John Bright |
The international economic
scene is dominated by state interventions at all levels. Daily we read of
disputes over exchange-rate manipulation, protectionist tariffs followed by
retaliatory tariffs, highly regulated free-trade blocs that erect trade
barriers to nonbloc nations, bilateral trade agreements, and more. For
instance, Great Britain is a member of the European Union (EU) but not of the
European Monetary Union (EMU), meaning that it abides by all the regulations
and pays all the assessments to remain a member of the EU in order to trade
freely with the other members of the 27-country EU. But it does not use the
common currency, the euro, which is used by only 17 of the EU members. British
industry chafes at the many seemingly meaningless and bizarre regulations that
raise the cost of British goods just so Britain can trade freely within the EU.
Some regulations are so onerous that some British manufactures will be put out
of business. The pro-EU faction in Britain, such as the leadership of the three
main parties — the Conservatives, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats —
recognizes the damage but proposes to lobby for special exemptions on a
case-by-case basis. The anti-EU faction, led by the United Kingdom Independent
Party (UKIP), wants Britain out of the EU entirely, arguing that the cost of
membership is too great and that the loss of sovereignty is unconstitutional.
The same debate can be seen within every EU nation to some degree.
By now everyone is aware of
the euro debt crisis — that is, that many members of the EMU are massively in
debt. Lower borrowing costs and the ability of members to monetize their debts
through the European Central Bank (ECB) by way of their captive national
central banks created incentives that proved too powerful for governments to
resist, so they embarked on profligate spending programs at the governmental
level and enjoyed, briefly, a property boom that has come crashing down. Their
way out of this mess is unclear. Some economists propose raising taxes and
cutting programs, commonly called "austerity." Others have called for
these countries to leave the EMU, reinstate their own national currencies, and
devalue against the euro, supposedly to restore "competitiveness."
Others have called for outright default on their euro-denominated debt.
The common assumption behind any discussion of these debates and crises is that a country cannot stand alone in the world and needs to negotiate trade and monetary terms with its trading partners, who may require the country to adopt measures that are antithetical to its interests. Is this really the case? Is it possible for a nation to free itself from all international agreements, manage its own currency as its sees fit, and trade robustly with the rest of the world?
No Country Can Harm Another
Economically without That Country's Consent
In order to accept the
wisdom of international noninterventionism in economic affairs, one must
understand that no country (or bloc of countries, such as the EU) can harm
another economically without that country's consent, meaning its tacit
compliance. In other words, a country can adopt its own trading and currency
policies and need not be influenced or harmed by the actions of any other
country. But first of all, we need to understand the definition of "harm."
In his book No Harm: Ethical Principles for a Free Market, Dr. T. Patrick Burke
explains that harm consists only in physical harm or the threat of physical
harm. It is not characterized by discrimination or a demand for special trading
terms. The most common example of real, physical harm is war. War destroys the
assets of others. Likewise, blockades cause real harm, because the blockaded
nation is threatened by the destruction of its outgoing or incoming goods.
Because it does not choose to fight to break the blockade or is powerless to do
so does not mean that it is not harmed. However, a refusal of one country to
allow its citizens to trade with another — for example, the EU's recent
restriction on its members that prevents them from importing Iranian oil does
not harm Iran. An internal example would be for a person to refuse to trade
with a local merchant, due to some personal disagreement. That merchant is not
harmed by the trade that he does not enjoy. Dr. Burke explains that the victim
of discrimination is left in the same position as before the act of discrimination
and that no nation or individual can claim to be entitled to the trade of
In fact the discriminating
nation or person causes himself some extra cost and, therefore, harms only
himself. Consider that an individual most likely must travel farther and pay
more for goods or purchase inferior goods that he refuses to buy from his local
merchant with whom he is feuding. At the nation-state level the European Union
harms its own citizens, for they must pay more for oil, buy inferior oil, or suffer
some kind of inconvenience. Otherwise, why would they have purchased Iranian
oil in the first place? One could even go so far as to say that the EU wages
war against its own citizens and not against Iran, for, undoubtedly, there are
police sanctions that the EU would employ against its members for violating the
Iranian trade prohibition that must rest on the threat of violence.
Regulatory and Monetary
Interventions Harm Only Those Who Impose Them
I will continue to use the
EU case as illustrative of my thesis that a nation cannot be harmed except by
its own consent. The EU has adopted many onerous regulations on trade in goods
and services with which its members must comply as a condition of EU
membership. The EU has erected trade barriers for many goods and services
against non-EU members. For example, the EU prohibits the importation of most
agricultural products from Africa. Either there is an outright prohibition
against importing African foodstuffs or the African nations cannot comply with
complex and onerous regulations such as the prohibition against genetically
engineered food. A country that wishes to trade with the EU either complies
with EU demands or must find buyers elsewhere.
This practice does not fall
into the Burkean definition of harm as regards Africa. It does, though,
constitute harm to citizens of the EU. African countries are left in the same
position as before: remember, no one and no nation has an entitlement to the
trade of others. But we must assume that the EU prohibits African foodstuffs
because its citizens would have purchased them in the absence of the
prohibition; otherwise, the prohibition would not be necessary. Therefore, the
EU regulations or prohibitions against the importation of African foodstuffs
harm only EU citizens themselves. The African nations are perfectly free to
pursue sales elsewhere in the world, although it is true that their standard of
living would have been higher without the EU regulations and prohibitions.
The same is true of currency
interventions. The United States has complained for some time that China
intervenes in its own currency markets to hold down the value of the yuan in
order to increase export sales. The US position wrongly claims that it is
harmed because domestic companies lose sales to cheaper Chinese goods. But this
is wrong. Viewed from the standpoint of justice, domestic companies do not have
an entitlement to domestic sales. And viewed from a practical standpoint,
America enjoys an outright subsidy from China. China sells the United States
goods below cost and causes its own citizens to suffer higher prices; that is,
higher Chinese domestic prices are caused by its currency intervention that
gives American importers more yuan than the free-market rate, which is based on
purchasing-power parity. As
I explained in a previous essay, currency interventions to
spur exports are paid by the exporting country's own citizens in the form of
higher domestic prices. Should America foolishly prohibit the importation of
Chinese goods, either by quotas or tariffs, it would cause harm only to its own
citizens, who would be forced to pay higher prices, in addition to other
economic dislocations.
The only international
economic policy that a country needs is to mind its own business and set a good
example to the rest of the world. A just economic policy for a free and
prosperous nation would be based on the twin pillars of unilateral free trade
and nonintervention into its own markets. This means a complete elimination of
domestic regulations that attempt to set quality and safety standards (for the
market will do that by itself) and complete abdication of manufacture and
management of money.
It does not need to join a
trade bloc or negotiate trade terms with other nations. If a trade bloc such as
the EU sets import standards different from one's own domestic standards, each
exporting company can decide for itself if the rewards for meeting the
importing bloc's standards warrant the extra cost. It is not an issue for the
exporting nation's government to decide. Furthermore, the exporting nation does
not have to concern itself about importing from a country or bloc of countries
that refuses to accept the exporting nation's goods in return. After purchasing
goods from the protectionist nation or bloc of nations, that nation's currency
will find its way back into its economy in the form of export demand from some
other nation that accepted the currency in payment for some other good or service
or it will receive a capital investment. If the currency never finds its way
back to the nation that adopted unilateral free trade and is held indefinitely
in the coffers of some foreign bank or central bank, that nation has simply
been on the receiving end of a gift. An analogy would be that of a friend or
neighbor who sells you something and then never cashes your check.
Prosperous nations have
always been great trading nations, for they benefit from the expansion of
specialization to a wider and wider extent. Robust trade depends on freedom to
trade with the world under mutually agreeable terms of those participating in
the trade, not on governments. All trade, especially international trade,
depends on an internationally accepted medium of exchange. The most accepted
mediums of exchange throughout the world are gold and silver. This acceptance
is not based on government coercion but on market acceptance. Those wise
statesmen who wish to see their nations prosper will adopt unilateral free
trade, laissez-faire capitalism, and sound money. International cooperation
among governments is not required; the market (meaning the people) will do the
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