
Those who have followed the mainstream economists’
handling of these issues know that gold convertibility is hardly touted as a
solution to the euro crisis. In fact Paul Krugman recently blamed the crisis on
the attempts to foist a “nouveau gold-standard regime” on European countries.
This is quite an extraordinary spin. How in the world
could Krugman take a fiat currency, explicitly designed from day one by
technocrats and without even a historical connection to a commodity money, and
denounce it as a modern-day gold standard?
The answer is that Krugman is relying on the
mainstream theory of optimal currency area. This theory tries to outline the
optimal jurisdictions for different fiat currencies. In this approach the
downside of having too large a region using the same currency is that the
“optimal” amount of inflation might differ within the region, leading to
unnecessary economic pain and hence political conflict.
In the present crisis Krugman and many others think
the “obvious” solution would be for Greece to devalue its currency. This would
make it easier to repay its debts and would make Greek exports more
competitive, thus boosting economic growth.
Alas the problem (according to people like Krugman) is
that Greece is not the master of its own economic destiny. Since it adopted the
euro it is now powerless to inflate its way out of trouble. Thus the Greeks are
condemned to suffer from fiscal austerity and a painful deflation of wages and
prices (also known by the misleading term “internal devaluation”).
Now we can understand the (tepid) connection that
Krugman and others are drawing between the current situation in Europe and the
classical gold standard. Under the latter, if one country printed too much
money its domestic prices would rise faster than those of its peers. The
country would experience a trade deficit as its own exports became relatively
expensive. The outflow of gold from the country would force officials to
tighten monetary policy until wages and prices had fallen (if not in absolute
terms, at least relative to the levels of other nations) and international
competitiveness had been restored. Under the classical gold standard each
nation’s currency was pegged at a fixed exchange rate to gold, so that no
country could gain an advantage by devaluing its own currency. All adjustments
to ensure sustainable trading patterns had to occur through changes in relative
prices and wages, not through fluctuations in exchange rates.
Further Integration
The mainstream theory of optimal currency area sheds
light on another (alleged) lesson being drawn from the present crisis: the need
for fiscal union among the eurozone states. For example, Mario Draghi, the
incoming head of the European Central Bank, recently said Europe needs to “make
a quantum step up in economic and political integration.” Mainstream theory
shows that it is suboptimal to have a single currency covering areas with
governments enacting different fiscal policies, and hence the “obvious”
conclusion is that the European governments must be brought under the control
of a single agency.
As usual one intervention leads to another. After
historically co-opting and then suppressing the market-chosen monies (gold and
silver), the European governments in recent years upped the ante by creating a
new fiat currency. Even though the ostensible safeguards failed
miserably—Greece and several other participating governments have come nowhere
near obeying the Maastricht criteria—the alleged solution is the creation of
even more centralized power, with even less control by the people being so
The people of Europe are being conned. They do not
need to sacrifice even more political sovereignty to a group of international
bureaucrats and bankers. The dream of the euro—an integrated economic zone with
a stable currency—can be achieved through the classical-liberal tenets of free
trade and sound money. Continued experiments with fiat money regimes will lead
us through a perpetual series of crises, until we are left with a single global
fiat currency, the issuer of which has zero accountability to the hapless
citizens forced to use it. According to many cynical observers, this after all
may be the ultimate plan.
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