Readers will scarcely have given any thought to the
fact that they have never lived in the system of government argued for by
Madison, Jay, and Hamilton in the Federalist Papers.
“It may come as a shock …” wrote John Flynn, “to be
told that [you] have never experienced that kind of society which [our]
ancestors knew as the American Republic …” Flynn, the editor of the popular
weekly the Saturday Evening Post, had already come to this conclusion in 1955.
In his book The Decline of the American Republic, Flynn observed that Americans
needlessly “live in the war-torn, debt-ridden, tax-harried wreckage of a once
imposing edif ice of the free society which arose out of the American
Revolution on the foundation of the U.S. Constitution.”
An empire needs a source of income sufficient to fund
its military campaigns, regulatory regimes, and domestic schemes. It also needs
a strong central authority to direct its ambitious new programs. In one short
12-month span, a year the writer Frank Chodorov calls the “Revolution of 1913,”
the empire got the tools it needed. That year—the same year European countries
abandoned the gold standard in preparation for World
War I—the old Republic ceased to exist.
War I—the old Republic ceased to exist.
America’s current system of income tax is a twentieth-century invention. Previous attempts at creating a national tax had failed or had been thrown out because they violated tenets of the Constitution deemed essential by the founders. In its f irst 100 years, the United States supported its federal government with a series of what we would call “sin taxes” today, on whiskey, tobacco, and sugar. By 1817, all internal taxes were abolished by Congress, leaving only tariffs on imported goods as a means for supporting the government.
The first income tax that citizens of the young
Republic were forced to endure came about because Congress had been asked to
fund the War between the States. In 1862, a tax on incomes between $600 and
$10,000 was assessed at the rate of 3 percent, and the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) was created. The war was costing $1.75 million per day.2 The government
sold off land, borrowed heavily, enacted various fees, and increased excise
taxes, but it simply wasn’t enough. The income tax seemed like the only way to
finance the war and service the country’s then-staggering $505 million debt.
That tax was promoted as a temporary wartime measure. Temporary it was. In
1872, after servicing the Reconstruction, Congress yanked the “temporary” tax.
But that was not the end of it. The income tax
appealed to empire builders because it alone offered enough cash to finance the
enterprise. But it had another appeal—to the larceny and envy in the hearts of
ordinary citizens. Following a banking panic in 1893, Senator William Peffer of
Kansas, supported the progressive income tax in this way:
Wealth is accumulated in New York, and not because those men are more
industrious than we are, not because they are wiser and better, but because
they trade, because they buy and sell, because they deal in usury, because they
reap in what they have never earned, because they take in and live off what
other men earn… . The West and the South have made you people rich.
That sentiment was puffed up by Nebraska’s bellicose world
improver William Jennings Bryan, who argued against the “equal taxation”
requirement in the Constitution, in favor of the current progressive one:
If New York and Massachusetts pay more tax under this law than other
states, it will be because they have more taxable incomes within their borders.
And why should not those sections pay most which enjoy most?
This logic is simple. People who are more productive
should be forced to pay a bigger share of their common expenses. But this kind
of logic had no place in a free republic where all men were supposedly created
equal; if they were equal they could each carry their own share of
the burden of central government. Under this new
regime, men were no longer equal, but given differing loads to carry based on
the whims of elected hacks.
With considerable foresight, one member of the House
of Representatives predicted:
The imposition of the [income] tax will corrupt the people. It will bring
in its train the spy and the informer. It will necessitate a swarm of off
icials with inquisitorial powers. It will be a step toward centralization.
… It breaks another canon of taxation in that it is expensive in its
collection and cannot be fairly imposed … and, finally, it is contrary to the
traditions and principles of republican government.
When the tax was again introduced in 1894, a challenge
went to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1895, even among the cacophony of appeals in
Congress to “soak the rich,” the Supreme Court declared the bill
unconstitutional in a 5-to-4 ruling. In writing the majority opinion, Justice Stephen J. Field quoted another case to support his
As stated by counsel: “There is no such thing in the theory of our national
government as unlimited power of taxation in congress. There are limitations,
as he justly observes, of its powers arising out of the essential nature of all
free governments; there are reservations of individual rights, without which
society could not exist, and which are respected by every government. The right
of taxation is subject to these limitations.”
But when the winds of empire blew, the old yellowed
paper of the U.S. Constitution went flying. Following The Panic of 1907,
President Theodore Roosevelt sided with a faction in the Democratic Party that
wanted to amend the Constitution to allow a national income tax. In 1909, President Taft stated that he had “become
convinced that a great majority of the people of this country are in favor of
vesting the National Government with power to levy an income tax.”
Of course, politicians are always able and willing to
argue that “the people” want a government to have more power. If the voters see
a free lunch in the deal, they’re for it. By 1913, just in time for Wilson’s
emergence on the world stage, the Sixteenth Amendment had been ratified by
enough states to put the income tax into law. The Amendment states:
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes
on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the
several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
It wasn’t long before Congress exercised its new
powers. Wilson even convened a special session of Congress to rush through the
f irst tax law under the Sixteenth Amendment, in which earnings above $3,000
were subject to a 1 percent tax, gradually moving up to 7 percent on higher
income levels.
With its rather modest rates, the original income tax
was viewed as a benign inconvenience. As early as 1916, however, the top rate
was more than doubled from 7 percent up to 15 percent. Then as cash was needed
to send Pershing to France, the rate was hiked to a staggering 67 percent in
1917 and 77 percent by 1918. Even the low rates were raised. From their
microscopic origin of only 1 percent, the rate settled into a “modest” 23 percent
by the end of World War II. But by that time, the people of the old republic
had grown to accept an income tax as a necessary evil. Now that the nation was
an empire, it needed the money.
In our present era, the complexity of the Internal
Revenue Code (IRC) has created an army of specialized lawyers and accountants.
Even attempts at reform are out of control. A “technical corrections” bill
exceeds 900 pages of adjustments. In fact, by the beginning of the twentyfirst
century, the tax codes exceeded 7 million words, about nine times longer than
the Bible; and the IRS was sending out about 8 billion pages of forms and
instructions every year—at the cost of about 300,000 trees! All this effort
translates to about 5.4 billion hours spent every year by Americans just
complying with the tax rules.
From 1913 to 2005, the income tax has enabled,
entitled, empowered, and engorged the federal government, states, and local
governments, private enterprises, and millions of private citizens. Spending
has grown by more than 13,592 percent.
The income tax gives the federal government a blank
check to spend money, even money it does not yet have. The federal government
lays a claim on all future economic activity of its citizens; its massive debts
are a lien on the earnings of people who have not yet even drawn their first
breaths. What’s more, the income tax could be used as both an economic tool and
as a political weapon. Tax rates could be manipulated, for example, to punish
or reward favored political groups.
When the Constitution was ratified in 1789, the
colonists in the New World believed they had won for themselves a measure of
freedom and independence. “A republic, if you can keep it,” Benjamin Franklin
But by the end of 1913, a scant 124 years later, Americans
were happy to lose their republic; an empire was what they wanted.
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