by Mike Krieger
It’s the first time we have power with people that don’t have courage. The people on top have power without courage. You cannot find any other society like it. Take the knights. The knights were people who of course, their trade was risking their lives. In theory, The President of the United States was supposed to be first in battle. Not someone pushing a button. The only way you can have a safe society is by moving these types of people (that risk nothing personally and take all the upside) out of their positions. Making them more accountable.
From our perspective, this is a critical idea. As we have said for several years, we do not see Iran as close to having a nuclear weapon. They may be close to being able to test a crude nuclear device under controlled circumstances (and we don't know this either), but the development of a deliverable nuclear weapon poses major challenges for Iran.
Moreover, while the Iranians may aspire to a deterrent via a viable nuclear weapons capability, we do not believe the Iranians see nuclear weapons as militarily useful. A few such weapons could devastate Israel, but Iran would be annihilated in retaliation. While the Iranians talk aggressively, historically they have acted cautiously. For Iran, nuclear weapons are far more valuable as a notional threat and bargaining chip than as something to be deployed. Indeed, the ideal situation is not quite having a weapon, and therefore not forcing anyone to act against them, but seeming close enough to be taken seriously. They certainly have achieved that.
- Stratfor “Considering
a U.S.-Iranian Deal,” January 24th, 2012
I’ve always loved history. Even all the way back
to grade school I remember it being my favorite subject. Very early on I
noticed certain patterns in history and I wondered why they occurred.
When I was first exposed to European history, I recall being absolutely floored
by how certain countries could become so rich and powerful and then
subsequently collapse so stunningly and rapidly. The one that really
boggled my mind was Spain - the homeland of my maternal grandfather who I never
met. Here was a country that conquered and viciously looted essentially
all South America other than Brazil (thanks to the pope being magnanimous
enough to grant that part of the world to Portugal in the Treaty of
Tordesillas), Mexico, Central America and parts of the United States. The
gold and especially silver that was taken back to Spain was the stuff of
legend, yet almost at the same time they had defeated the native peoples
overseas their kingdom at home was crumbling. Not to bore anyone
with too much history, but by the mid 1500s the Spanish had essentially conquered the Aztecs (Mexico) and the Incas (Peru). At the time, the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan was estimated to be larger than any city in Europe. Despite these tremendous “successes” and the riches that came with them, the battle of Rocroi in Northern France in 1643 less than one hundred years later marked the end of Spanish dominance in Europe. What is so fascinating to me is that while the conquistadors were out raping and pillaging halfway around the world the domestic economy was experiencing economic crisis. There were episodes of major currency debasements in the homeland as the crown was forced to fight wars on their borders as well as fund the excursions abroad. It is important to note that the collapse came pretty quickly as it was only in 1627 when things were still looking pretty good for the empire that The Count-Duke Olivares famously stated: “God is Spanish and fights for our nation these days.” Does this story sound familiar?
with too much history, but by the mid 1500s the Spanish had essentially conquered the Aztecs (Mexico) and the Incas (Peru). At the time, the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan was estimated to be larger than any city in Europe. Despite these tremendous “successes” and the riches that came with them, the battle of Rocroi in Northern France in 1643 less than one hundred years later marked the end of Spanish dominance in Europe. What is so fascinating to me is that while the conquistadors were out raping and pillaging halfway around the world the domestic economy was experiencing economic crisis. There were episodes of major currency debasements in the homeland as the crown was forced to fight wars on their borders as well as fund the excursions abroad. It is important to note that the collapse came pretty quickly as it was only in 1627 when things were still looking pretty good for the empire that The Count-Duke Olivares famously stated: “God is Spanish and fights for our nation these days.” Does this story sound familiar?
It’s the Leadership Stupid
The reason I put the Taleb quote at the top is because
it is such a phenomenal interview and I request that everyone reading this
takes the time to listen to it this weekend even though it is very long.
In the part just prior to the quote I used he talks about how society is now
separated into three categories. The category that he has the most
disdain for are those with “no skin in the game.” These are the
self-proclaimed “elite” of the Western world today. This group is varied
but generally consists of politicians, Wall Street executives, the CEOs of
large state-connected and protected multi-national corporations and mainstream
media “journalists” or as Gerald Celente likes to call them
“presstitutes.” As Taleb notes, these “elites” have no honor or
courage. They are groveling little manipulator parasites. They have
created a world in which they are able to reap all of the upside and have no
downside. When things go against them they just bail themselves out on
the back of the rest of society.
Then of course there is the group with “skin in the
game.” This group consists of the unconnected wealthy, the middle classes
and the poor. This is why class warfare is such an absurd thing.
OWS is not about class warfare. It is about the battle between those with
skin in the game versus the “elite” that rig the game and call it capitalism so
they can later demonize it and consolidate power further. It is about the
99.9% of humanity against the technocrat and crony capitalist alliance.
It is free humanity against a fascist system that is not capitalism or free
market in any way shape or form. Yes, I think OWS needs to make this
message more clear, but it’s not about money. It is about excessive
power. Yes money in large amounts does equal power but it is the system
itself that is the cancer. If we didn’t have a money system where money
is counterfeit and can be created at will with a computer keystroke by the Ben
Bernank payoffs and system rigging would be considerably more difficult for
these clowns (although of course it would still happen).
Taleb then describes the final group. Those that
“don’t have upside.” These people are there to “take the downside of
others.” The best example of this class is the military of course.
They risk it all for themselves and their family for essentially no reward
except the satisfaction that they are doing good. Here is where I think
things get interesting. What happens when the military realizes they
aren’t fighting for the good of their nation? What happens when they
realize the wars they are risking their lives for are merely to help those with
“all the upside and no downside,” ie the elite to consolidate power for
themselves? What happens when the military realizes their sacrifice is
undermining the very Constitution they swore to uphold? I will tell you
what happens. They support Ron Paul; which is exactly what has
The Iran “Card” and the
Idiocy of Western Leadership
If I was the leader of Russia or China right now I
would be salivating and on the floor laughing. I would be in utter
disbelief of how corrupt and immoral and insane and incredibly stupid the
technocratic/Wall Street leadership of the Western world is. I mean they
don’t even have to do anything. All they have to do is sit back and watch
us blow our societies up with our actions. It’s truly remarkable.
Let’s start with Iran. Please go back to the top
and reread the quote from the Stratfor piece. Stratfor, for those who
aren’t aware is one of the most respected geopolitical/intelligence research
organizations of the planet. So this isn’t just me spouting. Isn’t
it interesting how this organization makes it clear in no uncertain terms that Iran
is nowhere near a nuclear weapon, yet all the presstitutes on television don’t
ever even ask this question. It is always posed as “well we know they are
close so should we attack or not.” This is how propaganda operates.
It doesn’t even allow you to start with an honest question, rather it starts
off with a lie. If you start off on a question of war with a assumption
that is a patent lie how do you think things are going to turn out? This
is the exact same spectacle that we saw in the run up to the war in Iraq and
their “weapons of mass destruction” that of course never existed.
All of this just supports my view that Iran is about
two things. First, Iran is not safely a glorified member of the “elite”
Western puppet states in the Middle East. This is a huge problem
considering their considerable oil production and the threat that they could
choose to not sell that oil in dollars. Secondly, TPTB understand that
the “natives” back home are getting restless and they know that historically
speaking nothing works better in a crisis than a big war to get the population
to be submissive and do as told. The interesting thing here is that the
U.S. citizenry does not want another war and neither does the rank and file
military. TPTB know this. As a result, I think all of us need to be
on the lookout for an attempted false flag attack that will be blamed on
Iran. This could be a “cyber-attack” (that would be convenient since they
could then use it to also censor the web), or otherwise, but in the end this is
something to be very cognizant of. If you are following what is going on
you realize that Iran has absolutely ZERO incentive to launch any attack on the
U.S. This would guarantee a response and regime change. They are
not that stupid.
The other interesting thing about the Iran situation
is how completely incompetent and idiotic Western leadership actually is.
I am the farthest person from someone that wants to keep the status quo in
place, but if I was one of these Western “elites” I can tell you one thing; I wouldn’t
be making any of the foolish moves they are making. The biggest blunder I
have seen as of late is the U.S. and Europeans launching a new round of
sanctions against Iran, specifically targeting their banking system. The
great irony in all of this is that this action is merely accelerating a move
away from the dollar as the currency of choice for many in the region.
The only thing I have seen since these new sanction have been put in place are
many more currency swaps between China and other countries. Most notably
recently with Japan and the UAE. Even South Korea the other day mentioned
buying Chinese debt and further diversifying reserves. Then of course
there are deals to sell Iranian oil to India using both rupees and gold.
In a world of tight resources and centrally planned economies whose leaders
need to keep their sheep fed, warm and on the highways, Iran’s oil will be
sold. It’s actually comedic to see Europe taking the “offense” by saying
they won’t accept Iranian oil. Europe of all places? Give me a
break. Yeah, threaten one of the biggest oil exporters in the world as
you plunge into a sea of poverty, social chaos and bankruptcy. Do
everything in your power to throw them into the open arms of Russia and China.
You wonder how an empire can decline so fast? It’s the Leadership
Stupid. History will remember the current crop of leaders in the Western
world as the biggest collective or corrupt fools ever assembled on planet
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