More policymakers are adopting evaluation systems based on classroom performance.
New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York governor Andrew Cuomo, and New Jersey governor Chris Christie are the latest high-profile policymakers to
pursue radical changes in the evaluation of public school teachers. While the
policy details—in particular, how they would use students’ test scores to
evaluate teachers—get the most attention, the most promising aspect of these
proposals is that they represent a fundamental shift in philosophy. The new
approach is much better aligned with what we now know about teachers and how we
should employ them.
Under the current system, public schools measure
teacher quality by placing heavy weight on a set of professional credentials.
In order to enter the classroom, a prospective teacher must earn a degree from
an education college and must be certified. Teachers earning advanced degrees
get rewarded with higher salaries.
The teacher’s actual performance in the classroom, however, escapes serious scrutiny. Officials base teacher evaluations primarily on classroom observations by principals that take place usually only once or twice a year, and often for less than a full class period. Typically, 98 percent or more of teachers in a school system are identified as “satisfactory” or better.
The philosophy underlying this system appears sensible
at first glance. Public schools rely on the screening process to ensure that
only teachers meeting minimal standards are hired. They then provide incentives
for teachers to obtain professional development (advanced degrees) that will,
or so the thinking goes, improve their classroom performance. Since all public
school teachers receive similar training, teacher quality shouldn’t vary much,
making the evaluation system of little importance.
The problem, however, is that over the last two
decades, empirical research has revealed that teacher quality does in fact vary
substantially, not only across but within public schools. And for an individual
student, the difference between being assigned to one or another teacher can
mean as much as a grade level’s worth of learning during the school year.
Further, recent research by economists at Harvard and Columbia shows that
teachers influence their students later in life: being assigned, that is, to an
effective versus a less effective teacher has a bearing on the likelihood of
teen pregnancy, on the probability that a student goes to college, and on
students’ earnings as adults. The enormous disparity between the best and worst
teachers indicates that the current system does a poor job of ensuring teacher
Research also shows that the credentials prized under
the current system tell us next to nothing about how well a teacher performs in
the classroom—and they explain only about 3 percent of the variation in teacher
quality. Obtaining a master’s degree, it turns out, is simply unrelated to a
teacher’s effectiveness. The positive results of alternative-certification
programs, such as Teach for America, illustrate that great teachers don’t need
to graduate from an education college.
While differing in some specifics, all of the recent
proposals to revamp teacher evaluations would turn the current system on its
head. Rather than screening teachers before they’re hired and then assuming
that they’re performing well, the new strategy focuses on distinguishing
between the best and worst teachers by assessing their actual classroom
The current system might have made intuitive sense in
the past, but modern research findings make its continuation indefensible. We
can’t go on pretending that all teachers are effective when both common sense
and empirical research tell us otherwise. The recent movement to revamp teacher
evaluations could bring us closer to the day when all public school students
have the chance to be taught by high-quality teachers.
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