by Hans-Hermann
Born in 1749 in
the free imperial city of Frankfurt am Main into an upper-middle-class family,
Goethe studied law in Leipzig and Strasbourg. However, on receiving his
doctorate and practicing briefly as a lawyer, he set out on a spectacularly
successful career as poet, dramatist, novelist, lyricist, artist, and critic of
architecture, art, literature, and music. He was also a natural scientist and a
student of anatomy, botany, morphology, and optics.
To this day, he defines the meaning of genius, with a life oeuvre encompassing more than 60 volumes, including, besides his masterpiece Faust, such writings as Goetz von Berlichingen, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Torquato Tasso, Egmont, Iphigenia in Tauris, Clavigo, Stella, Hermann and Dorothea,Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Wilhelm Meister's Travels, Roman Elegies, West-East Divan,Elective Affinities, Italian Travels, Metamorphosis of Plants, and Theory of Colors.
To this day, he defines the meaning of genius, with a life oeuvre encompassing more than 60 volumes, including, besides his masterpiece Faust, such writings as Goetz von Berlichingen, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Torquato Tasso, Egmont, Iphigenia in Tauris, Clavigo, Stella, Hermann and Dorothea,Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Wilhelm Meister's Travels, Roman Elegies, West-East Divan,Elective Affinities, Italian Travels, Metamorphosis of Plants, and Theory of Colors.
In 1775, at the
invitation of Duke Carl August of Saxe-Weimar, Goethe visited Weimar and took
up residence there until his death in 1832, a stay that was interrupted by
frequent and extended travels all across Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and
France. It was surely while traveling that he developed his liberal political
From the 1648
Treaty of Westphalia and until the Napoleonic wars, Germany had consisted of
some 234 "countries," 51 free cities, and about 1,500 independent
knightly manors. Out of this multitude of independent political units, only
Austria counted as a great power, and only Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, and
Hanover could be considered major political players. Saxe-Weimar was one of the
smaller and poorer units, encompassing just a few dozen villages and small
The Vienna
Congress of 1815, which followed Napoleon's defeat, saw the number of independent
German political territories reduced to 39. Owing to the family relationship of
its ruling house with Russia's Romanoff dynasty, Saxe-Weimar grew by about
one-third of its former size and became the Grand Duchy of
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Still, it remained one of Germany's smaller, poorer, and
politically less significant countries.
Its capital,
Weimar, was a small town of less than 6,000 inhabitants when Goethe moved
there, and even at the time of his death in 1832 it had only grown to 10,000.
Goethe had come to Weimar as Carl-August's favorite, and he and the Duke rode,
hunted, and caroused together.
At the behest of
Carl-August, Goethe was given the aristocratic honorific "von" by the
Emperor Joseph II. At various times, Goethe's duties as a member of the Privy
Council involved the supervision of the Duchy's 600-strong army (he reduced its
size to 293), the construction of its roads and mines, the management of its
finances (he cut taxes), the operation of the court theater, and the oversight
of its nearby University of Jena, which at that time included among its faculty
Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Schiller, Humboldt, and the brothers Schlegel.
acclaimed throughout Germany when he settled in Weimar, Goethe's fame grew
immensely in the following years. Whether it was on his travels or in Weimar,
nearly everyone sought his company, including the likes of Ludwig van
Beethoven, Empress Maria Ludovica of Austria, and Napoleon. Indeed, by the last
decade of Goethe's life, he and Weimar had become synonymous with German
culture, and Weimar and the Goethe residence became the objects of pilgrimages
by members of the German Bildungsbuergertum (the educated bourgeoisie).
It was during
this last phase of his life when Goethe, in a conversation recorded by one of
his devotees, Johann Peter Eckermann, commented on the relationship between
Germany's political particularism (Kleinstaaterei) and culture. At the time
these remarks were made, on Oct. 23, 1828, Germany had become increasingly
affected by democratic and nationalistic sentiments as a result of the French
Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic era. Most of the German liberals had
become democrats and advocates of a unified German nation-state.
As a classical
liberal, Goethe, wisely and with remarkable prescience, stood largely alone in
firm opposition to this transformation of the liberal creed. In his view,
democracy was incompatible with liberty. "Legislators and revolutionaries
who promise equality and liberty at the same time," he wrote in his Maximen und Reflexionen, "are either psychopaths
or mountebanks." Political centralization, as Goethe explained in his
conversation with Eckermann, would lead to the destruction of culture:
I do not fear
that Germany will not be united; our excellent streets and future railroads
will do their own. Germany is united in her patriotism and opposition to
external enemies. She is united, because the German Taler and Groschen have the
same value throughout the entire Empire, and because my suitcase can pass
through all thirty-six states without being opened. It is united, because the
municipal travel documents of a resident of Weimar are accepted everywhere on a
par with the passports of the citizens of her mighty foreign neighbors. With
regard to the German states, there is no longer any talk of domestic and
foreign lands. Further, Germany is united in the areas of weights and measures,
trade and migration, and a hundred similar things which I neither can nor wish
to mention.
"One is
mistaken, however, if one thinks that Germany's unity should be expressed in
the form of one large capital city, and that this great city might benefit the
masses in the same way that it might benefit the development of a few
outstanding individuals," he added.
Would that
today's Brussels bureaucrats understood this! The single EU market has given
the 15 member states the open borders--to people, goods and capital--that
Goethe praised in 1828. Free trade and migration are a reality. But what is not
needed is a "large capital city" or a federal state to regulate, or
further complicate, life.
recognized that the genius of the people lay with the people, and not with the
bureaucrats. He told Eckermann that "what makes Germany great is her
admirable popular culture, which has penetrated all parts of the Empire evenly.
And is it not the many different princely residences from whence this culture
springs and which are its bearers and curators? Just assume that for centuries
only the two capitals of Vienna and Berlin had existed in Germany or even only
a single one. Then I wonder what would have happened to the German culture and
the widespread prosperity that goes hand in hand with culture."
about cities such as Dresden, Munich, Stuttgart, Kassel, Braunschweig, Hanover,
and similar ones; think about the energy that these cities represent; think
about the effect they have on neighboring provinces, and ask yourself, if all
of this would exist if such cities had not been the residences of princes for a
long time."
Bremen, Hamburg, Luebeck are large and brilliant, and their impact on the
prosperity of Germany is incalculable. Yet, would they remain what they are if
they were to lose their independence and be incorporated as provincial cities
into one great German Empire? I have reason to doubt this."
As highly as
Germans revered Goethe as a national hero, they have not heeded his advice this
century, not even at the end of the Cold War. Nor have most people in Europe
paid heed to his warnings on the dangers of political centralization. Pertinent
today as they were when written, Goethe's insights regarding the social and
political foundations of culture still demand our attention.
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