This piece on China comes from the NY Times and is written by George Mason University professor Tyler Cowen. Professor Cowen famously has written why he is not an “Austrian” economist yet he hews closely to its ideas. In this piece he compares the Austrian economic theory analysis of China to Keynesian theory’s analysis. His criticism of Austrian theory, below, is that Austrians have a hard time explaining massive malinvestment during a boom yet at the same time they say markets allocate goods efficiently. This is completely erroneous, of course. Austrians explain well the result of monetary distortions of markets caused by central banks. Austrians don’t say economic actors are perfect, only that the market tends to correct mistakes. Other than that, it’s a good comparative analysis of China’s problems. Mainly, they still have a largely top-down command economy that misallocates capital (malinvestment) on a massive basis. My views are not as optimistic.
Two Prisms for Looking at China’s Problems
confronting some serious economic problems, and how Beijing does — or doesn’t —
respond to them could bend the course of the global economy.
First, China’s
real estate bubble is deflating. But its economy also seems to be suffering
from what we economists call excess capacity — an overinvestment in capital
goods, whether in factories, retail stores or infrastructure.
economics holds that aggregate demand — the sum of all consumption, investment,
government spending and net exports — drives stability, and that
government can and should help in difficult times. But the Austrian
perspective, developed by the Austrian economists Ludwig von Mises and
Friedrich A. Hayek, and championed today by many libertarians and
conservatives, emphasizes how government policy often makes things worse, not
Economists of all stripes agree that China may be in for a spill. John Maynard Keynes emphasized back in the 1930s the dangers of speculative bubbles, and China certainly seems to have had one in its property market.
Keynesians would
argue that Beijing has the tools to stoke aggregate demand. It could, for
example, adjust interest rates and bank reserve requirements, instruct
state-owned banks to maintain lending, or deploy some of its $3 trillion in
foreign exchange reserves. The government also appears to have many
shovel-ready construction and infrastructure projects that could help the
economy glide to a soft landing and then bounce back.
The Austrian
perspective introduces some scarier considerations. China has been investing 40
percent to 50 percent of its national income. But it is hard to invest so much
money wisely, particularly in an environment of economic favoritism. And this
rate of investment is artificially high to begin with.
Beijing is often accused of manipulating the value of its currency, the renminbi, to subsidize its manufacturing. The government also funnels domestic savings into the national banking system and grants subsidies to politically favored businesses, and it seems obsessed with building infrastructure. All of this tips the economy in very particular directions.
The Austrian
approach raises the possibility that there is no way for China to make good on
enough of its oversubsidized investments. At first, they create lots of jobs
and revenue, but as the business cycle proceeds, new marginal investments
become less valuable and more prone to allocation by corruption. The giddy
booms of earlier times wear off, and suddenly not every decision seems wise.
The combination can lead to an economic crackup — not because aggregate demand
is too low, but because the economy has been producing the wrong mix of goods
and services.
TO keep its
investments in business, the Chinese government will almost certainly continue
to use political means, like propping up ailing companies with credit from
state-owned banks. But whether or not those companies survive, the investments
themselves have been wasteful, and that will eventually damage the economy. In
the Austrian perspective, the government has less ability to set things right
than in Keynesian theories.
Furthermore, it is
becoming harder to stimulate the Chinese economy effectively. The flow of funds
out of China has accelerated recently, and the trend may continue as the
government liberalizes capital markets and as Chinese businesses become more
international and learn how to game the system. Again, reflecting a core theme
of Austrian economics, market forces are overturning or refusing to validate
the state-preferred pattern of investments.
For Western
economies, the Keynesian view is much more popular than the Austrian view among
mainstream economists. The Austrian view has a hard time explaining how so many
investors can be fooled into so much malinvestment, especially given
the traditional Austrian perspective that markets are fairly effective in
allocating resources. But China has had such an extreme and pronounced
artificial subsidization of investment that the Austrian perspective may apply
there to a greater degree.
The optimistic
view is that Chinese excess capacity and overbuilding are manageable — that the
current overextensions of investment will be propped up, but they won’t have to
be propped up for long. In this view, the Chinese economy will fairly soon grow
rather naturally into supporting its current capital structure, and its
downturns will be mere hiccups, not busts.
The pessimistic
view is that the problems are so large that the government’s attempts to prop
up its investments with further subsidies could so limit consumption, and so
distort resource allocation, that the Chinese economy will stagnate. In this
view, the political means for allocating investment would grow to dominate
market forces, the proposed “economic rebalancing” of the Chinese economy
toward domestic consumption would become a distant memory, and China would have
an even tougher time opening its capital markets and liberalizing its economy.
Given that China already faces competition from nations where wages are lower,
and that its population is aging, the country might not return to its previous
growth track.
THE jury is out.
But to my eye, we may well find a significant and lasting disruption, closer to
what the Austrian theory would predict. Consider a broader historical
perspective: How often in world history have countries enjoyed 30-plus years of
extremely rapid growth without a major economic tumble somewhere along the way?
One can be optimistic about China for the long term and still be fearful for
the next turn in its business cycle.
In any case, China
has surprised the world many times before — and is likely to surprise it again.
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