Regrettably, this column often needs to deal with the
trends of the economy. Politics, especially the “getting elected” aspect of it,
is being economized. As a result, and increasingly, the governors’ economic
policy responds to the dictate of political concerns. The intertwining of the
two areas that are meant to be separated is not accidental. Collectivists
converted the framework within which societies produce their livelihood to a
political matter, that is, into a something that is steered by those that hold
power. This capture of economics by politics causes havoc. The consequences of
the political steering of what would otherwise be a natural process, is
characterized by derailments. The record confirms the ultimate failure of
collectivistic approaches. This new order, within which society is organized as
an association for satisfying its member’s needs through production, wobbles.
insinuated above, with the economizing of politics, government intervention is
expanding into areas in which the outcome is not optimal. This expansion is a
consequence of the pursuit of short-term political interests that contradict
society’s long-term purpose. Such interference involves the derailing of
economic processes and the chronic deficits that this entails. The intrusion
results in inflation. Inflation, as a government-induced process, is more than
only a plague that hits the diligent, the frugal, the responsible that plan
their retirement. Guided deficit followed by devaluation is a great way to do
away with debt incurred by irresponsible overspending.
What is sold in our day as “socially sensitive policy” means that deficit spending is said to demonstrate a solidarity made obligatory by the opinion makers. As we are being nudged to engage in the exercise, we discover that others tell us for what amount, and for whom, solidarity is to be shown. The resulting programmed deficits are signposts. They mark a path that leads to state insolvency even if society –the association of voters- would be on a sound footing if left alone. A further contributor to the descent is the practiced economics of magic. The tricksters’ newest ploy allows indebted states to support failing banks through transfers to international institutions that then purchase the uncovered debt. The stirring of these components continues when the acquired “assets” are invested into “treasuries” that create the impression that the empty vaults of the guarantors of the debt of others are filled with something of substance. Whipped cream comes to mind: a little cream churns into a lot of foam.
What is sold in our day as “socially sensitive policy” means that deficit spending is said to demonstrate a solidarity made obligatory by the opinion makers. As we are being nudged to engage in the exercise, we discover that others tell us for what amount, and for whom, solidarity is to be shown. The resulting programmed deficits are signposts. They mark a path that leads to state insolvency even if society –the association of voters- would be on a sound footing if left alone. A further contributor to the descent is the practiced economics of magic. The tricksters’ newest ploy allows indebted states to support failing banks through transfers to international institutions that then purchase the uncovered debt. The stirring of these components continues when the acquired “assets” are invested into “treasuries” that create the impression that the empty vaults of the guarantors of the debt of others are filled with something of substance. Whipped cream comes to mind: a little cream churns into a lot of foam.
inflation is ahead of us, the topic deserves elaboration. For that devaluation,
there are politically driven reasons. It is so because inflation is the best
means to make disappear the condemning evidence of politics’ knowingly
committed past sins.
the most striking case of inflation you know about is Germany’s after Great
War. In its course, a streetcar ticket sold for what used to be the entire
pre-war debt of the Kaiser’s Reich. Closer to home, one remembers minor cases
from close-up. Such as the writer recalling gas on Santa Monica Boulevard for
¢19. Visiting Europe in the sixties, his dollar bought 4.33 Swiss Francs. Now
0.95 buys a Greenback. (Admittedly, the dollar used to be over-valued. Nowadays
the CHF, being a safe, stable hard currency became, due to the wish of the
smart to seek protection, overvalued.)
the observant, the recent case of Zimbabwe might ring bells. Mugabe’s socialist
dictatorship –why use adjectives that are synonyms?- has created a record that
deserves admiration. In college, we learned that, history’s greatest inflation
has been achieved in Hungary. Whether Zimbabwe under Mugabe’s retrograde
socialism has surpassed Hungary as she moved from German to Soviet occupation,
is unknown to the writer. Whatever the exact performance that determines the
gold medalist, there is a difference. In one instance, the cause is internally
induced devastation by policy. In the other one, ruin came from the looting by
foreign conquerors. Regardless of the details, socialism as a policy and
foreign conquest as a curse emerge as matching competitors. Socialism you can
choose, foreign conquest’s origins is more complicated. The choice between the
plague and cholera is for the reader to make.
bill shown at the top of this page to represent pictorially a case, is by far
not the highest denomination produced in Hungary. Collectors have much more
impressive specimens. Nevertheless, the slip of paper below that unconvincingly
pretends to be money, serves adequately to illustrate what, in practical terms,
inflation can entail. This accidentally preserved specimen deserves some
us begin with the word “Pengő”. That money replaced the „Korona/Crown“ once
WW1’s victors dissolved the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the local Soviet
Republic replacing it could be defeated. Under Horthy’s rule, the Pengő became,
in spite of the hardships imposed upon a defeated and truncated country, a
stable currency. For many years, a Pengő was reliably worth a “quarter”. Alas,
that original quarter is only remotely related to what nowadays two bits are
supposed to be worth.
next detail to be pointed out is that the „Hungarian National Bank” calls the
paper „egy milliárdmilpengő”. The words mean one billion multiplied by a
million. Please do not feed that into your computer: the circuits will melt.
This is the thing about the number that prevented the HNB from expressing the
alleged value of the „money” in numbers. No one would have understood the value
of several lines of „0’s“. You can file the matter as a rare practical triumph
of imprecise words over exact numbers.
your columnist really likes about the bill is a warning at the bottom. It is a
stern reminder that “forgery is punished by law”. The grim threat must have
scared stiff many crooks. Seriously, can anyone conceive of a sane person
making bogus bills of that inflated currency?
counterfeiters are smart enough not to invest their means into the duplication
of something that is worth less than the paper used for the forgery. With that,
they demonstrate a virtue. They know something worth knowing and they act upon
it. That happens to amount to something that, those who as voters allow their
currency be watered down, need to learn. Is the conclusion that the crooks
–including the ones in government house- are smarter than the voters are?
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