by Peter Goodspeed
Like vermin in a
time of pestilence, neo-Nazi groups appear to be enjoying a resurgence in a
Europe plagued by increasing financial chaos and uncertainty. As Europe
celebrated the 67th anniversary of V.E. Day and the defeat of Hitler’s Nazis
this week, it also reeled in disbelief as an angry Greek electorate gave 7% of
their votes to the neo-Nazi, anti-immigrant Golden Dawn party.
Boasting an “army of brave boys in black,” who strut the streets of rundown Greek neighbourhoods, flicking off Hitler-esque salutes and staging anti-immigration rallies around a swastika-like flag that is based on an ancient Greek decorative border called a meandros, Golden Dawn became the first far-right party to enter the Greek parliament since the collapse of a military dictatorship in 1974.
In an echo of Europe’s tortured past, Nazism, with its
association with the Holocaust and horrors of the Second World War, not only
survives, but in some instances is thriving.
In Greece, extremists have united the marginalized,
the disenchanted and the disempowered with promises to turn the clock back to
an idyllic “pure” past.
“Europe has seen a boost in right-wing extremism,” says Nora Langenbacher, head of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s, Combating Right-Wing Extremism project, in Berlin.
“Particularly in times of crisis, right-wing extremists and right-wing populists in many places are trying to use the fears of European citizens to promote their ‘cause’ by providing simple answers to complex social challenges.”
Neo-Nazis, almost by definition, are anti-democratic
and confrontational. They seek to create a new world order based on extreme
provocation and, in some cases, far-right terror. They dream of the day when
society and the state will collapse and a “Fourth Reich” can be built on the rubble.
They advocate turning the clock back – ending the European Union and returning to nation states centred on ethnic or cultural “purity,” dropping out of NATO, and abandoning the global economic order.
A sub-culture that is frequently associated with
skinheads and violent thugs, neo-Nazis wallow in shocking symbols of the past –
swastikas, jackboots, stiff-armed salutes, racial violence, and genocidal
threats made against Jews, blacks, Muslims and gays.
Neo-Nazis pop up everywhere, from anti-Roma attacks in
the Czech Republic to violence at gay pride parades in Sweden; from punk bands
with names like Angry Aryans or the SS Bootboys to soccer thugs who revel in
Nazi regalia.
There is a complex subculture of websites, magazines,
blogs, CDs, books, radio stations, clothing companies and music stores that
promote neo-Nazi ideals on an international scale.
“The radical right subculture in Germany is seething,”
says Britta Schellenberg, a research analyst at the University of Munich.
“After 1989 [the fall of East Germany], the number of radical-right offences and crimes of violence increased dramatically.”
Radical right-wing extremism remained dormant under
communism, but it has come out of the shadows and flourishes in what used to be
East Germany.
Germany boasts Europe’s largest and strongest
extra-parliamentary neo-Nazi movement, with an estimated 50,000 active members.
“Every day in the Federal Republic of Germany there are at least two or three violent attacks by radical-right wingers,” Ms. Schellenberg says.
But opinions once limited to Germany’s extreme
far-right seem to be spreading into mainstream politics. A survey released last
year by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a left-of-centre think tank linked to
Germany’s opposition Social Democrats, claimed that 13% of Germans say they
want a new “fuhrer” to lead the country and 14.9% agreed with the statement:
“There is something special about Jews, something peculiar. They don’t really
fit in with us.”
Neo-Nazis also continue to thrive around the world. In
Russia, gangs like the White Wolves specialize in stabbing Central Asians; in
Mongolia’s capital of Ulan Bator neo-Nazis frequent a club called Tsagaan Khass
or the White Swastika; in India, Hitler memorabilia has become so popular one
publisher claims to have sold more than 100,000 copies of Mein Kampf in the
last decade.
Neo-Nazis have even surfaced in Israel. A gang of
eight teenagers — Russian immigrants who had Jewish grandparents — were jailed
in 2008 for assaulting religious Jews and desecrating synagogues with
Most studies suggest neo-Nazis and far-right
extremists are “angry white men” who share a distinct social profile. They are
generally drawn from the working class, are poorly educated, gather information
from xenophobic tabloid newspapers and are deeply pessimistic about their
financial prospects.
Matthew Goodwin, a political scientist at the
University of Nottingham, who has studied backers of the far-right British
National Party, says supporters are “driven to the far-right by their
dissatisfaction with existing political options: they are far more distrustful
than other voters of national and local politicians.”
Jamie Bartlett, a researcher with the British think
tank Demos, recently surveyed 13,000 Facebook supporters of populist far-right
parties in Europe and concluded they are generally defined by their opposition
to immigration and a concern for protecting national and European culture,
especially against a perceived threat from Islam.
“Our results suggest there is a new generation of
populists that are not the racist, xenophobic reactionaries they are sometimes
portrayed as,” Mr. Bartlett says. “They are young, angry, and disillusioned
with the current crop of automaton political elites, who they do not think are
responding to the concerns and worries they face in their lives.
“The patronizing account of populists is that they are
the ‘losers’ of economic liberalism, cornered animals lashing out at mainstream
politicians by voting for a tub-thumping demagogue. This is wrong. They are not
particularly more likely to be unemployed than the national average, according
to our survey. Their worries about immigration are driven by the threat they
believe it poses to national and cultural identity, rather than economic
Far-right parties tend to lash out against immigrants,
globalization, the EU and multiculturalism and, like the far-left, rail against
liberal democracy, liberal capitalism and national political elites.
Liz Fekete, executive director of Britain’s Institute
of Race Relations, warns of “a revitalized neo-Nazi and far right terrorist
underground” across Europe.
“Today we are witnessing the resurgence of old hatreds, with the Roma, particularly in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, again scapegoated for the economic crisis."
“Another stain on Europe’s conscience is the constant barrage of attacks on ‘visible Islam’ — the promotion of enemy images of Muslims against the backdrop of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
But Mr. Goodwin suggests violent neo-Nazi parties are
not enjoying a resurgence. Golden Dawn’s gains in Greece are “very much the
“Reports from Greece suggest that many voters were not aware of the party’s ideological program, and that these supporters tended to be young, working-class men aged 25-34 and who lack educational qualifications."
“But, that said, across Europe more sophisticated radical right-wing populist parties continue to rally significant and relatively durable bases of support, as witnessed most recently at elections in France and in polls in countries such as Austria, that suggest the far right is now the most popular force among 18-25 year olds.”
That growth is reflected in the success of far-right
parties, which were formerly on the fringes but now command significant
political weight in Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Latvia and Slovakia, as well as the European Parliament.
In some countries, they are the second or third
largest party and are seen as essential to the survival of conservative
coalition governments.
In Greece, Golden Dawn’s seizure of 21 seats in the
300 seat parliament, hasn’t been translated into political power. That hasn’t
prevented Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos from talking about “cleaning
up Athens” “taking the dirt [immigrants] out of the country” and calling for
land mines to be placed along the border to stop illegal immigrants.
“The Europe of the nations returns,” he crowed on
election night. “Greece is only the beginning.”
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