by Gary Gibson
We read those words to that effect from an article
linked to by a libertarian website we visit very regularly.
"In Zimmerman's case, Martin was an athletic six-foot-two-inch tall football player that had him on his back pounding on him. Martin got what he deserved."
We've tried to avoid having to write anything publicly
about the shooting of Trayvon Martin. But we feel we must let our thoughts be
known, if only in passing...
You see, dear patron, we spent a few years of our
adolescence in the Central Florida town just south of where Trayvon was killed.
We have some experience with being Black in that corner of the world.
Further, the public voices who dwell close to our philosophical sphere seem to be saying some questionable things in their rush to defend gun ownership and denounce sleazy race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
Like Thomas Sowell, the black conservative and
intellectual who agreed with Geraldo Rivera's advice to black and Hispanic
youth to not dress to look so threatening.
First a few things about that part of Florida...
Like Caesar's Gaul, Florida is divided into three
unofficial parts...
South Florida as centered around the Miami-Dade metro
area is essentially a continental Latin and Caribbean colony.
Central Florida is dominated of course by Orlando.
It's a bloodless and its claim to fame is a tourist trap ruled over by a mouse
created by a Nazi-sympathizer.
People often say that Florida isn't really "The
South". And they're right. But North Florida isn't really part of Florida
as much as it is the southernmost region of Georgia.
Once you head north of Orlando, the descendants of
Castro-generated refugees and Jewish retirees become a distant spectacle. Much
more immediate are the Confederate flags, monster trucks and occasional white
supremacist tattoo.
Geneva, Florida, is just a few miles north of Orlando
and a few miles east of Sanford, Florida, where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon
Martin to death.
Through a series of crises and accidents your editor
came to spend his early teen years as a resident of Geneva. The town is home to
just a couple thousand souls or so. The downtown has a section full of older
homes, a section of newer tract homes (where your editor lived), three churches,
an elementary school, a couple of gas stations, one post office, one feed store
and one stoplight.
The rest of the place is a smattering of multi-acre
properties, dirt roads and swamp.
While Sanford is east of Geneva, Oviedo, FL, is just
south and to the west. Oviedo is a very nice, suburb of Orlando. It made at
least one "100 Best to Live in the U.S." list one year. The road from
Oviedo becomes Geneva's First Street. There is a specific moment as you travel
along that road that you sense you've crossed some ethereal veil. It happens
within a second or two of leaving the "Welcome to Oviedo" sign
The new, colorful subdivisions stop abruptly. Wide
open pasture dotted takes their place. Tiny herds of cattle and the occasional
horse or two alternate with lone houses in big fields as you drive along.
You notice more pickup trucks, quite a few of them on
giant tires. The few other cars you see on the two-lane road move more
Twenty years ago when your editor's mother bought one
of those newer tract homes, one of the neighbors painted "NO NIGER"
in huge red letters on her garage door. We assume he meant "NO
NIGGER", but we also assume it was also dark when he wrote it and he lost
track of how many g's he'd already written.
A few months later someone left a pathetic attempt at
a chemical bomb on the front porch of our family's house. Our mother called the
sheriff. The deputies told her that had the bomb worked, it might have killed
That was all over twenty years ago. But just a few
years ago the brother of the other black Caribbean family in town was carrying
his young son on his shoulders when he was run over by one of our neighbors.
The brother and his son survived with only minimal
injury. The neighbor went to jail for a long time. The attack was racially
Back in January, 2010 we were visiting the old
homestead, we were accidentally hit by a speeding truck as we walked along the
road just beyond our mother's house. The hit was surely accidental. It was the
response of everyone involved that made us mad. And reminded us what the life
of a black man is worth in that town.
The asked us angrily what we were doing "in the
middle of the road" as we lay moaning on the lawn where we'd landed. The
owner of the home also seemed mad that we had landed on his lawn and created
trouble for the driver. Once we recovered our senses and realized that we were
neither dead nor crippled, a fight very nearly ensued.
To heap even more insult to our relatively minor
injuries, the emergency crew who came out (at our mother's insistence, not our
own) seemed annoyed at us, too.
We never lived in neighboring Sanford itself. But we
spent an awful lot of time there. On the way to the city itself from Geneva,
there is a little "Chocolate Village” called appropriately enough Midway.
A poor black neighborhood in the middle of nowhere. Out of the 1700 or so
people who live there 1600 are black while only a few dozen are white.
Sanford itself is a much bigger town with over 50,000
residents. Over half of those are white and a little less than a third black.
The black population is largely concentrated in the Goldsborough neighborhood.
Sanford's neck isn't quite as red as Geneva's, but the
there is still that uniquely Southern flavor of black-white tension on the air.
Your editor can taste it every time he lands at Orlando International Airport.
It increases the farther north you go from the airport and from Orlando. You
could choke on it in Geneva. It's not as bad in Sanford, but it's still there.
Here's an anecdote not from personal experience, but
culled from the Wikipedia page on Sanford:
"On October
23, 1945, the Brooklyn Dodgers announced that they had signed Jackie Robinson
assigning him to their International League team, the Montreal Royals.
Rickey, Brooklyn Dodgers General Manager believing he 'knew' Florida, thought
his team could train there ruffling as few feathers as possible. Robinson and
his wife were instructed by Rickey not to try to stay at any Sanford hotels. He
and his wife didn't eat out at any restaurants not deemed 'Negro restaurants.'
He didn't even dress in the same locker room as his teammates.
"As soon as
the citizenry became aware of Robinson's presence, the mayor of Sanford was
confronted by a 'large group of white residents' who 'demanded that run out of town.'
"On March 5th,
1946, the Royals were informed that they would not be permitted to take the
field as an integrated group. Rickey was concerned for Robinson's life and sent
him to stay in Daytona Beach. His daughter, Sharon Robinson, remembered being
told, 'The Robinsons were run out of Sanford, Florida, with threats of
"In his 1993
book, 'A Hard Road to Glory: A History Of The African American Athlete:
Baseball' tennis great Arthur
Ashe wrote
in response, Rickey 'moved the entire Dodger pre-season camp from Sanford,
Florida, to Daytona Beach due to the oppressive conditions of Sanford.'"
We share these anecdotes so you understand our bias.
Black life doesn't hold so much value in the region Trayvon was killed. And we
sadly report that it doesn't have much value in the eyes of people with whom we
tend to agree on other things like liberty and the right to bear arms.
It saddens us to be on the side of the national
healthcare types on this one. Even if Trayvon got violent with Zimmerman...even
if Zimmerman was getting the worst of it in a scuffle...he was the aggressor.
He gave Trayvon reason to feel the need to defend himself. Zimmerman was the
one "acting suspiciously."
(Zimmerman also strikes us a low-IQ thug who admired
authoritarian power and made up for his inadequacies by carrying a gun. But we
don't know the man personally and could be wrong.)
Lest you get us wrong, we believe in the right to bear
arms to be as essential as the right to own property and to do as you will with
your own body. We also believe in the absolute right to self defense and to
stop violence toward your person and property with force.
But that doesn't mean you get to create the situation
in which you have to defend yourself.
Had Trayvon or any other black man behaved as
Zimmerman had toward a white person...if a white man had been beating on then
been shot by a black man who had been shadowing him...That is to say, if the
races of the actors had been reversed, then the gun rights crowd would be
singing the opposite tune.
They would have decried the black man for stalking the
white man in the first place. They would have cheered the white man for
pummeling his black stalker. They would have called for justice for the fallen
white man and for the imprisonment and even death of the black shooter.
We write none of this to accuse or even to lament. We
merely give you the reality of the racial situation in the area, along with an
interpretation of the events born of having lived there.
We also write this as a warning.
Racial tension is still very real in this country.
Racial violence and race-based urban riots are as imminent a threat as war with
Iran...or the collapse of the currency...
We've warned before that proximity to pockets of
welfare-dependence should be a serious consideration for anyone preparing for
the "fat tail" events we write about. Sadly, urban welfare society is
correlated strongly with race. And human relationships tend to fracture along
ethnic lines when times get very hard.
If you're going to stick around in the U.S. as times
get more interesting, then make sure you arm yourself with the best information
you possibly can to stay out of trouble's way.
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