by Robert J. Cristiano
Most Californians live within miles of its majestic
coastline – for good reason. The California coastline is blessed with arguably
the most desirable climate on Earth, magnificent beaches, a backdrop of snow-capped
mountains, and natural harbors in San Diego and San Francisco. The Golden State
was aptly named. Its Gold Rush of 1849 was followed a century later by massive
post-war growth.
There is no mystery why California’s population and
economy boomed after the Second World War. Education in California became the
envy of the world. California’s public school system led the nation in
innovation with brand new schools and classrooms. The Community College system
that fed its universities was free for its students. A college education at the
UC and Cal State systems was inexpensive. UC-Berkeley, with its graduate
schools, was arguably the greatest in the world while Stanford developed into
the Harvard of the West. An efficient highway system moved California’s automobile
driven commerce while fertile soil of the Central Valley became the fruit and
vegetable basket of the world.
The next wave hit in the 80s as former orchards south of San Francisco morphed into the Silicon Valley. Intel and other chip manufacturers led the computer and software revolution bringing high tech jobs and immense new wealth to the Golden State. The dot-com revolution of the 90s brought more gold to California. Innovators like Google and Apple cashed in by nurturing the Internet era. The next decade heralded the greatest housing and mortgage boom in the nation’s history. Developers from Orange County, south of Los Angeles, invented creative financing vehicles that drove home sales, and profits, to record heights by 2006.
The state budget, mandated to balance by law, has been
billions in the red for ten straight years. Yet Californians re-elect the same
politicians, year after year, who produce budgets with multi-billion dollar
deficits. California voters rejected Meg Whitman, the billionaire founder of
Ebay, in favor of Jerry Brown. California now has a $16 billion deficit which
“assumes” that California voters will pass massive tax increases on themselves.
If they do not, the 2013 deficit becomes a mind numbing $20 billion. Yet
despite the red ink, Governor Brown signed into law a “high speed rail” bill
that will spend $6 billion on a train between Fresno and Bakersfield – not LA
and San Francisco as promised. Polls turned against the choo-choo, but there
remain no outcry from California voters.
California’s business climate now ranks dead last
according to 650 CEOs measured by Chief Executive Magazine. Apple will take
3,600 jobs to its new $280,000,000 facility in Austin Texas – jobs that
California would have had in the past. Texas ranked first in the same survey.
California’s unemployment rate is consistently higher than 10% of its work
force, and there are few jobs for college students who graduate with as much as
$100,000 in student loans. Despite overwhelming evidence that bad public policy
is chasing away jobs, the same state politicians are sent back to Sacramento
every two years.
California’s public education system, once the envy of
the world, now ranks 46th in the nation in per pupil spending and faces a $1.4
billion cut in the fall. In the last month, three California cities declared
bankruptcy. More will follow. Take Poway for example. Its school board borrowed
$100,000,000 (for 33,000 students) through a Capital Appreciation Bond. The
politicians told the voters there would be no payments for 20 years. What they
did not explain was the residents must pay back $1 billion dollars on their
$100 million loan. Beginning in 2021, tiny Poway will be forced to pay $50
million per year in bond payments. Huge property tax assessments will be
required if homes do not appreciate 400% by then, which is unlikely under
foreseeable circumstances.
Rather than stare at themselves in the mirror,
Californians should take a look at Michigan. In the 50s greater Detroit was the
fourth-largest city in America with 2 million inhabitants and the world’s most
dominant industry: the automobile.
Most people had a good paying job. Its burgeoning
middle class was the model of the world with excellent public schools and
universities. Detroit in 2012 is a shadow of that once great metropolis. Its
population has shrunk to 912,000. The average price of a home has fallen to
$5,700. Unemployment stands at 28.9%. It has a $300,000,000 deficit. There are
200,000 abandoned buildings in the derelict city. Its public education system,
in receivership, is a disgrace producing more inmates than graduates. In 2006,
the teacher’s union forced the politicians to reject a $200,000,000 offer from
a Detroit philanthropist to build 15 new charter schools. Jobs long ago
abandoned Detroit for places like South Carolina and Alabama, with their “right
to work” laws and low taxes.
Now Detroit’s Mayor has proposed razing 40 square
miles of the 138 square miles of this once great American city returning 70,000
abandoned homes to farmland. Even such a draconian plan may not be enough to
save the city. If a hurricane had hit Detroit, more of us would know of this
tragedy in our midst, but this fate was man-made and not wrought by nature.
Detroit has had one party rule for more than fifty years. Louis C. Miriani
served from September 12, 1957 to January 2, 1962 as Detroit's last Republican
mayor. Since that time the Democrats have ruled the Motor City. John
Dingell has served region since 1956. His father was the Congressman from 1930
to 1956. Despite the disastrous decline of their city, Detroit voters send him
back to Congress twenty-two times.
Like Detroit, California now has one party rule. The
Democrats of California did not need a single Republican vote to pass their
budget. Governor Brown’s plan is to address the nation’s largest deficit by
raising taxes instead of cutting spending. If passed, the deficit would drop
from $20 billion to a mere $16 billion. The budget does nothing to cure the
systemic problems of a bloated bureaucracy. It does not eliminate one of
California’s 519 state agencies.
Caltrans stopped building highways under Brown’s first
term, but the people kept coming. Now 37 million Californians are locked in
traffic jams each day. Brown was rewarded for such prescience with re-election
as Governor. California’s egotistical politicians passed the Global Warming
Solutions Act in 2006 (AB32) to “solve” climate change. Dan Sperling, an
appointee to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and a professor of
engineering and environmental science at UC Davis, is the lead advocate on the
board for a “low carbon fuel standard.” The powerful state agency charged with
implementing AB 32 and other climate control measures, claims the low carbon
fuel standard will “only” raise gasoline prices $.30 gallon in 2013. The
California Political Review reported implementation of these the policies will
raise prices by $1.00 per gallon.
Detroit was once the most prosperous manufacturing
city in the world, a title later secured by California. Will
California follow Detroit down a tragic path to ruin? In 1950, no one could
imagine the Detroit of 2010. In 1970, when foreign imports started to make a
foothold, the unions and their bought and paid for politicians resisted any
change. In the 1990s as manufacturers fled to Alabama and South Carolina, the
unions and their political minions held firm, even as good jobs slipped away.
No one in Detroit envisioned their future.
Today, California is following Michigan’s path with
exploding pension obligations, a declining tax base, and disastrous leadership.
Housing prices have fallen 30 to 60% across the state, evaporating trillions of
dollars of equity and wealth. Unemployment remains stubbornly high and
under-employment is rife. Do our politicians need any more signs?
Governor Brown’s budget will first slash money to
schools and raise tuition on its students while leaving all 519 state agencies
intact. He apparently will protect political patronage at all costs. Jobs, and
job creators, are fleeing the state. Intel, Apple, and Google are expanding out
of the state. The best and brightest minds are leaving for Texas and North
Carolina. The signs are everywhere. Meanwhile, the voters send the same cast of
misfits back to Sacramento each year – just as Detroit did before them.
The beaches are still beautiful. The mountains are
still snow capped and the climate is still the envy of the world. Detroit never
had that. But will California’s physical attributes be enough? If the people of
California want to glimpse their future, they need look no farther than once
proud City of Detroit and the once wealthy state of Michigan.
can happen here.
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