"The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General."
By Stephen Moore & Peter Ferrara
But Harrison Bergeron, who was far above average in everything, was a special problem. Vonnegut explained, "Nobody had ever borne heavier handicaps.… Instead of a little ear radio for a mental handicap, he wore a tremendous pair of earphones, and spectacles with thick wavy lenses." To offset his strength, "Scrap metal was hung all over him," to the point that the seven-foot-tall Harrison "looked like a walking junkyard."
So began Kurt Vonnegut's 1961 short story
"Harrison Bergeron." In that brave new world, the government forced
each individual to wear "handicaps" to offset any advantage he had,
so everyone could be truly and fully equal. Beautiful people had to wear ugly
masks to hide their good looks. The strong had to wear compensating weights to
slow them down. Graceful dancers were burdened with bags of bird shot. Those
with above-average intelligence had to wear government transmitters in their
ears that would emit sharp noises every 20 seconds, shattering their thoughts
"to keep them…from taking unfair advantage of their brains."
But Harrison Bergeron, who was far above average in everything, was a special problem. Vonnegut explained, "Nobody had ever borne heavier handicaps.… Instead of a little ear radio for a mental handicap, he wore a tremendous pair of earphones, and spectacles with thick wavy lenses." To offset his strength, "Scrap metal was hung all over him," to the point that the seven-foot-tall Harrison "looked like a walking junkyard."
The youthful Harrison did not accept these burdens
easily, so he had been jailed. But with his myriad advantages and talents, he
had broken out. An announcement on TV explained the threat: "He is a
genius and an athlete…and should be regarded as extremely dangerous."
Harrison broke into a TV studio, which was
broadcasting the performance of a troupe of dancing ballerinas. On national
television, he illegally cast off each one of his handicaps. Then he did the
same for one of the ballerinas, and then the orchestra, which he commanded to
play. To shockingly beautiful chords, Harrison and the ballerina began to
“Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the
laws of gravity and the laws of motion as well.…The studio ceiling was thirty
feet high, but each leap brought the dancers nearer to it. It became their
obvious intention to kiss the ceiling. They kissed it. And then, neutralizing
gravity with love and pure will, they remained suspended in air inches below
the ceiling, and they kissed each other for a long, long time.”
SOCIAL SAFETY NETS that provide basic help
for the needy to prevent human suffering are easily justifiable on moral
grounds. Nearly everyone supports them to prevent severe hardship among those
disabled, widowed, orphaned, or even just temporarily down on their luck. In
modern and wealthy societies like ours, there is broad voter consent to such
policies, which ensure people do not suffer deprivation of the necessities of
life: food, shelter, and clothing. This recognizes we have a moral obligation
to help our fellow man. It's always an open question how much of that should
fall to private charity and how much should be done through government
taxation. That said, the truth is, such safety nets, if focused on the truly
needy and designed to rely on modern markets and incentives, would not be
costly compared to the immense wealth of our society.
But once such policies are established, going
further—taking from some by force of law what they have produced and
consequently earned, and giving to others merely to make incomes and wealth
more equal—is not justifiable. Vonnegut's story helps explain why.
First, achieving true and comprehensive equality would
require violating personal liberty, as the talented and capable must be
prevented from using their advantages to get ahead. Under this philosophy, the
most productive must be treated punitively through high tax rates simply
because they used their abilities to produce more than others. What we have
just described is a progressive tax system. Work and produce a little bit, and
we take 10 percent. Work and produce more, and we take 20 percent, and so on. Some
societies take as much as 90 percent of the marginal output, as the U.S. did
after World War II.
In a society where men and women are angels who always
put the welfare of others ahead of their own, this system—from each according
to his ability, to each according to his need—might even work. High tax rates
wouldn't have any negative consequences because everyone would work for
everyone else's benefit. Society would be like one, large commune, with
everyone working for the common good. The ambitious, hard worker would get the
same pay as the one who sleeps in and lives a lazy lifestyle. Output would be
high, and we would have almost complete equality of outcome.
The problem, of course, is that men are not angels. We
are driven by self-interest-not entirely, of course, but enough that giving
everyone an equal share despite unequal contributions would severely deter work
incentives. This is why in all those societies that have tried to enforce the
more extreme vision of mandatory equality, totalitarian governments and poverty
have emerged. And, by the way, in practice these societies are not very equal
either. Richer and freer countries tend to have smaller income disparities than
poorer and less free nations.
Moreover, as Vonnegut's story illustrates, inequalities
of wealth and income are not the only important differences in society. If
equality is truly a moral obligation, then inequalities of beauty,
intelligence, strength, grace, talent, etc. logically all should be leveled as
well. That would require some rather heavy-handed government intervention. It
is not fair that LeBron James has a 40-inch vertical leap, and we have a 4-inch
vertical leap (combined). It is not fair that some have high IQs, and others
are below average. It is not fair that Christie Brinkley is beautiful, that
some people are born with photographic memories, that one person gets cancer
and the next one doesn't. We Americans were born in a land of opportunity and
wealth, while billions around the world are born into poverty and squalor. We
won the ultimate lottery of life just by being born in this great and rich
country. Where is the justice in that?
THE GOAL OF A SOCIETY should not and cannot be to make
people equal in outcomes, an impossibility given the individual attributes with
which we were each endowed by our creator. It is the opposite of justice and
fairness to try to equalize outcomes based on those attributes. It is not fair
to the beautiful to force them to wear ugly masks. It is not fair to the strong
to punish them by holding them down with excess weights. It is not fair to the
graceful and athletic to deprive them of their talents. In the same way, it is
not fair to the productive, the risk taking, or the hard working, to deprive
them of what they have produced, merely to make them equal to others who have
worked less, taken less risk, and produced less.
As Vonnegut's story shows, putting social limits on
the success people are allowed to achieve with their own talents and abilities
makes everyone worse off, because it deprives society of the benefits of their
brilliance and beauty and skill and talent. The fact that Bill Gates and Steve
Jobs made billions of dollars in income—more than some whole societies make—has
on paper made America more unequal. But is the middle class better or worse off
for Microsoft and Apple products? Should we curse the invention of the personal
computer, which is now in nearly every home in America, simply because it made
these men unthinkably wealthy? Since hundreds of millions of people buy their
products willingly, it would seem self-evident that Mr. Gates and Mr. Jobs
generated a better world for everyone, not just for themselves.
Finally, this vision of equality as a social goal,
with equal incomes and wealth for all, is severely counterproductive
economically, and so makes for a poor society as well. Pursuing such a vision
would require very high marginal tax rates on anyone with above-average
production, income, and wealth, which theory and experience show leads to
decreased production. As we saw in our discussion of tax policy above, the less
people are allowed to keep of what they produce, the less they will produce.
A good and just tax system should be designed to make
the poor rich, not the rich poor. The preoccupation with equality reverses
these two objectives, such as when Barack Obama says we should raise the
capital gains rate even if it doesn't increase government revenue, for
"the purpose of fairness." How is an outcome that hurts everyone
IT'S EASY TO THINK of other unfavorable results of
this fairness fetish. Under the social justice of equal income and wealth for
all, investment would make no sense. People invest only to earn returns, which
means more income. Anyone who invests more would have a higher income, which
would be expropriated to the extent it was above the average. But anyone who
invests less and thus has a below-average income would be rewarded with a grant
from the government to ensure equality. So, again, the only rational strategy
would be to avoid all investment.
China is one good recent example. During the era of
communism in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s, when all land was cultivated for the
"common good" and food was evenly distributed to all, regardless of
how much one worked, China produced way too little food, and many millions of
people, including children, starved to death. But then, starting in the 1980s,
agricultural reforms began to emerge that allowed farmers to take a small plot
of land and keep the food they grew. An amazing thing happened. Production of
food on these very small tracts surged multiples higher than the output on the
communal lands. The Chinese farmers saw output double and even triple from the
previous arrangement where all food was put in a communal pot. Private
ownership of the farms led to a green revolution, and China quickly became a
food exporter.
Was this because the Chinese people are selfish and
don't care about their fellow man? No, Chinese culture is no more selfish than
any other. It's just that we as human beings are hardwired to put our own
well-being and that of our kids above that of the fellow we don't even know.
The human pursuit of happiness begins for most by taking care of themselves and
their families. That is deeply ingrained into our
We would add that the alternative course of demanding
equality of opportunity can (and almost always does in practice) lead to the
subordination of other values, such as personal liberty. As one example, the
talented almost always want to leave societies where their talents are suppressed.
Think of North Korea, or Cuba, or East Germany after World War II. These
regimes quickly discovered that to keep their nations from economic collapse,
they had to enforce tight restrictions on emigration and international travel
to avoid losing their most productive citizens. And it wasn't just the best and
brightest who wanted to leave. Many average citizens wanted to flee from
economically stagnant, poor societies. So the governments had to restrict
everyone from leaving and impose on the liberty of all. This is where the
Berlin Wall came from. It was not a wall to keep invaders out. It was to keep
citizens captive.
BUT DOESN'T THE DECLARATION of Independence itself say
"All men are created equal," and isn't equality a fundamental
American ideal? Yes, but these expressions invoke a concept of equality
different from the social justice concept of equal incomes and wealth for all.
The original and traditionally American concept of
equality is "equality under the law." That means the same rules apply
to all, not the same results. Baseball is a fair game because the same rules
apply to all players.
Equality of rules protects the property of all, which
encourages saving, investment, and work, because all are assured protection for
the fruits of their labor. Equality of rules ensures that all enjoy the same
freedom of contract, which empowers them to maximize value and production, and
plan investment knowing they can rely on their agreed contractual rights.
Equality of rules provides a framework in which all are free to pursue their
individual visions of happiness to the maximum extent.
Within this framework of equal rules for all, the
outcome of the market in terms of income and wealth is fair, for two
fundamental reasons. The first is that people basically earn in the market the
value of what they produce. Economists say more formally that wages equal the
marginal productivity of labor. That encompasses both the quantity and rarity
of each worker's output. If the worker's output is unique, that output will be
worth more, to the extent that people value it, because only he can produce it.
James Patterson has gotten rich writing mystery novels that readers buy because
they derive happiness from his thrillers and are captivated by his plots. Every
one of us can sing, but Katy Perry has a string of number-one hits that young
people all over the world want to listen to over and over.
Alex Rodriguez and LeBron James each make a lot more
money than any teacher, or any doctor. In a broad social sense, what teachers
and doctors do is worth much more than what professional athletes do. Sure, not
everyone can teach, and fewer still can practice medicine. But only Alex
Rodriguez and LeBron James can do what they do, which entertains millions at
the stadium, on the radio, on television, and in the paper the next morning.
Each fan is willing to pay a little in return for their unique performances.
What they get is not unfair. They earn it, through talent and hard work.
THIS IS WHY it is wrong to even speak of the
"distribution" of income and wealth. Income and wealth are not
distributed. Income and wealth are created, and in a fair society they come
into the world attached to the rightful owner that produced them. As the late
Harvard philosopher Robert Nozick wrote, "Whoever makes something, having
bought or contracted for all other held resources used in the process…is
entitled to it. The situation is not one of something's getting made, and there
being an open question of who is to get it." If income and wealth are not
attached to the owner that produced them, they tend not to be created at all.
Moreover, what is produced is not taken from anyone
else. It is created by the worker, the earner, and does not come at the expense
of others. The economy is not a fixed pie with slices handed out by Barack
Obama. Each worker expands the pie and creates his own slices.
A society that puts equality ahead of freedom and
prosperity will be in the end an unhappy one. As we have seen throughout
history, high tax rates, high welfare benefits, and collectivist outcomes lead
to deprivation and poverty. We want a fair society where everyone can realize
his fullest human potential. And yes, that means some—Bill Gates, Michael
Jordan, Tom Cruise, Albert Pujols, Lady Gaga, and Sergey Brin—will get a lot
richer than others. There is no injustice in that.
We left until now the thrilling ending of Mr.
Vonnegut's story. Just at the moment when Harrison Bergeron and the ballet
dancer were wowing the audience with their expertise and breathtaking talent,
as the orchestra was breaking into shockingly beautiful chords, and as the
crowd's cheering reached a crescendo of joy and admiration, at that very
moment, in barged the Handicapper General, Diana Moon Glampers. With a
double-barreled shotgun, she shot the two lawbreakers dead to the floor, and
equality was restored.
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