Monday, May 21, 2012

Fiscal Austerity And Rational Morality

What is the proper purpose, size, and scope of government?

By Richard M. Salsman

Boring as it sounds, “fiscal austerity” has been a hot topic of debate among pundits and political economists in recent weeks, and  I for one think that’s terrific. This is an important debate, well worth having. First, it invites us all to look beyond the mindless histrionics of this year’s campaigning and legislating, and instead to examine a question far more relevant to our long-term security, prosperity and happiness, namely: What is the proper purpose, size, and scope of government? What is government’s nature and what should it be doing, or perhaps more crucially, not be doing? Second, the debate asks how we should be financing the government we have, and whether its spending, taxing, borrowing, and money-printing are moral or not, and practical or not. People should pay attention to this debate, as its outcome will surely affect them.

Today I offer the first of three essays on the “fiscal austerity” debate. Today I’ll discuss briefly why the debate needs a moral dimension and would benefit much from applying a rational morality. If by “austerity” is meant “pain, suffering, deprivation, and self-sacrifice,” is that a moral policy prescription? Most people (especially religious ones) seem to think so. I say it isn’t. Not self-sacrifice but self-interest should be our guide. Without that rational moral code, it’s difficult to gauge the politics or economics of any “fiscal austerity.”  My next essay, “Fiscal Austerity and Public Policy,” will show why the false alternative of fiscal “austerity” (Puritanical) and “stimulus” (Keynesian) should give way to truly pro-capitalist policies. My third and last essay, “Fiscal Austerity and Economic Prosperity,” will cite both distant and more recent history to show that when “fiscal austerity” is imposed on government it’s bullish, but if imposed on markets, it’s bearish.

My dictionary defines an “austere” approach as one that’s “severe or strict,” and an austere person as one with “a rigidly puritanical outlook,” and “living conditions or a way of life having no comforts or luxuries.” Uh oh. A life of “austerity” sounds awful. What then to make of a “fiscal austerity?” Could it be even worse? Is this why European street mobs have rioted periodically in recent years, chafing under the “fiscal austerity” schemes of center-right regimes? Recently, voters in Greece and France elected socialists to stop the austerity schemes. Suddenly, despite their long and evil history of fomenting mayhem, enacting legalized grand larceny, spreading abject poverty, and committing mass murder, the socialists are Europe’s new saviors?  Anything but “fiscal austerity!” Has everyone now forgotten about the “austerity” (too nice a word for it) imposed by such famous socialists as Lenin, Hitler (the “national socialist), Stalin, Mao, Castro, and, to lesser degrees, that ugly parade of utterly forgettable “Christian socialists” and “Social Democrats?”
Austerity is closely related to “asceticism,” or the “ascetic” lifestyle, which eschews human comforts and conveniences as mere “corruptions” of the alleged “pure” life devoid of any material possessions. In medieval times monks and nuns took “vows” of poverty and chastity, as if that meant they were virtuous. Today the equivalent type joins the environmental movement, and elects either to send letter-bombs to CEOs and scientists from his shack in the woods, or instead to commute in his hybrid SUV to his tax-payer funded job at the EPA, where, as one official recently put it, the aim is to “crucify” oil companies.” Typically, the ascetic likes to make sure others feel the pain which he claims is so moral in his own motives.
If, instead, “austerity” means something rational and commonsensical, something that benefits our life instead of ruining it, something that entails not our sacrifice but our self-interest, then we’ve got a truly moral meaning. Now “austerity” simply means “cutting back” on our spending, say in tough times, when “money is tight,” which simply means we’re again saving instead of spending, we’re being “frugal,” or “living within our means.” We’re now “thrifty” or “parsimonious,” instead of being a prodigal, a wastrel, or a spendthrift.
To produce income for oneself and one’s family, to  plan ahead and budget, to borrow only when it makes sense to do so (but not in order to consume beyond one’s current or near-future means), and to save some income, are all acts that are rational, selfish, and thus moral. None of them is an ascetic act of self-sacrifice performed from duty or a hatred for one’s life, self, health or wealth. The result of producing, saving, and investing is not the miser’s life nor the cartoonish life of Mr. Scrooge but the life of earned success, supreme comfort, and guilt-free happiness. “Austerity” seems much too harsh a name for this kind of wonderful life.
To live this way used to be called “economizing.” It was the life of the virtuous – and prosperous. Yet most economists today, Keynesians as they are, deride economizing. Saving, they insist, constitutes a “leakage” from the “spending stream;” saving allegedly drains an economy of its lifeblood, of that unaffordable gusher known as “consumer spending.” Consume! is their sole advise to all who will listen, consume early and often, consume on credit, if necessary, and “shop ‘til you drop,” then pick yourself up and shop yet again. Somehow, all of this will revive a weak economy. If it’s weak, we’re told, it’s because there’s “insufficient demand,” insufficient consuming, too little senseless shopping. Households, businesses and governments alike should spend more, say these anti-economizing economists, not save more; they should spend beyond their means, and somehow that will create the means. If all must borrow to spend beyond their means, then banks must lend more; if they don’t, they must be “induced” to lend more; if needed, they must be forced.
These are the same so-called economists who praised the excessive spending, leverage, and dissipation that preceded the financial crisis and bank failures of 2008-2009. They remain with us today, despite their culpability – no less brazen, no less shameless, no less vocal, and no less harmful (see especially the smug Krugman). Yet these Keynesian stimulus mongers have merely been cashing in, lately, on the suspicions people rightly harbor toward Puritanical austerity mongers. How many people realize that this is a false alternative? Neither a hedonistic prodigality nor an ascetic austerity is the proper ethic to adopt; neither can achieve a genuine, lasting prosperity, whether in the home, office, or economy at large. Adam Smith was right that “what is prudence in the conduct of every private family can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom.”
What is needed is enlightened self-interest – and a government whose sole purpose is to let each and every one of us live this way, with an inviolable right to our own life, our own liberty, our own property, and the pursuit of our own happiness. We need government limited yet also energetic and efficacious enough in its power, size, and scope to provide what’s needed to preserve, protect, and defend our rights: namely, a national defense, local police, and law courts (no more, no less). A life of rational self-interest requires a government that’s equally rational, economical, and moral, a government that’s limited to its proper role, a government that keeps expenditures low, taxes light, debts manageable, and money as good as gold.
We don’t have that government today, but ones that act immorally and violate the rights of producers, savers and investors, not least by committing legalized grand larceny (aka, “the redistribution of income and wealth”). This is why government today is fiscally bloated, burdensome, and punitive. The solution is a moral revolution – for rational self-interest. The solution is not a government more bloated, burdensome, and punitive than it already is, as both the stimulus mongers and austerity mongers advise, but rather, for the first time in a while, a serious and material austerity plan imposed on bloated government itself. 

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