If you are taking or have taken some of the typical
courses in economics, it is quite likely that you asked yourself questions like
the following: If an economic model is not like the real world, why should I
trust the results of that model? One of the answers I would often get when
posing this question goes something like this: Of course the model is not like
the real world; it is not supposed to be like the real world. If it were, then
it would not be a model!
This response can leave one feeling intellectually
inferior or incapable of abstract thinking. One may get the impression that
there is something obvious that he or she is missing. Sometimes, the answer
would go a bit further: models are simplified representations of reality that
we use to better understand that reality. This answer is somewhat more polite,
but it still does not tell us how we determined which features of reality were not
important enough to be included in the model. Building a model in this way also
seems to imply that we already understand the elements of reality and how they
are interrelated.
If none of these answers left you entirely comfortable with the currently predominant, Walrasian approach in economics, you may want to look into the works of some of the Austrian economists.Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Murray Rothbard were the leading figures in this school of thought in the 20th century. Scholars like Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard showed that there are, in all likelihood, more robust descriptions of markets than those contained solely in mathematical general-equilibrium models.
Basic Principles of Austrian Economics
The Walrasian and the Austrian approaches often come
to similar conclusions when it comes to the desirability of markets, but they
come to these conclusions using quite different paths. The advantage of the
Austrian approach is precisely in the path it takes to come to its conclusions
— it maintains several key principles that most of us would have a hard time
disagreeing with:
- Value is in the mind of
an individual. It is then by definition subjective and directly
unobservable to others.
- Value is not a physical
quantity. Thus, interpersonal comparisons of utility or value are
- All economic activity is
a consequence of individual humans acting on their values.
The Walrasian approach often assumes away these
principles for the sake of mathematical tractability. This is where the crucial
problem arises. To what extent can we believe the conclusions of a model that
assumes away the fundamental features of reality as we understand it? This is
actually the most common criticism of the neoclassical defense of markets.
You have probably heard many people blaming the
current economic crisis on "market failure." Some would say that
markets "failed" because real markets are different from the
economists' "perfect" models. The logic is as follows: since we can't
trust these market models, neither can we trust the actual markets. There is an
error in this logic.
For example, if we had a theory that states that 2+2=5
and then we count 2 apples and 2 more apples and determine there are in fact 4,
not 5, apples, this contradiction between our theory of addition and the
empirical observation would not be an argument against using the operation of
addition in our daily lives. Instead, we would go back to our theory of
addition to determine where we went wrong. Similarly, realizing that markets do
not operate exactly like general-equilibrium models does not imply that markets
should be abandoned. Instead, it may be that our model was inadequate to
understand the functioning of the market. In fact, there may be other elements,
not necessarily products of the market, that contributed to what we labeled
"market failure."
This is where the Austrian approach can help.
Austrians argue that precisely those features of reality omitted by our models
are what makes actual markets special. More specifically, markets are the means
of coping with those "messy" features of reality that do not fit well
into the mathematical language of economic models.
Efficient Markets vs. Markets as Indispensible Means
of Social Cooperation
The typical neoclassical story about efficient or
perfectly competitive markets is that, if some assumptions hold, we can expect
markets to be allocatively efficient. This allocative efficiency is interpreted
as a set of output and price values that maximize total social welfare. This is
often represented by welfare triangles.
Welfare triangles are geometric representations of the
benefits from exchange. Figure 1 shows an example. The light blue triangle
represents total social surplus. It is said that the competitive equilibrium
price and quantity make this area as large as possible.
Competitive equilibrium and social welfare in the neoclassical model
Competitive equilibrium and social welfare in the neoclassical model
The assumptions that need to hold for this result are
often given in different forms, but the following list should provide a
relatively complete summary:
- Everyone has all the
relevant information about everyone else in the society.
- All producers in a given
industry are small relative to the whole industry.
- The consumer preferences
can be described by a known and "well-behaved" utility function.
- There are no transaction
- There are no externalities.
For an Austrian economist, this raises many red flags
at the outset. But it is not only Austrians who raise criticism against this
formulation. Most government interventions are based on the claim that some of
the above assumptions don't hold, thus making the actual market outcome
inefficient and in need of fixing.
However, Austrians raise a different criticism. They
claim that this theory is an inadequate description of the market. As an
analogy, if you build a theory on the premise that the sky is red, that theory
is not going to be very useful for understanding the logical consequences of
the fact that the sky is in fact blue.
Austrians throw out the window the first,
complete-information assumption in the above list at the outset. This has
implications for the other assumptions such as transaction costs and
externalities, but this is an issue that contains enough material for a
separate analysis.
Hayek based most of his work on deriving the logical
consequences of the fact that most of us know very little about most other
people. His mentor, Mises, starts with the fact that individual values are not
directly observable to others and determines that only through exchange ratios
(or prices) can these subjective values take an objectively observable form. Thus,
only in a society where private property is exchanged between individuals can
resource allocation be guided by human values or preferences.
Hayek uses this idea to illustrate how market prices
serve as signals of time-and-place-specific circumstances known only to some
individuals and only as bits of dispersed knowledge. For example, when prices
are on the rise, consumers know that it is time to look for alternatives, and
producers want to produce more of the relatively expensive good without
actually having to know all the particular causes of the price increase. Thus,
rising prices give both the information and incentives to different individuals
to pursue courses of action that make the expensive good relatively more
abundant and thus less expensive in the long run. We can see here that instead
of grounding their defense of the market on the complete-information
assumption, Austrians begin by recognizing the reality of incomplete
Views on Competition and Allocation of Production
The second assumption in the Walrasian description of
the efficient market is that all producers in a given industry are small
relative to the whole industry. Alternatively, if some producers are
disproportionally larger than others, there is a departure from the competitive
equilibrium, and thus allocative inefficiency arises. In the extreme case, when
there is only one producer in a market, there is a monopoly. Monopolies are
said to be a problem because the price they charge is too high and the quantity
they supply is too low.
Hayek, however, shows that in a world of near-infinite
individual diversity, it is highly unlikely that one firm can exclude all other
suppliers from the market just by offering the lowest price. In addition, as
Rothbard pointed out, all firms compete for the consumers'
money. In this sense, even a monopoly must still compete with the producers of
all other goods. For example, if a healthcare provider imposes too high of a
cost on the consumer (monetary, bureaucratic, or whatever), the consumer might
simply abandon using any healthcare services for the sake of being able to
afford a more preferred amount of other goods and services. I haven't visited a
doctor in more than two years simply because it takes too much time and effort
for my taste.
Finally, if individual values are indeed subjective
and unobservable to an outside observer, claiming that the price that the
monopoly charges is too high contradicts the subjective nature of value. Like
any other acting individual, producers make choices based on their marginal
utility (or value). Because individual values are unknown to others, making
claims about correctness of someone's price has no objective foundation — it
just reveals our own value judgment of their price.
Moreover, if one looks around, one can notice that
monopoly-like suppliers are generally formed by a state-imposed legal act that
limits the ability of other suppliers to access the market. We can look at the
supply of road services, healthcare, copyrighted material, and to some degree
the supply of agricultural products, and find specific legal acts that limit
For an example of state-imposed restrictions on
competition in agriculture, we can look at theprimary supply of milk,
poultry, and eggs in Canada. The supply of
these commodities is limited at the national, provincial, and individual level
by production quotas. Only registered permit holders can produce and sell milk,
poultry, and eggs and only at the provincially administered prices and
quantities. This system is backed by a plethora of acts and regulations.
Interestingly, in one of the founding acts, the Farm Products Agencies Act, there is a clause that requires the agencies
administering supply management to take into account the principle of
comparative advantage in production when allocating production quotas across
Put plainly, the principle of comparative advantage
states that total productivity increases if everyone specializes in what he or
she has the greatest relative superiority in compared to others. But how do you
knowwhat it is that you do better than others if you are good at many different
things and you don't know how good others are in producing different goods?
This is where the Austrian insights come in handy.
For example, we can use some of Mises's and Hayek's
arguments to show that without markets (or, more precisely, without market prices)
economists can't say much about how to allocate production in a way that takes
into account the principle of comparative advantage. In short, this is because
economists, like anyone else, don't have access to people's knowledge of their
own production possibilities and values, which are also in a continuous state
of change. As one of the above Austrian principles states, value is in the mind
of an individual. It is then by definition subjective and directly unobservable
to others.
But, if one looks only at the typically used
neoclassical models, one gets the impression that the "correct"
spatial allocation of production could be determined from objectively
measurable quantities (i.e., regional input ratios, technology, etc.)
regardless of whether there is a market process or not. For example, some of
the major models classify goods by their objectively measurable labor or
capital intensity and then look at the aggregate quantities of capital and
labor in a country or a region. Countries and regions with a higher
capital-to-labor ratio are then said to have a comparative advantage in
capital-intensive goods, and the countries and regions with a higher
labor-to-capital ratio are said to have a comparative advantage in
labor-intensive goods.
However, in reality, these objectively measurable
input intensities and input ratios exist only in the presence of a functioning
market. For example, try calculating an aggregate ratio of all capital to all
labor in a country in which exchange of private ownership is outlawed — thus,
without using market prices. These market prices, according to Mises and Hayek,
transform the subjective value in our mind into objective data available to
others. If we are not explicit about this, we may misinterpret our models and lose
the essence of the economic problem at hand.
This is why Austrians look at comparative advantage
differently. First, they attribute it to an individual. Only individuals know
their abilities, skills, plans, and potential opportunity costs. Individuals use
this knowledge to determine whether to specialize in, say, producing computers
or oranges. Second, since one doesn't have direct access to other people's
knowledge, one needs a means of indirectly accessing that knowledge. This is
where exchange of ownership and exchange ratios (or prices) — in short, the
market — come into play.
The market is the tool that makes it possible for an
individual to determine whether it is better to specialize in the production of
apples, computers, or any of thousands of other products. I may have a great
potential in many occupations, but depending on the market prices, I may choose
one or the other. Market prices will indirectly inform me how others would
value my services if I chose one profession compared to another. Thus, in the
Austrian framework, the market is the tool for identifying
individuals' comparative advantage in an advanced economy.
Given these insights, the context in which one would
use economic models is quite different from the typical Walrasian approach. In
this case, one would say that because markets exist, we may,
for illustrative purposes, assume that individuals know the relevant economic
characteristics of other individuals in the society. In the typical Walrasian
approach, the complete information assumption is a precondition for the
existence of efficient markets, while in the Austrian approach, the existence
of markets is a precondition for the existence of prices that transform
subjective and otherwise unobservable valuations of goods produced and owned by
a multitude of individuals into objective and observable metrics.
For many neoclassical economists, the market is a tool
(only one of the tools) for allocating production and consumption
efficiently. Efficiency here is the state of the world where any change would
just make things worse. In this theory, such an "optimal" solution
can be reached using means other than the market because of lax assumptions
about value and knowledge. More specifically, for a person to determine the
optimal allocation of resources in an economy outside of the market process,
that person needs to know people's values, skills, potentials, etc. Thus, in
such a model, one needs to assume that these qualities exist as objectively
measurable and knowable magnitudes.
Austrians, on the other hand, don't claim that there
is anything like this "optimal" allocation of resources, either
within or outside of the market. What they do claim is that, if people want to
develop an advanced economy, the market is the way to do this. The path to
developing such an economy is through constant guidance of resource allocation
by people's values reflected in the market prices. In the market, someone will
always be dissatisfied with something, but this is not a bad thing. This
dissatisfaction is a motive for action and for the improvement of one's
well-being. It is the driving force of the economy.
There are important advantages in being familiar with
the Austrian theory. This theory helps one keep in mind fundamental principles
such as the subjectivity of value and the incompleteness of information that
form the basis for human action. This approach makes it easier to spot errors
in one's economic thinking. One of the common errors is treating economic
models as normative standards for reality rather than loose metaphors and
illustrations of the logical conclusions resulting from prior theoretical analysis.
This error creates a temptation to "fix" the reality to fit the
model. Often times the fix only makes things worse, because it was not the
reality that needed fixing. It was, in fact, the economist's model that did not
capture the key features of reality.
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