by Keith
Over the course of
700 years, the ancient Roman Empire grew from a small republic to one that
stretched from London to Baghdad at its peak.
As one of the
world's first true superpowers, the Empire's achievements included the world's
first standing professional army, economic prowess, intellectual growth and
governance principles that are commonly regarded as the basis for modern
But it is also
remembered for its spectacular collapse in less than a century under the weight
of bad debt, an overextension of the Empire, a collapse of morals that led to a
deluded and self-absorbed political elite and reckless public spending that far
outweighed collections.
Given the parallels to our situation, I can only imagine what Romulus Augustus, widely considered to be the last of the Roman Emperors, would tell President Barack Obama today about how to prevent the wholesale destruction of our own "Empire."
But it would
probably go like this...
Cara praeses Obama, (Dear President Obama)
Like mine, your
world is changing fast. No doubt it's very different from the one you thought
you'd inherited. Your success will depend on new thinking and an eye to the
future taken from lessons of the past.
I wouldn't be
offended if you have never heard of me.
I oversaw the
dying days of what you know as the Classic Western Roman Empire. My fall in
September 476 marked the end of centuries of greatness and the fall of ancient
Some historians
consider my departure as the beginning of the Middle Ages. I understand the
nature of collapse: how it begins, how it progresses, and where it all ends.
As a historical
footnote to a once great empire, here's my advice to you, Mr. President.
Your country will cross a dangerous line once the voters figure out they
can entitle themselves.
Our senate failed
to understand this and, over time, our once proud Treasury became a proxy for a
Our citizens
changed fundamentally as the reliance on public spending and debt became more
pervasive. Our society grew lazy when it became more profitable to merely
accept handouts than to engage in hard work. Our labor concentrated itself as
did our profits.
Nowhere was this
more clear than the latifundia – that's what we called our
large estates.
Typically owned by
wealthy individuals, the latifundia effectively put small farmers and
other businessmen out of work because they could not compete with the lower
prices and efficiencies, nor the economies of scale.
Over time, this
resulted in a collapse of morals from one generation to the next and a loss in
work ethic.
The reliance on
big operations also resulted in higher unemployment, particularly in our larger
cities where people congregated because they had nowhere else to go.
We thought that
giving people free wheat beginning in 58 BC would work when Publius Clodius
Pulcher insisted it would change things. Instead, it merely made the
problem worse.
If you want to
push back or counter my assertion, please feel free to do so. I don't expect
anything less.
But, ask yourself
why your citizens no longer vote for the candidates who can bring about the
best future. Try to deny that they now vote for those candidates least likely
to interfere with their handouts.
We did and it cost
us terribly.
Politicians who focus on surviving threats from each other lose sight of
the nation they serve and its people.
While we never
perfected the process of transferring power from one emperor to the next, I see
direct parallels in your Presidential elections.
Your Super PACs
create controversial and misleading attack ads. Your RNC and DNC are private
corporations acting under the guise of the public interest. You have
gerrymandered political voting to the point where nobody can effectively
"win." Your government is deteriorating to the point where it is
government at the people rather than by the people.
I am told by those
who have recently arrived in the afterworld that 67% of the voting public did
not want Obamacare, yet got it anyway. I am also informed that at one point
more than 70% of the people did not want the financial bailouts nor more
stimulus, yet got that too.
At some point, you
will have to take your losses. We tried to avoid the issue and, although it
ultimately took centuries to unwind, the role of the state in presuming that it
would operate more efficiently than the private markets ultimately led to
economic fragmentation.
As conditions
deteriorate, you would be wise to watch carefully for the concentration of
power risks becoming absolute.
That's why
corruption has become a way of life inside your Congress and Senate. Know that
influence peddling is just as alive in your time as it was in mine. And it is
every bit as dangerous.
High taxes and public spending rob the economy.
We learned very
painfully that when money is cheap, productivity falls as do margins, even
though overall business activity expands for a time.
We also came to
understand that high interest rates force efficient capital allocation and
cause businessmen to make decisions based on what they must have versus what's
nice to have (just as individuals do).
I only wished we
had learned sooner.
Beginning with
Marcus Aurelius, we suffered from merciless inflation. Some of this was simply
due to the fact that we stopped conquering other lands and peoples. Mostly,
however, it was due to the fact that without a constant inflow of new wealth
from those lands, we could not keep up our spending.
The term
"pyramid scheme" did not exist in our time but I believe it applies.
Our wealthy, like
yours, had plenty of gold to spend but the majority of our citizens watched
helplessly and hopelessly as the amount of actual money in circulation dropped
to the point where it became worthless.
We repeatedly
devalued our currencies swapping one for the other as values dropped. We
printed money in the short term oblivious to the damage we were doing in the
longer term.
For example, our
silver denarius, which was introduced around 210BC, was used to debase the
prior copper coin, the aes, reducing its weight from 1 pound to the point where
it was half an ounce. We introduced new coins like the antoninianus and the
aureus in successive attempts to solve the problem.
We also began
reducing the actual metal content in our gold and silver coins so that the
actual metal made up less than 25% of its actual weight. In some cases, we even
used tin in an attempt to maintain the silver color of coins, but that didn't
fool people for long.
To compensate,
merchants raised prices to the point where nobody could afford to use real
money. Inflation hit very hard. Barter became the method of the day.
As hard as it is
for you to imagine, salaries were eventually paid in food and clothing. Taxes
were collected in fruits and vegetables. Our troops were paid with rationed
The middle class
was obliterated as once free men transitioned into debtors' hell, existing hand
to mouth under draconian taxes that robbed them of their future.
We learned the
hard way that a strong currency creates hope. And hope, in turn, creates value.
The strongest years of our Empire were driven by the concept of a better future
rather than merely by survival. Taxing our public enslaved them, creating what
in the Middle Ages would come to be called serfdom.
Most of our banks,
by the way, failed in the 3rd and 4th centuries.
Unless you are
prepared to endure the same crisis, I urge you to do whatever it takes to
support your currency. Do not let Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke or any of his
central banking cabal to further devalue the money you need to function. Hold
your nation together and keep your people free.
When the cost of money is low, governments will waste it and businessmen
will not invest.
You have to make
it profitable for businessmen to take on risk. Otherwise they will not invest
because there is no measure of return. Lending to the government does not count
because it's an implied tax that robs the private sector of the wealth needed
for innovation and growth.
I am appalled to
learn that the Federal Reserve itself bought 77% of new Federal debt in 2011
according to Standford Economist, John Taylor (we do have the Internet in the
hereafter, too). That is simply not sustainable. The people cannot benefit from
the Fed's actions since it is the people, via the public treasury, who are
buying the majority of new debt issued.
Bread and circuses
will not placate the masses for long. In ancient Rome, our emperors used to pay
privately for circuses, gladiatorial contests and public food as a means of
distracting our population from the hopelessness of their situation.
It worked quite
well for a while. But eventually people figured out the bread was rotten and
that the circuses really were a colossal waste of their money and did nothing
for their future.
I see a direct
parallel. You have 330 million people and they seem to be focused on the
possibilities of more bailouts rather than building their own future.
Your government
already faces a fiscal gap of $222 trillion dollars, according to Professor
Lawrence Kotlikoff of Boston University...up $11 trillion from a year ago.
Social Security, Medicare, can't keep creating money from thin
air any more than we did.
If you are to fix
this, Kotlikoff estimates an immediate 64% increase in Federal taxes or a 40%
cut in benefits. Neither is appealing and neither is likely to work in your
time any more than it did in mine.
By the time we
realized that radical fiscal reform was necessary to build a stronger Roman
Empire and a more balanced economy, it was too late.
And finally, exceptionalism is not a mandate for internationalism
In Rome we learned
the hard way that we were not exceptional. We tried to foist our elitism on
those we conquered.
Although it worked
for a time – several centuries, in fact – once our elite no longer saw the
necessity to serve the people, much less in our military, we broke down.
Our Empire failed
because we did not appreciate the need for mutual obligation and appreciation.
Certainly you
could counter by charging that the United States has not colonized anything in
years except perhaps Hawaii in 1959. Literally, you'd be right. But
figuratively, you'd be quite wrong.
The United States
has engaged in a highly charged morally-based international business model
since it was founded. This may have worked well for more than 200 years given
that the rest of the world was unable to compete and eager to do business with
you, but ultimately it will fail.
Other nations now
have options of their own and the incentive to take corrective action--or risk
being dragged down with you.
One last thing.
Don't be so arrogant to believe that it can't happen to you.
If the Roman
Empire can collapse, yours can too.
Romulus Augustus
Last Emperor of the Roman Empire
Last Emperor of the Roman Empire
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