By Gary North
The Keynesians and declared
anti-Keynesians have joined hands in order to promote an intensely Keynesian
error: European fiscal austerity as a negative factor. One contributor in
Forbes refers to austerity as a death spiral.
The word “austerity,”
beginning with the Greek government’s debt crisis two years ago, has been used
by the financial media in one sense, and only one sense: reductions in spending
by national governments. The word is not used with respect to the economy as a
More than this: the word has
been used to explain the contracting economies of Europe. The reductions in
government spending are said to have caused the contracting economies. This
explanation is based on textbook Keynesianism.
Keynesians call for increased
government spending. This is the heart of Keynesianism. Keynesianism rests on a
mantra: “Government spending overcomes recessions.” All else is peripheral:
monetary inflation, graduated taxation, and free trade. These peripheral issues
will always be sacrificed to the supreme economic premise: “Government spending
overcomes recessions.”
This is where every analysis of Keynesianism should begin. Any economic doctrine, any economic policy, any proposed solution to the present crisis should be assessed in terms of the mantra. Anything that does not begin and end with the mantra is not Keynesianism. Anything that does, is.
It is a mark of the supreme
triumph of any ideology when the self-professed critics of the ideology adopt
both its conclusions and its rhetoric, and do so unknowingly. This means that
the promoters of the ideology have set the terms of public discourse. It is
very difficult to replace an ideology or worldview, once its promoters have
established the terms of discourse.
It can be done, of course. But
to do this, the promoters of a rival outlook must expose both the errors of the
existing system and the implicit agreement of its supposed critics. This wins
no friends among the hapless troops who think they are scoring significant
victories by arguing against peripheral aspects of the enemy ideology, while
accepting its central presuppositions and main policy prescriptions lock,
stock, and barrel. They have been taken in hook, line, and sinker.
A recent example of a
well-meaning but conceptually confused anti-Keynesian was published in Forbes.
It had a powerful headline: “Keynesianism Is the New Black Death.” It suggested that the great
tragedy of Europe today is “austerity.”
As I have already said, the
financial media universally define austerity as cuts in government spending. I
have never seen the word used in any other way over the last two years. Any
author who uses the word in any other way owes it to his readers to explain
this new usage. The Forbes article offered no such distinction or alternative
definition. I therefore take it at its word: austerity.
If austerity is the great
evil, then the implication is inescapable: that which restores government
spending and therefore overcomes austerity is positive.
This reminds me of the Pharaoh
who decided not to let the Israelites journey for a week to sacrifice to God.
Moses and Aaron then attempted to persuade him by way of a series of plagues.
One of them was frogs. The land filled up with frogs. Everywhere anyone walked,
he stepped on frogs.
The court magicians had to do
something about this. They responded by a public display of the power of their
magic that matched what Moses and Aaron could do. “And the magicians did so
with their enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt” (Exodus
Somehow, I imagine Pharaoh
screaming at them: “No, no, you blockheads: not more frogs! Fewer frogs!” But
the text does not record this.
The solution to the frogs of
European recession is not increased government spending. Rather, it is the
opposite: reduced government spending. In short, the solution is greater
The Austrian economists also
have a mantra: “Reduced taxation increases liberty.” Liberty is necessary for
economic growth.
If a contemporary government
cannot reduce taxes without going bankrupt, then it must cut spending if it
chooses not to go bankrupt.
Europe’s national governments
are all going bankrupt. Japan’s is, too. So is America’s. The solution is to
cut taxes and cut spending even more.
“Not more government spending.
Less government spending!”
“Not larger government
deficits. Reduced government deficits!”
“Not higher taxes. Lower
“Not more fiat money. Reduced
fiat money!”
In short: “Let my people go!”
With this in mind, let us
examine an article that argues that austerity is the great threat to Europe’s
The article begins with a
survey of European politics. It points out that voters are tossing out
politicians in nation after nation. Sarkozy was number eight over the last
year. Why is this happening? Here is the proposed answer:
The voters of Spain, Greece,
France, etc., understand that their governing elites have pushed their
economies into austerity death spirals, and they have been expressing their
unhappiness at the ballot box.
The more fundamental question
is this: Why did these elites push their respective economies into this
supposed death spiral? Why would faithful Keynesian elites do such a thing?
Let us not be naive. The West
has been run at the top by Keynesian elites, or politicians holding Keynesian
ideas, ever since 1930 – six years before Keynes offered his unreadable
justification of politicians’ policies: “The General Theory of Employment,
Interest, and Money.”.
The Keynesian central bank
pushed Europe’s economies into a boom, 2001 to 2007. The voters loved it.
Interest rates were low. There was lots of money to buy houses. The economies
of the south – “Club Med” – were booming. So was the honorary member of Club
Med: Ireland. Ireland’s property values quadrupled. It was all going to last
forever. The elites – especially the economists – issued no warnings, except
for Austrian economists, who were dismissed, as always, as dinosaurs.
Then came the bust phase. What
the European Central Bank did before 2007 – inflate – it has done more
aggressively ever since 2008. Governments ran even larger deficits. They all
implemented Keynesian stimuli. This did not work. Europe is falling back into a
In the spring of 2010,
investors in northern Europe caught on to the fact that Club Med residents
could not compete economically. They kept running deficits with the North.
Those easy-going populations were living on money borrowed from the North. So
were their governments. They had no intention of ever paying back these loans.
Any why not? This is what
Keynesianism teaches. Government loans will not be paid off. Ever. Government
debt will grow. So will prosperity.
Two years ago, Greece’s
Socialist Party found out just how far in the debt hole the government was.
Interest rates then started to rise in PIIGS nations. PIIGS governments were
trapped. They could not run ever-larger deficits, because the cost of loans
were rising.
That was when the reality of
Keynesianism hit: deficits do matter. Money is not free. Debts must be rolled
over at market interest rates. The horror!
That was when governments in
the South started cutting back on spending. Not much, you understand. The
deficits are still unprecedented: above 6% of GDP.
Keynesians labeled this
It is not austerity. It is
deficit spending on a massive scale. Austerity is where national governments
run surpluses and use excess revenues to pay down the national debt.
There has not been austerity in
Europe since approximately 1914.
The gold coin standard
enforced austerity, 1815 to 1914. That was its chief function and its great
service to mankind. It kept the West’s governments austere. This enabled the
private sector to dine at an ever-expanding feast.
Keynesians hate the gold coin
standard. That is because they believe that high government spending is the
basis of high consumer spending, and consumer spending – not private thrift –
is the foundation of prosperity.
The public, which prefers
consumer spending to the austerity of thrift, cheers on the politics of
Keynesianism. Deficits without end, borrowing without pain, growth without
ceasing: Keynesians promise, and voters believe.
But the day of reckoning
arrived in 2010. The free money got expensive. The party did not stop, but some
of the guests were sent home, to join young adults, who have sat and watched
TV, because there are no jobs.
The public feels betrayed.
Voters believed in the Keynesian dream, which was articulated by the original
Keynesian, who said, “If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be
turned into bread” (Matthew 4:3). When the target of this challenge refused to
rise to the bait, the Keynesian went looking for other takers. In the second
half of the twentieth century, he found them. Lots of them. Millions of them.
Politicians promised to accomplish the feat. Voters applauded.
But times have changed, the
article tells us.
Unfortunately for Europe and
the world right now, there are no pro-growth candidates and/or parties on the
Continent to offer relief from the austerity programs that are grinding their
economies to dust. With no one to vote for, all that European electorates have
been able to do is to vote against. They have sought to register their protest
by defeating incumbents.
The incumbents over-promised.
They had long told the voters that deficits don’t matter. Deficits did not
matter for as long as banks in northern Europe kept lending to PIIGS at rates
associated with German frugality. But then came reality.
Europe as a whole is in
recession, and Greece, Spain, and Portugal are in depressions. What are the
people supposed to do if the economic chefs on both the political Left and the
political Right are offering the same poisonous “austerity” menu?
Balanced budgets remain
mirages a far as the eye can see. Token spending cuts, which are made in the
name of reducing deficits to about 3% of GDP in ten years, are part of a
“poisonous austerity menu.” Put in a more familiar terminology, there are too
many stones and not enough bread. The voters will not tolerate this.
The reason why there are no
economic chefs promoting growth is simple: somebody has to bankroll the growth
of government spending. Who will that be? Who wants to trust PIIGS?
The louder the voters scream about austerity, the fewer the number of lenders, meaning lenders at rates under 10%.
The louder the voters scream about austerity, the fewer the number of lenders, meaning lenders at rates under 10%.
The article eventually gets to
the point.
So, what happened in Europe?
The short answer is, “plague”. The Black Death of the 14th century was caused
by the Yersinia pestis bacterium, which was spread by rats. Today’s plague is
the result of Keynesianism, which is being spread by the economics departments
of major universities and The New York Times. Unfortunately, unlike Yersinia
pestis, Keynesianism does not respond to antibiotics.
How does the article define
Keynesianism? Erroneously. It says that Keynesians favor tax increases and
spending cuts.
Austerity, as currently being
practiced in Europe, is based upon the Keynesian belief that tax increases and
government spending cuts have the same effect upon both the government deficit
and the economy. In fact, the most virulent strains of Keynesianism cause
people to believe that raising top marginal tax rates and increasing government
spending can actually boost GDP, because “the rich” have a higher “marginal
propensity to save” than do the recipients of government handouts.
Fran‡ois Hollande, the winner
of Sunday’s election in France, is a Keynesian. He believes that raising
France’s top marginal tax rate to 75% while hiring 60,000 more unionized
teachers will make things better.
Excuse me? What does an avowed
socialist politician have to do with Keynesianism? Keynesianism is what Paul
Krugman proclaims, which is greater deficit spending, plus sufficient central
bank money expansion to finance this expansion.
Which Keynesian economist or
politician has come out forthrightly for spending cuts, i.e., austerity?
Austrian economists have. Ron Paul has. This is why Austrians and Ron Paul have
been marginalized by the Keynesian media as cranks.
To a leader whose mind is
infected by Keynesianism, it makes sense to try to close a budget deficit with
a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, with the balance between them
determined by some combination of political considerations and “fairness”.
There are many politicians in
Europe who have imposed taxes on the rich. The voters have cheered them on, as
always. The voters are outraged by the spending cuts. Spending cuts reduce the
flow of funds to government bureaucrats and welfare state clients. This is why
Greek union members riot.
Traditional Keynesianism calls
for increased spending, more borrowing, and – if private lenders demand high
rates of interest – monetary expansion by the central bank to purchase
government debt. The article wisely rejects monetization. But it does not call
for a gold coin standard. Rather, it defends the euro.
As damaging as tax increases
are to an economy, monetary depredation is worse. Only a Keynesian could think
that replacing the euro with a new drachma could be a solution for Greece. The
result would be a new currency backed by the full faith and credit of a
government in which no one has faith and to which no one will extend credit. In
reality, the collapse of the Greek economy would not even wait for the
introduction of the new currency. It would not be possible to keep preparations
for a new drachma a secret, and even rumors of such a move would be enough to
create a cataclysmic run on the Greek banking system. Capital, and people with
capital, would flee.
The article suffers from an
illusion: that the euro is not just another medium for inflation, that it is
anything more than drachmas for Keynesians.
The Keynesian political
hierarchy imposed the euro on the voters in 1999. The elite’s spokesmen have
decried the departure of Greece from the eurozone. The unelected Greek
technocrats, like technocrats all over Europe, were either former Goldman Sachs
employees or wanna-be’s. They are now being tossed out by the voters. The
voters are populists and socialists. They are fellow travelers of Keynesians
only in the boom phase of the Keynesian welfare state. When the bills come due,
they revert to locally issued fiat money, taxation of the rich, trade unionism,
and increased government spending.
Keynesianism is in a death
spiral. So is populist socialism. So is fiat money fascism. They are all in
death spirals because they all reject this premise: “Lower taxes increase
Liberty will prevail. This is
an eschatological affirmation. One of the ways that it will prevail is through
the bankruptcy of the Keynesian social order: high taxation, high regulation,
high deficit spending, and high inflation.
Let’s put government on a
diet. Let’s have austerity where it belongs: government spending.
That is what Europe’s voters
do not want. That is what they are going to get.
“Not less austerity. More austerity!”
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