By Victor Davis Hanson
The European Union was always a paradox.
Its existence was predicated entirely on the notion of German guilt,
translating into massive cash transfers east and south. Just as Versailles was
supposed to have restrained Germany, then a divided, postwar Germany, then NATO
integration and the common Soviet enemy, and then the EU — and now what next?
There was quite a EU veneer placed over
the politically incorrect “German Problem.” Most of us listened in disbelief as
we were lectured that veritable disarmament, subsidized windmills, reach outs
to a Syria or Libya, easy anti-Americanism, and sermons about cradle-to-grave
socialism were the way of the new Europe. And always came the grating
condescension, that a self-appointed bureaucratic class in Brussels might
lecture Neanderthals what was good for them, without worry over democratic
checks and balances.
In understandable fear of cannibalizing Europe yet a third time within a century’s span, European academics and elite functionaries had taken a perfectly understandable notion of a European common market and transmogrified it into an anti-democratic, utopian, and utterly unworkable European Union. Was the euro supposed to trump the laws of Economics 1A, simply because it was constructed as something moral?
Was it not ridiculous that Germans would
sell their wares to poorer southern Mediterraneans, who would then borrow the
money for payment from EU banks, which then in turn would supposedly guarantee
the debts by appeals to a transcontinental collective to share risks? (Where
did the blown $400 billion plus to Greece actually go? The answer is not hard
to find: just look at the new bridges, freeways, subway, airport, vacation
homes, hotels, cars, buses, etc., and then look at the manner in which a Greek
bank is staffed, cars are driven in Omonia Square, or how construction workers
erect apartment buildings — and then again sigh that the latter elsewhere in
the world do not lead to the former.)
Gauleiters and Greeks
Who was more culpable, the efficient
German companies and banks who tried to draw on the guarantees of an entire
continent to legitimize loans that empowered a German mercantilism, or
duplicitous Mediterraneans who wished to live like Germans but not to produce
like them? After all, two daily commutes, siestas, tax cheating as a national
religion, and 9 PM dinners do not otherwise add up to a life of sophisticated
brain surgery, Mercedes buses, and Bosch dishwashers. Did the CEOs of Audi and
Siemens think that they did? Read the Greek newspapers and Merkel appears as a
cartoonish Hitler; read the German and Greeks seem beach-going untermenschen.
From Paradise to Purgatory
Did Euro visionaries not see that the
efforts at utopian pacifism on a continental scale were not merely doomed to
fail, but destined to a failure of such magnitude that the resulting acrimony
would be far worse than had the silly project never been tried in the first
place? The Greek and German papers now engage in a level of stereotyping,
caricature, and national hatred not seen since the 1930s, and far in excess of
anything in the pre-EU days of the 1970s and 1980s. History’s antidote to a
failed utopianism is not merely a return to nationalism, deterrence,
balance-of-power alliances, and all the ancient methods of keeping the peace,
but more to pandemic disgust and eventually to strife. A strong proactive
alliance of the United States, France, and Britain in 1934 would have stopped
Germany; a weak and pretentious collective League of Nations would facilitate
Munich and Athens in California
I drive each week from one of the poorest
areas in the U.S. to one of the wealthiest. A man from Mars after walking in
west Selma and then downtown Menlo Park could tell you exactly why the gap is
not three hours, but more like three centuries. One-quarter mile from my house
about 30 people live in wrecked trailers behind a farmhouse with an assortment
of barn animals wandering about the premises; about 100 yards from my tiny
studio apartment in Palo Alto, Facebook zillionaires bid upwards of $2 million
for a tiny house worth about $70,000 in Fresno.
But both these extremes at least share
common laws — in theory a common language, the same constitution, and an
identical popular culture. In contrast, when I go from the Peloponnese to the
Rhine I see about the same vast economic divide, but one in which different
histories, languages, cultures, and ethnicities acerbate — not mitigate — the
gulf. In fact, if I were to dream up a way of having central, rural California
go to war against the wealthier coastal strip from San Diego to San Francisco,
I would simply have them first craft a EU-like arrangement for a few years.
Europe is not the EU
But all that said, the EU is not quite
Europe; the parts are far better than the sum. Britain, Germany, Scandinavia,
France, Italy, the Netherlands, and the rest, for all their elites’ hatred of
the U.S., are still admirable places, especially in comparison with societies
in most of Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Life is humane, and the poorest in
resource-poor Europe are not poor like those in oil-rich Mexico or Venezuela.
The food and water do no make one sick; medicine is advanced. The rule of law
largely prevails. Competency ensures things work. When I travel, I look for the
small irrelevancies that are not so irrelevant: in Libya, dogs looked tortured;
in Britain, they are humanely treated. There are no billboards of Great Leaders
in Europe in the fashion of the monotonous ubiquity of an Arafat, Mubarak, or
Assad on nearly every wall. In Mexico, people toss trash out the car window; in
Munich, I see strangers stoop to put someone else’s litter in trash baskets.
Getting in line in Egypt or Kuwait is governed by the sharpest elbows; in
Holland, there is a system of order. I don’t drive any more in most countries
other than northern European ones. As a general rule, if you go to the
emergency room south or east of Crete, pray that you are in Israel.
Yes, I know Europe is sick, ill with loud
secular agnosticism and atheism, aging and shrinking, wedded to an unworkable
redistributive socialism. But it still works because Europeans for centuries
have remained highly educated, skilled, lawful, and talented as the creators of
our own Western system.
The Font
In watching the imploding EU, I am afraid
that we are forgetting the uniqueness of what Europe was and in large part
remains. The demography of the United States, and the nature of present-day
legal and illegal immigration, will soon ensure that the majority of Americans
either claim heritage from Asia, the New World, or Africa, or have no memory of
their European ancestors’ roots — and thus no particular affinity for the old
notion of a “mother country” or continent. More regrettable, the old idea that
one could be of any color and claim to be a child of the West — and hence
Europe, given our allegiance to shared values and protocols — is now passé.
Tribalism in America instead demands that how we look is how we are to think.
When President Barack Obama called on Latinos to punish “our enemies,” or just
made a video and website calling for African-Americans to vote for him out of
shared racial identity, or when Eric Holder referred to “my people,” they were
only reifying some 40 years of multicultural ideology.
Multiculturalism in our schools insists
that we are not all that privileged by Western civilization, as if a pyramid of
human sacrifice at Tenochtitlan in 1520 must be seen as architecturally and
civically impressive as the Parthenon circa 440 B.C, as if Iroquois meeting in
loose tribal counsel were the political equivalent of a Swiss canton, as if a
pictograph from the Near East was just “different” from Homer’s Odyssey.
Somehow in the 1980s we redefined in our
schools colonialism, slavery, and imperialism as exclusively European, rather
than merely human pathologies — as if the Arab world did not match or trump the
European slave trade, as if the Ottomans had no empire before the Europeans in
the Mediterranean, as if Persians, Japanese, and Chinese had not sought to
conquer, enslave, and exploit their weaker neighbors.
A Fading Heritage
We seem to have forgotten that what is
admirable in the U.S. is not just the result of the vast American landscape, a
natural selection of the more audacious and risk-taking immigrants, frontier
life, and the resulting rugged individualism, but because the Founders were
nursed on the European Enlightenment, Christianity was imported from Europe,
and Anglo-Saxon law was built upon in a new continent. We live in such a
strange age of lies: to say the above is considered heresy, but to live our
daily lives on political or economic premises other than the above is
synonymous with chaos and misery. So we live two lives: the counterfeit one
that we declaim loudly in a politically correct fashion, and the real one we
live by but do not dare articulate.
Europe First?
In other words, we have ancient and
legitimate interests, loyalties, and affinities with Europe that reflect our
religion, language, literature, economics, politics, sociology, and culture. In
more mundane terms, that means keeping a strong NATO (“America in, Russia out,
Germany down”) commitment to protect Germany in a way that does not allow such
a naturally dominant power to translate its economic success into military
assertion that so frightens its neighbors. Without a NATO, very soon someone in
a rich powerful Germany will ask, “Why are the weaker UK and France nuclear and
not us?” or “These defaulting borrowers at least have some other assets, do
they not?”
The Obama administration is the most
anti-European administration in our history — ironic given the fashion in which
liberal Europe continues to fawn over him, and American academics prefer the
European Union model. Now we are moving troops out of Europe to Asia. We
belittle Britain, whether concerning the Falklands, or in trite gift-giving, or
in its snubbed small contribution to our fleet. We consider Russia more
important than Eastern Europe. South Korea, Taiwan, China, and Japan are said
to be our future partners, not a dynamic Germany or our old ally in extremis
the British. Yet even in disarray, the collective economy and population of the
EU members are greater than our own. Instead, we talk nonstop of China, but
does the Rhine run likewise green with pollution as do Chinese rivers, or is
the air of London unchanged from 1860 and thus resembles Beijing’s?
Reality Check
As Greece implodes, as southern Europe
goes into default mode, and as the entire European Union totters, America
should promote its alliance and friendship with individual European countries
more than ever. The next ten years are going to be scary ones for Europeans, as
dreams shatter, fantasies dissipate, the “German problem” returns, energy
becomes scarce, nationalism returns, issues of demography and immigration
acerbate, Russia flexes in eastern Europe and its former republics, and the
southern shore of the Mediterranean becomes Islamic— and as a different U.S.
decides that its real interests and friends are in Asia.
A small suggestion: given that we have let
in 11 million illegal aliens without legality, capital, education, or English,
why not announce that we will fast-track into citizenship 100,000 Europeans a
year who speak English, have a BA degree, and can come with $50,000 in capital?
Set the immigration at exactly the same number we do for legal immigrants from
Mexico — and then listen and watch what happens!
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