by Chidem Kurdas
A nice thing
about Paul Krugman, he does not mince his words. Thus his new book, End
This Depression Now!, repeats as boldly as possible the central point he’s
repeatedly made in hisNew York Times columns and blogs for years.
Namely, governments have to spend a lot more. They have to run gigantic
deficits, much more than they’re doing now. His penchant for going straight for
the jugular means that the full implications of the scheme he advocates are
crystal clear.
What he’s
pushing is in fact an arbitrary redistribution of income and wealth. The plan
is not just to suck in people’s savings but to cause the debt to disappear, as
many have suspected all along. This is a scheme that would make any con man
green with envy. It is as if Bernard Madoff were able to go puff! and make his
customers’ claims evaporate into air, with no adverse consequence for him.
Krugman is
witty, attacking “austerian” arguments for government austerity. Mario Rizzo and others have presented the
“Austrian” or Hayekian reply to the Keynesian deficit spending case made
by Krugman and Brad DeLong, for instance.
So, because
governments are not spending enough to get economies out of the doldrums, the
pain of unemployment goes on and on, as Krugman puts it. We have to embrace
inflation. It will erode the real value of all debt, including mortgages and,
even better, government bonds. Let governments borrow and spend enough to push
prices up at a significantly higher rate, to generate inflation of 4% or
perhaps even 5% a year.
He writes that
government debt likely “won’t have to be paid off quickly, or indeed at all,”
with enough inflation. Of course this is what folks have suspected for a while,
hence the popularity of gold as an investment. Krugman comes right out and says
what officials tend to obscure, namely the temptation to destroy the purchasing
power of the currency through inflation, thereby shrinking the government’s
liabilities. He’s all for falling into the
Inflation will
also shrink the value of retirees’ savings, pension plans’ portfolios and the
income of everybody who can’t protect themselves against rising prices. It will
redistribute wealth and income from creditors to debtors and from savers to
spenders. Inflation is an arbitrary redistribution mechanism.
Inflation-indexed government employees will do alright while workers in
competitive industries, where businesses can’t raise their prices, will suffer.
Krugman quotes
Keynes: “The boom, not the slump, is the time for austerity.” Now, I have
to admit that I was somewhat in sympathy with the notion that it may be
premature to reduce federal spending. Government largess acts as a quickie
pick-me-up, to which economies have become addicted. I thought a debt crisis –
though largely brought on by government profligacy – may not be the best time to go cold turkey.
Krugman’s bald brief for an immense growth in government fueled by debt that
will be made to go puff! through inflation, made me realize that there may be
no other option. We probably do have to go cold turkey if we want to stop Uncle
Sam from inflicting the granddaddy of all frauds on us.
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