By Brendan Greeley
“We need to stop spending money we don’t
have,” said Paul Ryan at the Iowa State Fair on Monday. “President Obama has
given us four years of trillion dollar-plus deficits. He is making matters
worse, and he is spending our children into a diminished future.”
It’s a slippery
word, “spending.” As Paul Ryan understands it—as do almost all of the
Republicans in office—”spending” means writing a check. The federal government
takes in money through taxes, then spends it on programs. This makes intuitive
sense. It’s also wrong.
It’s been wrong
since 2002, when the United States, after a one-year dip into the black, began
running deficits again. You might argue that the Bush tax cuts, extended by the
Obama administration, caused these deficits. Or that the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan did, or Medicare Part D, or reduced revenue from the dot-com bust
or the Great Recession, or Barack Obama’s check-writing and tax-cutting
stimulus passed in 2009. You would be right about all of these things. Once in
deficit, if the federal government takes in less money, it makes up the
difference by borrowing money. If it writes bigger checks, it does the same.
Until the budget is balanced, it’s all Treasury bills. It’s all spending.
In 2012, the United States is at the end of a decade-long experiment in borrowing money to push into the economy. Now each candidate for president would like for us to believe that he is going to put an end to this profligacy. We are told that this election presents voters with a stark choice between two very different visions of government: one that is active on behalf of its citizens, and one that gets out of the way. That’s true. Yet neither offers a credible way to stop borrowing money to pay for what he wants to do.
Instead, voters
must choose between a Democrat with a detailed budget plan that can’t pass in
Congress—and doesn’t really attempt to unwind the spending—and a Republican
challenger with a budget plan that lacks details, can’t pass in Congress, and
unwinds the spending with magic. Both candidates fear the public will punish
anyone who takes away what has been given so freely for the last 10 years.
Obama addresses this by not doing it. A best guess at Mitt Romney’s and Paul
Ryan’s budgets shows that they will address this by pretending to do it. Both
would have us continue to amass debt to enact their ideas of what the economy
needs—tax cuts or investment. In that way, our stark choice is really between
two different versions of large government.
Obama claims to
care about the deficit. In his budget this year, he takes credit for offering a
comprehensive spending-reduction deal to congressional Republicans in 2011. He
does not repeat the offer. Instead, he presents in exhaustive detail a budget
that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, increases debt as a
proportion of gross domestic product until 2018, when it flattens out around 76
percent. His budget claims to simplify the tax code. It doesn’t. Rather, it
reduces personal deductions and rolls back tax cuts on income above $250,000.
It eliminates some corporate deductions and creates others. President Obama,
the great taxer, would take in 6 percent less in revenues than current law over
the next 10 years. He’s betting that the economy needs investment—spending—now,
and that long-term it can tolerate debt at 76 percent of GDP, almost 30 percent
higher than before the economy crashed. Obama’s plan doesn’t reduce the debt.
But it is an exhaustive, transparent calculation of what he thinks voters can
stomach. The Republican House rejected it unanimously. The Senate hasn’t even
brought it to the floor.
Unlike the
Simpson-Bowles commission, neither Romney nor Obama anticipate any changes to
Social Security. Ryan’s budget does come up with real, detailed savings by
reducing overall Medicare costs and turning the program into a system of
premium subsidies. It also reduces the cost to the federal government of
Medicaid, turning it into block grants for the states. It reduces fixed
payments to farmers. The Path to Prosperity also promises some intriguing bits
of honesty in budgeting, such as bringing federal loan guarantees onto the
books as a liability.
The rest of
Ryan’s savings, however, come from promising to save, forcing Congress into the
same kinds of caps and sequestration that both parties are now attempting so
furiously to wriggle out of. Ryan’s Path to Prosperity for the 2012 budget
year included numbers for each agency by year. The CBO looked through, agency
by agency, and scored Ryan’s plan as raising public debt to 70 percent by
2022. This was actually a little worse than if Congress were to do nothing.
For the 2013
budget year, Ryan’s new Path to Prosperity claims to bring the debt down to
just 61 percent of GDP by 2022. He did this by getting rid of pages of details,
replacing them with a single line of grand totals for government outlays and
revenue. And this time, Ryan didn’t ask the CBO for a score. Instead, he
requested what’s called a “long-term outlook.” He gave the CBO his budget
totals for each year until 2022 without any details of how he came up with
them. The CBO then used them to project from 2022 to 2050. This gives the plan
the appearance of CBO approval without the inconvenience of the agency
conducting a rigorous analysis.
Ryan’s ideas on
Medicare and Medicaid, which save real money, are also very unpopular and have
passed only in the Republican-led House. The rest of his plan—and
Romney’s—consists of a tautology and an evasion. Congress will make cuts
because Congress will force itself to make cuts. Taxes will be lower and
revenue won’t fall too much, but they can’t tell you how.
There is no
mystery, in Washington or anywhere else, about what actually needs to be done
to bring government spending under control. One option is to do nothing. In its
long-term budget outlook for 2012, the CBO presents a future it calls the
“baseline scenario.” This is simply what would happen if Congress passes no new
spending bills before January. The Bush tax cuts will expire. Automatic cuts to
defense, Medicare, and discretionary spending will go into effect. To a pure
deficit hawk, it looks pretty good. According to the CBO, it starts reducing
debt as a percentage of GDP in 2016, and by 2022 it’s down to 61 percent (the
same target the Ryan plan aims for). But there’s a reason the baseline scenario
is often referred to as the “fiscal cliff”: It will limit growth in real GDP
next year to half a percent.
This abrupt
timeline will be destructive to the economy and terrible for jobs. Yet whether
we make them soon or make them later, eventually cuts of this size will be
necessary. This is fifth-grade math. No further study is needed. No panel of
experts needs to be assembled. The baseline scenario, of course, won’t
happen. Both parties are now negotiating under the shared assumption that
neither can tolerate it. But as it in fact eliminates spending, it serves as a
useful comparison. Any politician trying to sell a plan needs to prove that
it’s better than doing nothing.
If the baseline
scenario is a cliff, Simpson-Bowles is a glider. It lands gently, but gets to
the same place—debt at 61 percent of GDP by 2023. It has the advantage of not
coming from the White House, Mitt Romney’s headquarters, or Ryan’s office. It
was negotiated by Democrats and Republicans and, conceivably, should stand a
chance of passing a Congress and being signed by a president. Yet Obama, who
called the commission into existence, stepped away from its recommendations.
Ryan, who sat on the commission, refused to endorse its report, helping prevent
it from being sent to Congress. Romney says his proposals are similar to the
commission’s. He does not share the commission’s love of detail.
In his 2013
budget, Obama points with pride to the “PAYGO” bill he signed into law, which
requires revenue increases to offset any new programs and cuts to accompany any
revenue losses. The Path to Prosperity proposes “CUTGO,” which would force any
new mandatory programs to be accompanied by discretionary cuts elsewhere in the
budget. These are fun slogans, but neither spells out a realistic way to
actually pay or cut. Very little about our supposedly honest fiscal debate this
year bears any resemblance to reality. Despite what the candidates say, the
2012 campaign doesn’t pit two radically different ideas about the size of
government against each other. Obama and Romney are arguing about very
different visions of how to borrow money, shift it around, and not pay it back.
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